Any luck with e-book "Miracles do happen"
14 Replies
hopeluck - September 27

Anyone read the e-book "Miracle Do Happen" by Carol Andrews and had any luck conceiving with her secret that she claims made her pregnant after 5 years of ttc. Please let me know if anyone had any experience. Her site Thanks a lot.


yellowshelley - October 22

I have not read this, did you get any replies, I am at a point in my infertility that I would eat nails if that's what it took. Let me know. Thanks, Shelley


caretta32 - January 31

I paid for it and read it but I feel it was a waste of money. The things she suggest are things that are not fesible in my life...I work over 40 hours a week and the vitamins, supplements what you can and cant eat and so forth are quite extensive.


JANE ALLERTON - February 18

Hello Caretta:

the book was ok, but a bit tough to follow as it wasn't professionally edited. I didn't think it hurt to read it, but it didn't really say much other than eat organic, rest, destress, relax, get toxic clearning products out of the house, etc. It was a very small bit of change compared to what I spent on IVF so far. It brings hope and that's what sells it.

Currently, prego at 4 weeks or so. Due to IVF, accupuncture, and fundamentally rock solid health as a baseline prior to IVF. I'm 43 with no history of anything despite every known test to mankind (including Millenova bloods). I would NOT credit this book with my present miracle. Still lots of hurdles to go through. Much baby dust to all!


Princess24 - February 18


So do you think it is worth getting? My dh thinks it would be a waste of money. I came across her site last night and was just wondering. I agree w/ shelley I would eat nails too if that is what I need to do to get preg.

So the book is basically about diet, cleaning products the way you live your life? I am pretty good at what I eat (I eat almost everything organic) cleaning chemicals, well I do have those and I do clean alot, I don't have much stress I quit my full time job I only now work 2 days a wk @ a health club and I babysit 3 days a wk.I really don't have that much stress. The only stress that I have is I"M NOT PREGNANT! and well maybe my dh at times lol :) So if that is what the books about, then I pretty much am alredy there and I am not preg.

Do you think I should still get it? Is there more to that than what you said that probably can help? If you have any opinons please help.

Thank You
Take Care,


Princess24 - February 19

Hey girls,

I was just found a forum while looking up the ebook and came across some women who were talking about the book saying they think it is a gimick. Anyways a lady on there was talking about a book that her friend recomended to her. The book was called " Taking Charge of Your Fertility " she said her friend was trying to get his wife preg for 11yrs their Dr recomended that they get the book and read it. After I think 2 1/2 mths they finally got preg. The lady got the book and she got preg also. I don't know if it works, but it wouldn't hurt to get it and read it. You probably could go to Barnes and Nobles or something like that and could read it. I think I am going to check it out and at least the book is printed and it is out there, you know?

I thought I would just share that w/ you, who knows maybe it'll work. You can type it in and find it so I would go check it out. Now let remind you I am not a promoter of the book I just came across it and I thought I would share it.

Have a great night,


JANE ALLERTON - February 19

Hello Kim: just back in and read your two posts about the e-book. It motivated me to dig it out of my piles of books (regular ones). I had printed it out this e-book so I could read it easier. It's just common sense stuff and does address the topic if you have extremely long cycles (plus 30 days) and delayed ovulation which I hadn't seen before, but that didn't apply to me since I've been clock work 28 days my whole life (except pregnancy of course).

At 43 years old, I am going to risk sounding like your mother here.....but I'll share my honest straight up assessment from my 1.5 years of IVF and science background. I've been blessed with a fantastic life so far and only challenge for me is having my own god willing....this time.... I'm 4 weeks prego with a shaky prognosis....

Go to and order the INFERTILITY SURVIVAL HANDBOOK by Elizabeth Swire Faulkner. An excellent, well researched, well written, FACT based book. It's about $15 or less. It's current and really gets to the points in a very linear, no nonsense way. I read it twice in my library before I finally wanted my own copy. It's not a scam book, just very very practical. READ THIS BOOK TWICE.

Secondly, at your young age after 3 years of ttc, there may be a question mark in either your well-being OR your husband's well-being?? As reluctant as most men will find themselves to be tested, about 35% of long time infertility challenges are SOLELY due to the male factor. ANd you can NOT see it externally. A totally buff, healthy looking guy may have the worst infertility problems of all..... For the man to be tested, this is a NO BRAINER and does NOT involve drugs, shots or anything else invasive. EASY AS PIE FOR THE GUY.

Ironically, we thought it was just my "AGE" when we discovered early on by testing, that my DH has a minor male factor deficiency which is totally solved by ICSI technique in the lab and again there is NOTHING the man has to do that hurt's him. Without ICSI and IVF, no matter what my age, we would still be at square zero because of his male factor. ICSI has to happen WITHIN IVF regime.

I imagine that you go to your regular Ob-GYn for your annual check-up....why wait since you have been trying for 3 years now?? That's long waiting in my book....GO NOW and get a special appointment and get a referral from her/him if they don't specialise. I have found my regular OB-GYN practice (several different doctors) to be less than well informed about infertility (I actually knew more stats and facts than they did).

Given your part-time work, you have the flexibility to schedule a sooner than later ob-gyn appointment or a consult with an RE specialist. You can always use the shared journey site for reality checks , but you and your DH are really best served by having a medical assessment for your own unique situation. Everyone is unique and you deserve that evaluation!

Hopefully, my miracle (yes, IVF does really work!) can go the whole 9 months this time. Much baby dust to you


Princess24 - February 19


Thank you for your post, it is really appreciated.

