Top Ten Fertility Tips
If you're raring to go have a baby but don't know where to begin, you've come to the right place. We've compiled a top ten list of conception tips. Here are ten great ways to help you become a mom-to-be:
1) Get yourself in shape. Before you start trying to conceive, you should have a standard medical checkup. Have a Pap smear done, see your dentist, and get your lipids and blood pressure checked. If you're on the other side of 35, have a baseline mammogram, too. Next is preconception testing to rule out hereditary conditions or infectious diseases that might harm a baby. Anything on your health to-do list should be taken care of before you conceive.
2) Your partner's health affects the quality and quantity of his sperm. Make him quit smoking, and educate him to avoid tight underwear and pants as well as the use of saunas and hot tubs. Too much heat in the area of the testicles can cut down on sperm production.
Medication List
3) Write up a list of your medications and discuss with your doctor how these might affect conception. Your partner should follow suit.
4) If your weight is too high or too low, this can affect the lining of your uterus as well as your ability to ovulate. Ask your doctor to advise you on nutrition and exercise to make sure your body is ready to support conception.
5) It's not just your partner who needs to quit smoking. You need to quit, too. Cigarettes can harm your reproductive health by affecting egg development and hormone production.
Goodbye Stress
6) Lower your stress level. Stress has a huge negative impact on your health and in your ability to conceive. Do whatever it takes to reduce stress. Have a massage, get regular workouts, and talk to supportive friends about your stress-causing issues. Try acupuncture or yoga.
7) Talk to your Ob/Gyn and ask whether you might not benefit from the advice of a reproductive endocrinologist with a specialty in fertility issues. If you're under the age of 35 and haven't conceived within a year of trying, it's recommended that you have a consultation with an RE. If you're over 35 and haven't conceived after 6 months of effort, see that RE. Don't put it off.
8) Do your research on area fertility clinics and physicians. Check out statistics, history, and references. Find a program with a good reputation that is not only successful but is also affordable.
Covering Costs
9) Go over your health insurance policy with a fine-toothed comb to see which fertility treatments are covered and look into the particulars. Be ready to cover costs if your policy does not.
10) Learn all about your own menstrual cycle. You can do this with a basal thermometer or with ovulation kits. You'll learn all about your own reproductive health and you'll discover your optimal times for intercourse.
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