70 Replies
SMS1129 - April 11


I just got back from being out of town for the weekend and I read your great news!! I had it on my list that you were next to test on the 9th!! Absolutely awesome!!

I wish you the best of everything during your pregnancy...enjoy it!!



SMS1129 - April 11


Good luck with your test tomorrow!!

Sending Baby Dust to you!!!!!!!!!



cassandra - April 11

Fortyfour, how wonderful! I am so glad for you! xanex huh? ;DI hope it helped you!Personally I prefer percocet! haha! Keep us posted. what's your next step?

My beta came back at 1340. The nurse said "I bet I know your next question, twins?" I answered her! I said I know it doesn't guarantee twins. She said right.I am so glad I looked up beta numbers. I'm already stressed about this positive that I can't worry about that. I feel empowered by information.
Yesterday dh and I cleaned up almost all the back yard in one day! He raked, I dumped the leaves in the woods. Today I have to finish 5 more piles of leaves but it's nice out again and the leaves are very light. I have to work 4-8. A nice shift. Monday is usually my day off, but once a month when I work, they give me saturday off. This weekend I'll have sat.,sun. and mon. off. Yay! My u/s is scheduled for 9am mon.April 25. Oh boy.
babydust to all..........cassandra


Meg - April 11


Congratulations :) Your numbers sounds like twins :) Seems to be an outbreak of them lately on the boards!!! Take care and take it easy :)



meridithhasfaith - April 11

*Doing the happy dance* Hooray for *more* than doubling hcg numbers!

I am so happy for you and I just know this will be a solid healthy pregnancy. I am glad you know what makes you feel empowered. Info is good for some and not so good for others. You know it's good for you...I am the same way too. The more I know, the better I feel!

Keep up the good baby making and take good care!



ElizabethS - April 12

Cassandra - I almost peed my pants with your happy news. That is so awesome and incredible!!! You are so deserving of this joy.

Hang in there, I am sure the emotions are all over the place.

I hope you had a restful and relaxing weekend. I live in Michigan and the spring makes me so hopeful for new life. I think I will appreciate nature more than ever this season.

once again, I am rambling. congratulations.


Fortyfour - April 12

Hi Cassandra, I yelled holy moly so loud when I saw your HCG numbers my dog jumped. Wow. Twins may be coming along. keep in touch. You are one lucky girl.


BabyBound - April 12

cassandra, what awesone news! sound like twin numbers to me. keep positive thoughts and take it easy.


cassandra - April 12

Thanks everyone! Just reading your posts got me excited all over again! :) I have goosebumps! Makes me wanna start designing the baby room and read my library on mommyhood ;D!The countdown is on 12 days to U/S.
Last night I even got the dh to watch supernanny. I had never seen it before and we were both very impressed with the outcome. We don't care for reality TV but one that actually does some good and is helpful is something there should be more of.It was pretty awesome.Take care all! ;D cassandra


Fortyfour - April 13

I love supernanny also but missed last night. It makes me not want to have more than 2 kids though the things moms with 4 kids go through on the show. HA!!!! Like i ever would eh? Take care and keep growing.


cassandra - April 13

Hi all! Well we've had a streak of good weather here in the east!The sun is shining again. So far only Lucy has appeared. I think maybe the rest are planted too far down. I know the moles have been working furiously in their own design. I can't tell you how silly it looks. I have 4 bunches of tulip leaves coming up in the middle of the yard. ???
We're definately going to have to put down milky spore soon. Hopefully that will take care of the problem.
I've been feeling good. I'm very tired by the end of the day.Looking forward to the long weekend. A friend of mine and her 3 yr. old are going to the zoo on Mon. I'm looking forward to that.Next week is VACA for the kids so I expect to be swamped at work. It is a chaotic job. I've been taking prenatal and prometrium regularly. I had a dream last night I started my period. This morning I rushed to the bathroom. My mind playing tricks again. :)Keeping the faith....cassandra


Trying in NH - April 13

Cassandra!! I am sooo excited for you!!! Those numbers are excellent!!!!! Read everyhting!! The more I knew the better I felt about everything that was going on when I was pregnant. If you think you have crazy dreams now wait until you get farther along! :)

Good luck with the u/s


meridithhasfaith - April 13

I too had that dream in early pregnancy. It was scary! I remember one dream later on in pregnancy...I think closer to 5 months along...I went to the mall and spent hours there only to realize I forgot the baby at home. :o

I heard vivid dreams are normal at this time.

I hope Lucy has some friends soon!



TTC in SoCal - April 13

I've been traveling lately so am trying to catch up with everyone.
congratulations!!!!!!! I am so excited for you. I have no advice that you haven't heard.... just enjoy it for the rest of us, too!!!


cassandra - April 14

Hi ladies! Something bothering me though, I don't feel any different. I know I'm obssesing about morning sickness but otherwise no swollen breasts, twinges anything.I just don't feel pregnant. The nurse offered another blood test to see the numbers rising but I'm reluctant because last year they kept rising but it didn't matter, the baby wasn't growing.I like to think that because I'm not bleeding or cramping this time it's different.Sorry I'm a little down today.M/c is heavy on my mind.I'm glad to have the day of u/s off, just in case. Yup, I'm a worrier.Sorry I'm not feeling to positive today. Thanks for letting me vent again. cassandra


TTC in SoCal - April 14

Cassandra... someone on this list once said not to borrow trouble. :-) The reason we have morning sickness and breast tenderness, etc. is our bodies aren't used to the amounts of hormones that suddenly get thrust on them. As your body adjusts, you will probably experience days with less symptoms, so try not to worry too much.
At this point, there is nothing you can do, so try to relax, be good to yourself, think positive thoughts... we are all thinking of you.:-)



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