success with frozen embryo transfer?
3 Replies
Marina - February 26

Hi everybody!
I just had a m/c at 16 weeks after my first IVF.
We were lucky to have 6 frozen embryos left an exellent quality.
My quiestion to eveybody, who went through this, or know some people who were successful with frozen transfers and got alive baby.I know statistics,but is there a real person who went through this?
Or there is no sense to waste even more money and time and be left brokenhearted again?


Meg - February 27

Hi Marina,
First off I am so very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you must feel, but please know that you are in my thoughts. Even though it has been awhile since I have done infertility treatments, I still visit the board t read others stories and journeys. Our first fresh IVF attempt ended in m/c. I was an over the top responder and had quite a bit of embryos frozen. My husband and I decided to try on our own after our failed IVF, but had no success. We decided to do a frozen transfer. We thawed 6 embryos. 5 made the thaw and 4 divided. We did a three day transfer. One was greater than 8 cells, one was 8 cells, one was 6 cells, and one was not that great. Crazily enough we transferred all 4!! Yikes, I know. I think they did that b/c I had already had 2 previous m/cs and the likelyhood of all 4 taking was not that great. Well 3 did take much to my husbands and my surprise. You could have knocked me over w/ a feather. After we were very used to the idea of triplets, we lost one of the babies at around 12 weeks gestation. I was sad, but also knew it was for the best as I am very small and probably could never have carried triplets. As it turned out anyway, I had the twins 2 months early. Long story short, we have boy/girl twins that turned 4 in December that were the result of a frozen embryo transfer. Please do not give up hope. I would proceed w/ the frozen transfer when you feel ready. It is a much easier process too. Not as many shots and daily trips to the RE. Good Luck w/ whatever you decide and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


mommyof2 - August 15

My husband and I had recent suffered a m/c after a fresh transfer. We are now moving on to a frozen transfer. I'm scared that it won't take again for various possible reasons. But we are not giving up on trying. Your story creates hope.!
[quote author=Meg link=board=12;threadid=5488;start=0#47251 date=1204077973]
Hi Marina,
First off I am so very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you must feel, but please know that you are in my thoughts. Even though it has been awhile since I have done infertility treatments, I still visit the board t read others stories and journeys. Our first fresh IVF attempt ended in m/c. I was an over the top responder and had quite a bit of embryos frozen. My husband and I decided to try on our own after our failed IVF, but had no success. We decided to do a frozen transfer. We thawed 6 embryos. 5 made the thaw and 4 divided. We did a three day transfer. One was greater than 8 cells, one was 8 cells, one was 6 cells, and one was not that great. Crazily enough we transferred all 4!! Yikes, I know. I think they did that b/c I had already had 2 previous m/cs and the likelyhood of all 4 taking was not that great. Well 3 did take much to my husbands and my surprise. You could have knocked me over w/ a feather. After we were very used to the idea of triplets, we lost one of the babies at around 12 weeks gestation. I was sad, but also knew it was for the best as I am very small and probably could never have carried triplets. As it turned out anyway, I had the twins 2 months early. Long story short, we have boy/girl twins that turned 4 in December that were the result of a frozen embryo transfer. Please do not give up hope. I would proceed w/ the frozen transfer when you feel ready. It is a much easier process too. Not as many shots and daily trips to the RE. Good Luck w/ whatever you decide and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


nora - May 21


I had gone though IVF 2 months ago, the results were excellent, I had 14 embryos.
The first transfer and the second failed (usinf 2 embryos each time). I was optimistic about the third one but I had the BID surprise. I had only 1 embryo that survived among the nine that were left. My pregnancy test will be after 13 days. If this one failed , this means I have to go over again the while procedure (injections, retreival,...). Can anyone explain how 8 embryos can fail after defreezing (knowing that it has only been 2 months??!!!!!!!!



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