Emotional Preparedness And IVF

Getting through IVF intact as a couple is a royal struggle as you learn to identify and accept that there are differences in how the two of you handle and deal with emotions. Pinpointing these differences can go a long way toward reducing relationship conflicts. That's a good thing when you consider that you have enough stress on your plate from the actual IVF procedures. Minimizing outside sources of stress can help make the process of IVF a smoother one and may even contribute toward its ultimate success, when you consider how stress can affect your overall health. 

Regular Exercise

In addition to feeling your pulse as a couple and identifying coping mechanisms that work for each partner, you may want to consider other means of alleviating your stressful feelings during IVF. Getting regular exercise, for example, is a known cure-all for anxiety, stress, and depression. Listening to a relaxation tape, undergoing hypnosis, or attending stress management classes can also go a long way toward relieving the stress you experience while undergoing IVF treatment, both as a couple and as individuals.

Looking ahead to tackling unavoidable issues helps you have a grip on your feelings when the time comes to make those hairy decisions. For instance, how many cycles of IVF are you willing to undergo? Considering your limits, now, is the best way to avoid confusion and stress when you're in the thick of things. Read up, talk to experienced friends and experts and make your decision before the time to decide has arrived.

Unsuccessful Cycles

Think too, about how you will feel and what you will do at the end of an unsuccessful cycle. It may bear consideration to realize that each cycle yields new information that can impact on any future decisions about your treatment. But only you can decide how much is enough or too much.

At that point, think about looking into other ways to build your family that you would be willing to consider should your IVF attempts fail to yield a biological child. The farther ahead you are in the process of planning your future, the more in control you'll feel during the twists and turns of the IVF program. Knowledge is power.

Knowing and accepting that difficult times are ahead is crucial to getting through IVF unscathed, or at least with as few emotional and physical bumps as possible. Think about and identify the times of your cycle that will be the most difficult for you during IVF, such as the time between the transfer and discovering whether or not you are pregnant. It is helpful to realize that the possibilities for failure occur at every point of your cycle, instead of just allowing the disappointment to hit you at some point with no warning whatsoever.

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