4 Replies
smod - November 2

I'm 39 yrs old and will be going through an IVF from egg donor. I was on BC for a month and started Lupron on 10/18. Lupron is 1 mg injection daily for 2 weeks. Yesterday I had an appointment with my RE and I was my 13th day of Lupron. He performed ultrasound and asked me if I've been taking Lupron. I was puzzled and said yes. He said that I still have follicles in my right ovary. How could that be? I thought Lupron was supposed to prevent it from happening. I know I took injections in my stomach everyday with the right amount of Lupron. Today he will call me with the results from FSH and E2 and then let me know if we should proceed taking estrogen and progesterone injections. If not, IVF will be cancelled and I will have to start all over again possibly in Jan or Feb.

I'm still distraught with the news... is common that your body may not respond to Lupron? The only medication I've been taking are 5 mg Levoxyl (due to hypothyroid); prenatal pills and baby aspirin. Do they have adverse effect on Lupron?

Another note.. My period came on 10/20 when I was put on lupron on the 18th. I wondered if it was too soon to go on it.

Looking forward to hear your advice.

Thank you.


smod - November 2

Dear Dr,

I just got a call from the nurse that my RE wants me to increase the dosage from .10 to .20 two times a day daily until I see him again on the 7th.

The nurse mentioned that my body is immune to Lupron. Why? Is there anything i could do such as take immune testing?

Sorry for asking you too many questions. Thanks.


B. Jacobs, M. D. - November 2

I really do not know why your dose was increased. You cannot be alergic to Lupron.
Good luck.


smod - November 9

Hi Dr Jacobs,

IVF for donor cycle is cancelled because Leuprolide (injection) did not suppress my ovulation. My question is... why did it happen? What causes it? I took Leuprolide (10 unit) when going through endometrial biospy in May/June 2006. Do you think my body was used to it?

What is your opinion about Synarel (nafarelin)? Does nasal spray have a better chance than injection?

Your advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


B. Jacobs, M. D. - November 9

I do not know why you ovulated on Lupron, unless it was started at the wrong time of your cycle. I have no experience with Synarel. My only concern is that if you have a "cold" or alergies, it will not be absorbed from your upper lip.
Good luck.



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