68 Replies
Alexa - October 4

I was wondering if anyone has taken anything other
than Clomid for meds to try to conceive, I have done 4 IUI's all with follistim and ovidrel, since my insurance
will not allow me to continue on to IVF I figure some
help is better than no help..I am not up on the new
drugs out there replacing Clomid I hear Clomid is not the drug of choice any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..


liz - October 4

I am not aware of any other oral meds besides Clomid.

I personally did not do well with Clomid but there are many, many women out there who have conceived using it.

I was doing Repronex injections when I got my BFP. I loved the Repronex.

Best of Luck to you,



Alexa - October 5

Hi Liz,

The reason I was asking because I know Dr. Jacobs
here on the forums has not prescribed Clomid in a long
time, I actually conceived a daughter 2.5yrs ago on Clomid, but was wondering since then if they do not
prescribe Clomid and actually use something else to replace it since its been awhile since I had my daughter..

The clomid gave me headaches, moodiness and hot flashes they told me to take it at night and hopfully sleep some of the side effects away...

I have tried several IUI's with injections that didn't seem
to work since I can not continue onto IVF because our insurance will not cover it I figure some help is better than no help...I have an appt with the RE to discuss the failed treatments I did have I hope he will not give up on us and will at least let us try Clomid or another drug
so we can try on our on....

I want to congratulate you on your pregnancy and wish you a healthy happy pregnancy and baby....


liz - October 7

Hi Alexa -

Thank you for your kind words.

I know Dr. Jacobs is not a believer in Clomid, but I also know there are many doctors who sitll perscrible it regulary. When I begin seeing my re the first thing they did was try Clomid. They told me they like to start out with the mildest medications and then work from there.

I like you had many of the same side effects as you on the Clomid. In addition I seemed to have less cm and my lining was not thick enough to support a pregnancy. For me the Clomid was not working so I moved on to the injections.

I do not know of any medications that they have come out with that are similiar to Clomid. Nothing "new and better" that I am aware of. I have done alot of research on medications and I read alot that Clomid is what the docs try first and if that fails they move on to injections.

Congratulations on your little girl. You are a success story with Clomid. Have you tried the Clomid again recently?

Take care,


Alexa - October 7

Hi Liz,

I have an RE appt oct 23rd to go over all the failed IUI's I had and also to discuss if he could put us on Clomid or somthing similar, They might say well after taking injections I don't think anything else will work but I am going to tell him that some help is better than no help.

I was reading that sperm needs time to calcify before it can actually be strong enough to attack the egg so it seems that you have to just get really lucky of the timing with IUI's, since we have unexplained 2nd time infertility we decided to just try on our own with the help of Clomid if the RE will allow us too.....

You must be so excited after all the ups and downs of
TTC......I till this day still think my daughter is a miracle I was on Clomid for 2mths I wasn't trying to figure out back then every symptom or sign of pregnancy like I am now, I remember I had no symptoms but the night my period was due I for fun decided to POAS and it came out positive, I was running around the house like a crazy woman so excited.....I believe its what god wants
and hopefully he will answer everyone's prayers on here...

Thanks so much for responding to my post!

I hope your doing great and getting plenty of rest!
God bless your little baby...


liz - October 9

Hi Alexa -

I am glad to hear you have an appt scheduled with your re. Hopefully you can get some answers then. I agree with you about some help is better than none. Anything is worth a shot.

The ups and downs of ttc can be very draining emotionally and physically. Although at times it was hard for me I always kept my faith. I always knew deep inside that it would happen, I just had no idea when. The month I got my bfp I knew it was my last month ttc to awhile, it was either then or it would be on hold till Jan. I was nervous but you know once I made that decision to take a break I felt like a ton of weight was lifted off my shoulders. At 8 dpo I woke up feeling like I got run over by a mac truck. I was extremely exhausted all day. I remember dh and I went to Home Depot that night and I was so tired that I had to sit down every chance I got and take a break. I thought this is strange, maybe I am coming down with a cold. At dpo I tested, I was not planning on it but I just did and sure enough it was positive. Dh took a picture of me holding my tests (yes, I did 2 in a couple hours, talk about obsessed). It is so funny to look at the pic, I look so happy and shocked.

