Dr. Jacobs,
I hope you wouldn't mind answering one more question for me.
Of how much use would an endometrial biopsy to evaluate the phase of the endometerium be when done in the context of a medicated cycle in which the person (which would happen to be myself) has been on higher doses than normal of estradiol for a longer period of time than normal (26 days). My lining wasn't thick enough at only 5 mm to do the transfer so now we have converted this to a mock cycle for the purpose of the biopsy. The problem, as I found out today, was that the lining needs to be at least 7 mm to even do the biopsy so now I'm looking at an additional week of even more medication in an attempt to get to that point. Assuming I do, I would then take progesterone for 7 days prior to the biopsy.
Is this sort of test done in this context useful for determining anything? I'm not sure I want to go through the additional weeks of medication if this is really just an inconclusive test in this situation that won't have any real use in determining future treatment. Thank you very much for your opinion.
Today, the only reason I do an endometrial biopsy is to test for a molecule felt to be important for embryo implantation. For more information about that molecule, I invite you to see our web site, <www.texasfertility.com>. Good luck.