174 Replies
JENNY22074 - May 14

Thank you so much for keeping everyone informed about me Beth...You were great to help out so much with me not having a computer up and running...However now I do have one so I can keep in touch...Gabriel is doing great...I can;t believe he turned 6 weeks on Saturday...Time sure does fly...He is beautiful and has a great disposition...He doesn't fuss much and has been sleep 4-6 hours in between bottles since we came home from the hospital...I have been blessed...

My birth story...Well I went in originally on Friday the 28th of March at 6:30 in the morning to be induced...They were so crowded that they sent all the scheduled c-sections and inductions home until 21 people could be discharged from the post partum unit and the ones in labor and delivery could be sent to the post partum unit...It was crazy...Well then at 1:30pm that same day I got a call to tell me to come back in at 3:30pm...So when we got back there they took me right in and at 4:30 they started the pitocin and I was 2cm at that point...They also broke my bag of waters and put a monitor on Gabriel's head to monitor his heartbeat because of my excess skin they were not able to get his heartbeat to register with the external monitor...Let me just say that that whole ordeal HURT!!!!...So a few hours later I got my epidural and was relaxing...My left side kept getting more and more numb because that was the side that I was laying on so he could better tolerate the contractions that I was having...So at around 6:30am they cheked me and I was 9cm and then shift change happened so they did not check me again until around 8:30am and I was 10cm and could start pushing...Well after about an hour of pushing Gabriel came out at 9:27am and weighed in at 7lbs 15ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long...He was wide awake and stayed that way until they took him to the nursery to get his first bath...Now my little man is 12lbs 2 ounces and almost 22 inches long...He loves to eat and it shows...I would love to send you all pictures...Anyone interested just drop me an email and I will send you his shutterfly album...

Well enough about me...How is everyone else...I have sooo missed you all!!!...Looking forward to catching up...Glad to see you all are still supporting and taking care of each other....Can't wait to hear all the interesting baby news....


JasJulesMom - May 14

Jenny so glad you and baby are doing great. How are you feeling? Isn't motherhood just the greates joy in the world!!!


JENNY22074 - May 14

I am feeling great and have been since I had him...I just love being mommy...He is so alert and interested in his surroundings...How are things with you?


bdantonio - May 15

Jenny its great to hear from you. Angelina is great too. Shes 3mths time is fling. Shes about15 lbs and 25 inches long now. They have put her on od 3x a day and she sleeps through the night. I a still breastfeeding which is soo easy now that she only feeds about 4 times a day. Going back to work has gotten easier.


lisa13 - May 28

Well the count down begins i am 36 weeks and 2 days; i can not wait to have this baby; sleeping is tough and i am exhausted most of the time. How is everyone else doing? Going to the doctor today; both gyne and endocronolgist for the gesational diabetes.
hope everyone is doing well


lili246 - June 2

Its nice to hear from you girl welcome back. Hey I am glad that you got pitocin right away I couldn't believe it when the burse told me that they weren't going to start that until the next day...UGH it was a nightmare because I know pitocin is to start opening and I took longer this time than with my first child. If I ever get pregnant again I will make sure the doctor orders pitocin from the begining because I suffered alot having to be in bed for a long 12 hours before I got the real induction.
Hey I never heard the hospital being packed wow that must been a nightmare for you having to wait ha.

Hey when you had the epidural did you feel your legs all full numb? I felt very bad when I had the epidural I didn't feel my legs at all I felt like if I was going to explode I couldn't move I felt like a hipopotamus..lol I don't know if that was normal though because I didn't fell that way with my son.

When they checked you and you were fully dilated were you bleeding? I was fully dilated and when the nurse checked me I was bleeding and I got scared... I guess that part is never good until you see the little one out.

Sure sounds like you are having fun with him and heard that you are not going back to work ha that must be nice.
Send me pictures at [email protected]

Hey girls I have a question?? well I have never been regular except the last few months I was right on time but this last time I wasn't I was suppose to have af around may 17 or 21 and not yet. I know that I am not pregnant because we use protection.
But I have been having alot of cm and I don't remember if this is normal? I am just wondering why I would be having lots of cm any suggestions??

Hope that everyone is doing well. Keep us posted.

Love Lili


jamielee - June 3

Hi lili,

I still have not had af but I also have alot of cm. Were you breastfeeding?? I just stopped (thank god) it was just taking up to much of the time I needed to take care of the babies! I was pumping every 3 hours!! Anyway I think that because this will be my first cycle after pregnancy I am having the cm. I feel so guilty that I'm not breastfeeding any more, it was really difficult but I was having major anxiety while pumping because the babies would be crying and my 5 year old needed something so I am DONE!!

I will send u pictures as well then you can send me some too! I would like to keep my email private so if anyone would like to share photos send me a private message!



jamielee - June 3

Lisa you are so close hang in there!! I know how tough the home stretch is!! My babies are 7 months already!! It goes by so fast!


lili246 - June 3

Thanks for the pictures they are so cute, wow they are so big aswell.
I will send you some to :)

About breastfeeding I just breastfeed my son for 1 month because I got breast infection called mastitis in both breast and when I wanted to breast feed him again he didn't want to take it anymore. I stopped giving him while I was on antibiotics so yeah I have had like 3 af's already and they were right on time which it never happened before since I have been so irregular. But I guess I am back on my irregular periods since I have not had af this last month.
Yeah I am getting alot of cm and I was just wondering why?
I guess I need to wait and see when af will be here.

Have a great day.


JulieC - June 4

Just popping in to say hi. Glad everyone is doing well. What about Linzie and Daniella? I'm sure I'm leaving people out but I know that those two are due soon.
I'm feeling well but it's getting tough to move around or bend over and sleeping is a little difficult. I still need to get to the baby store to pick up some items that I didn't get at the shower and then pack the bags and I should be set! I can't believe it.


lili246 - June 4

Keep it up girl you are almost there and that is great. SOon your will meet your little boy and please keep us posted on how it goes and send pictures.
I know it gets uncomfy at the end but everything is worth it and you have made it girl. So when is your due date?

Good luck


doglover - June 11

Where is everyone? I have had a hard time logging in recently but have also not been online as much...

I wanted to see how all of you girls were doing!! We are due soon...can you believe it? I went to the doctor today and all is well. I am 1 cm dilated and 80 effaced. I have a little over 2 weeks until my due date. I stopped working this week but still feel great (thank goodness). We are trying to finish some projects around the house and relax a bit before the baby comes.

How is everyone???
Hope to hear from you-Linzie


lisa13 - June 12

hey linz-
i am 1 cm and 80% also; i am going to be induce on monday the 16th yea.
working up til the end. Saturday is my last day.

wish me luck


doglover - June 12

Wow Lisa-that is so soon!!!

Why are you being induced?


lisa13 - June 13

I am due june 23. so they are inducing me a week early because i am insulin diabetic. and the baby is probably about 8 pounds right now.


wolffie - June 13

hi ladies!

i can't believe we are all due so soon! Lisa...Monday, how exciting! You will have to keep us all posted. Linzie - when is your due date? i think you are due just a day after me.

My due date is two weeks from today. I am feeling great but ready to have this baby! I have a doc appt. tomorrow and am hoping hoping hoping that there will be some dilation or effacement. Two weeks ago at my last internal there was nothing going on yet.

jenny - it's great to see that you are able to post again. how is gabriel doing?




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