236 Replies
doglover - December 10

Hi girls

Michelle-I bet you are looking forward to your ultrasound! I am sure everything is fine, but it is always nice to have reassurance. Good luck. I am sorry about your father-in-law.

Daniella-You are so funny. I think I would give myself such anxiety trying to use the Doppler. I would be obsessed with it.

Beth-Hang in there. That is sad about the tree, but thankfully you can participate in all future tree picking. We are still trying to select one that will not get destroyed by our puppy since she loves feasting on branches.

I have my first trimester screening tomorrow so I will let you guys know how it goes. Although I heard the heartbeat on Friday, I am nervous there will be something wrong on the u/s tomorrow. Maybe the worry will lessen in a few weeks! Thankfully, my morning sickness has gone away for the most part. I love food, and it is nice to look forward to eating again. Crazy question, but is anyone showing? I definitely have a small bump. It may be bc I am thin and also lost weight early on, but it seems so early. My belly button has also started to become an outy...

Have a good nite-Linzie (Lindsay) (I know I confuse everyone with my spelling, but when I first joined this forum I was trying to protect my husband and his sperm count issues by making my name more anonymous since I had never met anyone with my spelling. At this point, it does not really matter anymore...sorry for any has become a habit at this point.)


wolffie - December 10

linzie -

how funny about your name. My college roomates name was lindsay (same spelling) and she also would use linzie as a spelling. i also tried to protect my privacy when i was first posting and would sign posts with wolffie. i then realized that everyone i know knows we were doing ivf so what was i really protecting us from?!?!

i have noticed a small bump already and my tummy is hard in certain spots. I am starting to not fit into my regular clothes but i know i would not fit into any maternity clothes yet.



JulieC - December 10

Michelle - I am so sorry to hear about your father in law. My FIL also passed away suddenly last year and I know haw rough it can be. Holidays are always the toughest. It's nice that everyone can focus on the anticipation of your baby coming. I don't know what my mother in law would have done without her grandchildren when he passed.

Lisa - if you don't mind me asking, why have you decided not to have testing? I am struggling with the decision myself. My husband does not want to get it because he fears a false positive, but I am leaning toward having it.

Linzie - good luck with your u/s. I'm sure everything will be fine! Do you "graduate" from the clinic soon?



doglover - December 10

Hi everyone

Just wanted to report on the first trimester screening test-simple, awesome u/s equipment resulting in great images. We had so much fun watching the detailed images of the baby flipping around (and it was even transabdominal vs transvaginal!). We will take the results with a grain of salt-hopefully they will just turn out okay. The doctor said the u/s looked perfect-no abnormalities detected (they measure cardiac size, spinal canal space, etc). I have to wait a week for the bloodwork results. My husband wanted to do testing bc of the info it providesb-I selfishly just wanted to see another u/s!!
Okay, off to run some errands!! Have a good day-Linzie


JulieC - December 10

Linzie - so glad everything looks good so far. Did you have the test at your OB's office or at Cooper?


JENNY22074 - December 11

Everyone - Mostly Beth...I had a brown spot in my c/m today and called the doctor and they wanted my to come into labor and delivery which I did...They did an exam and said that my cervix was short so the on call doctor ordered an u/s...6 weeks ago when I had my 18 week anamoly screening my cervix measured 3.8 and now it measures 2.7 which they say it may be thinning already...I am supposed to take it easy for now and on the 31st go to see my doctor who will then check me a possibly decide if it warrants bedrest or not...What is your opinion?


JulieC - December 11

Hi All - I had my 10 week u/s today and all still looks good. I saw the little head and eyes and both brain hemispheres - it's amazing! I still can't believe that something so small can have a working brain and heart. He/she does resemble a monkey/skelator kind of creature but I'm sure that will change :)


mjforney - December 11

Linzie.Thanks so much, I go for mine tomorrow!


bdantonio - December 11

jenny i answered you under the thinning cervix site. WEll 6 more weeks of bedrest then im aloud out. The dr said i can have the baby anytime after 36week mark. Yeah the finish line is insight.


doglover - December 12

Julie-That is great about your u/s! Have you stopped your progesterone yet? I just went for b/w yesterday but did not receive a callback yet.

Beth and Jenny-Hang in there. I cannot imagine being placed on bedrest. Our children better be grateful for all that we have endured!

Have a good day-Linzie


bdantonio - December 12

Linzie: as much as i hate bedrest i should be use to it. With my first daughter i was put on bedrest from the begining then they took me off at 20 weeks to see how i would do, it lasted 3 weeks and back on i want till i gave birth. Im just glad this is my last.


JulieC - December 12

Linzie - I haven't gotten my call back yet either. Dr. Jacobs wants them to call him with the results to decide if I can start to go off, but he's still not convinced that I'm making enough on my own.
Did you have an u/s at cooper this week? I thought you had one on Monday. Have they released you?


bdantonio - December 12

Julie how far along are you?


JulieC - December 12

I am 10 w 4d. My progesterone has been low during all of my monitoring and my endometrial biopsy also showed that the progesterone in the lining was off. I'm on two 400mg progesterone suppositories per day and one 200mg prometrium pill at night. My doctor said that he would want to see my numbers at 70 or 80 with all of the supplements I'm on, but for most of the pregnancy it's been hovering around 42-45 so he's worried I'm not making my own. But I just got my blood results from yesterday and it jumped up to 63, so I hope that is a sign that my placenta is helping out.
Do you know anything about the estrodial number? It went down this week and I'm not sure what it is supposed to be doing.


bdantonio - December 13

Sorry i dont know anytingabout the estridol number but my preogestrone level stayed at 35 and they said that was fine. I stayed on it until week 14. When does your RE usually release his patients back to their OB. Also of the ladies here say theres released them at like 8 weeks i was not released until i was off the progestrone.


doglover - December 13

Hi Julie
My estradiol has stayed around 1000-I don't know that there is any signficance unless it starts decreasing dramatically. Ask Sam, he can tell you. My progesterone was 102 so they told me to stop it and recheck blood in one week. Thank goodness-I am ready to be done!!!

Did anyone else have spotting when they stopped their progesterone? My obgyn mentioned this but not the RE...




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