The whole miracle of conception is just amazing. The more I would read the more I would think, my gosh so much can go wrong how does it ever go right. I have read a lot of mixed reviews about IUI's. For some women they seem to work great, for others they seem to have problems. I think that it really depends on your clinic and what their protocol is for timing. I know with IUI's there is a much smaller window of how long the sperm will live so they must get the timing down just right which can be very difficult. Its a shame we can't get a memo from the egg when it is about to release, you know so that we could get the timing down exact. Maybe some day. ;)

Well, I must get some work done.
I hope you have a great day.


Alexa - October 9

Hi Liz,

Its nice to hear from you, I remember all to well about feeling tired but really your energy does come back one day you will wake up and go thru the day and remember how tired you use to be...

I remember walking thru the mall at about 34 weeks and all of a sudden I had to find a seat to sit down I didn't understand why all of a sudden I felt exhausted
I had a Dr. appt maybe a few days later and I was talking to my gynocologist and when they did a blood
draw for my symptoms they found out I was anemic I guess the baby takes all the iron from I took iron pills and then I felt great, I think I only took them for awhile and then made sure I eat things rich in keep that in mind for later on down the road I guess its pretty common....for me I guess the vitamins I was taking wasn't enough...

I had an RE appt last week but my dog needed surgery and the day of my appt with the RE is when he needed to come home I really missed him the house was so quiet so I called and changed my appt. I was so confused because I new my appt would be rescheduled for weeks later and it was, but my dog is fine now and my appt is in almost 2 weeks...

As for now I can feel ovulation cramps kicking in soon I am 10 days in from my last period so I guess we should try on our own....Have you ever used an Ovulation kit?
Those worry me because sometimes when you get the positive it may have been positive hours before you got the first pos because you didn't test then...

Do you have any advice on how often during the week I ovulate that we should try its been awhile for us because we had IUI's and you know they do all the work! LOL...

Have a great day and I hope your energy comes back sooner!



liz - October 9

Hi Alexa -

I have never personally used the Ovulation Predictors more then just trying it here and there. From what I understand and have read you should begin using them on day 10 of your cycle. You should use one everyday till you get the postive then you should ovulate in 12-36 hours. I believe the key is to begin using them early so that you don't miss the postive. If you are checking each day you will be sure to notice when it changes. For me I didn't surge on my own at the right time. I actually surged after the egg was mature, too mature if that makes sense. I had to do the trigger hcg's each month.

I have read that you should be having sex every other day from about day 10 one. My dh had incredible numbers so we would have sex from every day from the day of trigger for 4 days. The 4th day was basically just for added measure since I ovulated on day 3 after trigger. Was your dh ever tested?

Thank you so much for your kind words, it helps to know you are not going nuts.

Take care,


Alexa - October 9

Hi Liz,

My dh has had many SA while doing the IUI's they tell you the count before they inseminate you...they flectuate all the time his highest count was 130 million and I felt like if we had only tried on our own at that great count I would have probably had more luck, since timing is key with an IUI....

Other counts have been 60 million and 75 million and every test for me has come back normal maybe its just an age factor so I guess that maybe the reason....although you hear of 44 yr old actesses now are getting pregnant with no intervention which still gives me some hope...

We have the money saved for IVF but it would only be one try and we really want to buy a house in the spring so my DD can have a big backyard my dh wanted to try IVF but its not a guarantee and I would hate to lose the money we have saved up...then again I feel like I am saying its not worth the try and it is, I am just torn...