One issue I have is my periods are not all the time regular. Last cycle I didn't start till day 41 I was almost 2wks late:( This month I think it'll start pretty much on time ( my (.)(.) are killing me ) the only thing is, is I don't know if I will start on day 28 or 30. I can most of the time expect af between those days, but usually never always on the same consitant day. It is hard for me to pin point my O and I don't think I O all the time. I have OPK ( doesn't work now :( ) but when I was using it I never saw that egg to say I had a peak. I always had high and it would say high for a while. I think my estrogen levels get high, but I don't have an LH surge all the time. I only got to use the OPK for 2mths. I do think I O this mth and I do know what to look for, but my dh wasn't home :( and i think I might have a short window. I heard that some women only have a small window, so maybe thats me.

I have a regular OB-GYN and she is great and very agressive. Right away she did lots of BW and did an u/s and an internal u/s and injected fluid to push things out of the way and see everything, was not comfotrable!! It took the senographer(sp?) 5min to find my R ovary, it did not feel good being poked like that!!! After every thing all went well and they could find nothing she said I was very healthy and she can not find a reason why I'm not preg. I know my dh should get checked and I am trying to talk to him about that, he is very reluctant ( I think it is a male ego thing ) He knows he needs to and I think when we get back from Fl he will.

I will check out that book and I am also going to check out the other book. Thank you for telling me about that book :)

Yes, it is very nice to have a part time job where it is alot more flexible to leave for appointments. The good thing about that also is they all know that I am having problems getting preg and they do not have issues of me leaving for appointments.

I really hope that some day it will be my time to shine and I can post on here about my BFP :) I hope all goes well for your pregnancy and that you have a very healthy one. Keep me posted.

Take Care,


JANE ALLERTON - February 19

Hello Kim: thanks for the bounce back. Great to hear that you are getting the other 2 books mentioned and not the e-book.

Thanks for sharing your details. Sounds like you are doing all the right things for your self and by yourself. Sounds like your OB-GYN checked everything out solidly. CONGRATS!!! So if your half of the equation is totally fine, then there remains your DH as the other half, right??? As they say, it takes two to tango....

Again, being a pain here and the old aunt/mother here, the test for the male factors is TOTALLY PAINLESS!! Tell him to suck it up and do it.....after all you have been torturing yourself for 3 years now, can't he do this one simple itsy bitsy thing???

As I shared earlier, I got my DH to do it very early on and he's the most macho of men that come along. He was relived to learn that a very simple technique solved his male factor challenge. I just had to re-assure him that his little soldiers were in the hands of experts during our IVF and thank GOD for the very smart people
blessed with the skills of ICSI and technology.

What's 10 minutes of your DH's time vs. your 3 years???
I believe GOD enabled us to have others in our lives such as doctors, etc blessed with special capabilities to bring more joy and happiness to everyone. Hope your DH can appreciate those folks too and it's not just about him....

I'll keep you posted on my pregnancy, but as I said it is on very very shaky ground with lousy beta values and bad trending. Perhaps a miracle still can come to be.
Much baby dust to all!


Princess24 - February 20


I love what you had to say and I will work on my dh.
He will do it I think he just needs more nagging. He really cares and wants a baby REAL BAD and I think he just needs a lil push, you know? I also know he always thinks of the $$$ but he also knows that is what needs to be done. I was thinking about ordering some abreoz for my dh when I try ovulex, but we'll have to see. He said he will take them. I guess everything is one step at a time.

I really hope everything goes well for you w/ your pregnancy, I will keep you in my prayers.

Well I have to get some things done.

Talk to you later
Take Care,


JANE ALLERTON - February 22

Hello Kim;

thanks so much for your kind thoughts and prayers-very much appreciated! Another week's wait....

My positive thoughts are with you about your DH doing the right thing by you. All the very best baby dust wishes! Jane


maggi - February 22

[quote author=Princess24 link=board=16;threadid=3035;start=0#32312 date=1171853672]
Hey girls,

I was just found a forum while looking up the ebook and came across some women who were talking about the book saying they think it is a gimick. Anyways a lady on there was talking about a book that her friend recomended to her. The book was called " Taking Charge of Your Fertility " she said her friend was trying to get his wife preg for 11yrs their Dr recomended that they get the book and read it. After I think 2 1/2 mths they finally got preg. The lady got the book and she got preg also. I don't know if it works, but it wouldn't hurt to get it and read it. You probably could go to Barnes and Nobles or something like that and could read it. I think I am going to check it out and at least the book is printed and it is out there, you know?

I thought I would just share that w/ you, who knows maybe it'll work. You can type it in and find it so I would go check it out. Now let remind you I am not a promoter of the book I just came across it and I thought I would share it.

Have a great night,

thanks for the tip kim i'll check it out too! never know it could help me end this roller coaster ride of getting preggy. :-[

thanks again


SAHARA - June 17

After a failed IVF I read the book and wanted to try it but I also sought a nutritionist advise and an acupuncturist and after less than two months of trying the method the book suggest and with the acupunture I got pregnant after 9 yrs of trying traditional medicine. my boy now is 1 1nd 1/2 year and very smart and happy child. By the way I was 41 years old at time of conceiving.


charlyv - January 21

Hi Hopeluck,

I am sure by now you have already gotten your answer on Carol Andrews e-book, but for anyone else who may be researching this I have one thing to say most e-books are scams and this one is no different. Think about this, we are all in the same boat and most likely pretty desperate, after all that this woman went thru you would think that she would want to impart her knowlege on this matter woman to woman, with understanding and compassion for the plight of the woman who has difficulty conceiving. She sure would not be charging $29.95 for information that we can obtain from our own GYN's. She should be ashamed of herself, DON'T Buy it.


dallas - May 10

Hi, try Fertility Foods by Jeremy Groll. Highly reccommended.



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