PCOS, Metformin and Pregnancy
5 Replies
I have a question for all you ladies out there. Has anyone with PCOS who is now pregnant, used metformin or glucophage during pregnancy? One RE has told me to stop, another told me to continue last time I was pg. I am so confused because last time I had stopped without knowing i should have continued and I had m/c. I have read so much stuff on internet that indicates metformin can help reduce first trimester m/c? Anyone have any stories to share?
| RB - March 10 |
I have been on metformin for sometime for PCOS. I stopped it during IVF but my Ob/Gyn says its advisable to use it if you have a risk of m/c. I plan to ask whether i should continue it now that we know i am definitely PG!
Reshema please let me know what your RE says. I am going to check with mine again tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a straight answer
| RB - March 10 |
I spoke to the administrator at my clinic today...after consulting with the doctor, she advised that i not continue the metformin as I am taking clexane whihc is to prevent clotting...i am hoping to get a consult next week as i have a few questions i need to get cleared up so i will let you know if i find out anything more.
I have read that Metformin shouldn't be taken during pregnancy along with many other drugs as it crosses the placenta.
My RE did confirm I should stop taking it so I did. I read so much about the way it can prevent 1st trimester m/c so my feelings are so mixed on the subject, but the RE said to stop so I did!!!