Is your belly getting big??? I remember having to pee like every 10min thru my entire pregnancy I had it really rough although my nausea was only a short time my stomach felt very rough for a couple of weeks and then I was fine for the entire pregnancy, I am only 5'1" and at the time I only weighed like 110 I was carrying very low which was causing me to pee constantly, Let me tell you everytime we would go out I would have to stop at every bathroom, I have seen the worst of bathrooms let me tell you a couple of times I held it till we got home...LOL

Enjoy every minute of being pregnant I remember I kept asking the Dr. when is the baby coming towards the end she told me you are going to miss being pregnant it happened to me, I said no way, it turned out she was right after I had my daughter and we got home I started crying because I couldn't feel her in my tummy anymore, so try to stay in the moment I know your going thru the worrying stage I did its a motherly instinct to feel that way, just stay focused and stay positive and the time will just fly by.....



liz - October 9

Hi Alexa -

You made me laugh about the bathroom sitaution. I have the exact same problem. I swear I can't leave the house without peeing before I go and then as soon as I reach my destination I must go again. Some of the bathrooms are not so good. The squat technique is a must! lol

I have a little pooch. I am having trouble fitting in any of my clothes (have for a few weeks) but yet often maternity is too big. I am now wearing a combo of maternity and lots of stretchy pants. I am anxious for the day I have the big belly. :) I am sure it will be here before I know it.

I had some trouble with cm while I was ttc and I asked my nurse if we should consider IUI she said that actaully you have a better chance on your own. Now of course that is one clinic oninion so please don't take offense. I understand that window is really tight so they often tell you to try on your own along with the IUI. Why did they decide to do IUI with you? I was just wondering since you have unexplained infertility.

What kind of dog do you have? We have a beagle, she just turned 3. She has been my little baby for 3 years. I just love her to death.

Thank you for your postive words, they really do mean alot. As for you don't lose your faith! You seem to have a very good attitude and I am sure everything will work out for you in the end.

I must run, I'll talk to you later.


Alexa - October 9

Hi Liz,

I have a little Jack Russell Terrier he is a hand full he is like having a second child around he steals my daughters toys and pee's all over the house he had 2 large kidney stones so we thought that is why he was peeing all the time but he seems to still have the problem..

He is a very sick dog we found out after almost loosing him that he has addison's disease which means that his Adrenal gland doesn't work we have to give him prednisone and he has to have shots monthly he is costing us a fortune we just paid $1800 for his surgery we almost coudn't afford it, we tapped into the house fund for him....I am thinking the peeing has to do with the adrenal gland being so close to his bladder I have to clean his pee all day, it sure makes me tired....but we still love him after all...

I guess the fact that I am 39 makes it more difficult to conceive so the Dr. thought the best route to go was IVF since that was not an option we decided to try IUI because we had been trying for 1.5 yrs at that point without conceiving even once..

Now that you mention Cervical Mucas, I have noticed
that I have less of it so maybe thats a problem...hmmm

I have my good days and bad days I don't truly think anyone understands the frustration of TTC I am asked
constantly why I only have one child so I have to be honest and say that we have tried and it just didn't happen then of course I go home and cry, my poor dh
has to deal with my ups and downs sometimes I think he understands and sometimes not...

I am happy to hear from you, its nice to talk to someone who understands...take care

Looking back I should have bought my own portable toilet seat, I did and still do the same thing as you I squat and I also flush the toilet with my shoes...LOL

Talk with you later!


liz - October 9

Hi Alexa

I am more than happy to chat with you. I love this site and have found such wonderful friends here. I love the support I have received and continue to receive and I love to give other the suppport as well. The journey of ttc can be very stressful and like you said no-one every seems to get it, that is unless they too have been through it. Before I found this site I would get so frustrated of the way people would respond to my problems, I felt no-one understood and I felt like I could not get the support I needed. Once I found this site I felt like a huge weight was lifted of my shoulders, finally I did not have to keep everything in. My favorite line from women was "you are young, you have plenty of time." Sure I may be 32 but I don't have all the time in the world.

I think many doctors tend to want to go straight to IVF when you are older. To a degree I can understand but like you not everyone is ready to take that step. I believe in trying each all other options before commiting to IVF but that is just my opinion.

I know that it is hard it can be and like I said before keep the faith. I have had to live by the motto of living for today. Through my ttc and through my pregnancy so far living for today and not looking back or foward is the only way. Sometimes I think I even actually had to go for one hour at a time.

I found that while I was on the Clomid (which was only one month but it was residual in to the second month) my cm was well not much there. I figured it was a side effect of the Clomid since it got better for me on the injections. I had started drinking green tea, had a post colital test which looked great. That was the month I conceived. I don't know what did it but I always wonder about the green tea especially since I know 2 other women who conceived while drinking it. Oh well I guess I will never know exactly what did it.

Well I must run, it is r&r time for me. :)
Have a great night.


Alexa - October 11

Hi Liz,

I am trying to remember how it works on Clomid If I remember right you take the pills day 5-9 and then on day 12 the do U/S and B/W and tell you to try every other day for that week, or does your follicles have to reach 17-19mm, do you remember??

How are you feeling? are you having any cravings for anything yet??

I remember fruit and popcycles were big for me!

Hope all is well



liz - October 11

Hi Alexa -

I was on the Clomid for days 5-9 and begin the ultra sounds and bw at about day 12. I was told not to have sex till they told me I was ready. I had to do the hcg trigger shots. When the follicles were 17-19 and my estrodiol was over 200 per mature follicle I would trigger. I ovulated approx 36 hours after trigger. They had told me to have sex the day of trigger and the next 3 days straight. Every re is different but this is how mine operates. I know some re's do the Clomid starting on day 3. Oh, I almost forgot make sure they do a baseline u/s before you begin the Clomid just to rule out any cysts. We learned that the hard way with me.

I am feeling pretty good, expect for this nasty sinus problem I am having. I am ready for some frost to kill those nasty allergians. I don't really have any 1 craving, I seem to crave everything some days. I must say McDonalds breakfast was a craving I had a few weeks back, I had to have it and I knew how bad it was for me so I limited myself to once a week. lol

Well I must run and get a little nap in, I am exhausted.

Take care,


Alexa - October 11

Hi Liz,

I am happy to know they do Clomid and the trigger shot
the trigger shot doesn't really cost me that much......

I never used the trigger shot with my daughter just Clomid but at this point I would think I would need that extra help...I would have never guessed having a second child would be harder than having my first child...I think we tried like 6mths with no luck and they said to go find an RE for some help and then 2 mths later I was pregnant this time its been about a 1.5...

When I look back I use to say maybe I will be pregnant by Thanksgiving and then I said that about Christmas and then my birthday now I look back and say I don't know how I survived the rollercoaster ride for this long...

Hope your belly is growing nice and round...LOL

Well have a good night and I will talk with you later...



liz - October 12

Hi Alexa -

I am not sure if every re will use the trigger shot. For me I did not seem to be surging on my own so they decided since the follicle was the right size and the estrodiol was correct I needed to do it. I have a hormone problem, that was my diagnosis so now they are thinking that I may have not been surging on my own until the follicle was too mature, if that makes sense. I always ovulated, that was not the issue it was quality ovulations that were the issue.

I used to do the same thing, if I get pregnant this month I will have a baby in Nov. if I get preg this month I will have a baby for Christmas. I think fianlly when I realize that I am not going to be able to control this 100% and let some of it go I relaxed a bit. It is a lot of pressure we put our bodies under.

I have an appt today. I have been going every 2 weeks so this is my 2 week mark. I do not know if they are doing an u/s but I am going to push for one. I have a small blood clot from the loss of baby b and I would feel so much better if they checked it out and made sure it was getting smaller. Of course I would also love to get another lookie at our little peanut. :)

How is your dog doing, better?

Have a great day


Alexa - October 12

Hi Liz,

Keep me posted on how your appt went, I hope they let you have an U/S, I am sorry to hear about baby B sometimes I just can't understand why things happen the way they do, but I guess you trust in god and get thru the hard times, I am sure baby B is watching out for baby A..

When the time is right are you going to find out if its a boy or a girl, not that it matters all that matters is that the baby is healthy, I know its always exciting to find out.....

My dog is 100% better thanks for asking they found out that the stones he had were filled with Calcium so a diet would not have gotten rid of them, he has to be on a special diet from now on, hopefully the stones will never come back but the food makes him pee even more so the crystals in his urine release, you should see my hardwood floors they are awful...

Take care and I will talk to you soon!




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