I saw the heartbeat!!!
3 Replies
Latina - April 23

Hola ladies,
I had my US this week and I saw the heartbeat!! ;D
I was so nervous, we saw the sac, then she showed us the baby, it looked like a little peanut..then we saw the tiny flashing smack in the middle...It was the best day..They gave me pictures..I am soooo out done...
I am 5 weeks 6days pregnant according to the US...I was released from the fertility doctor and will see an OB in 2 wks...
I cant wait to make it past the 10 wks...I feel like at least then I can begin to share the news with others..I have high blood pressure and am hoping it doesnt go out of control during this pregnancy...


justme - April 23

Woohoo!!!! congrats on your little blinker!



baby4us - April 24

Congratulations.. there is nothing like seeing that little blinker for the first time!!

How are you feeling otherwise... I am sure your doc will keep the blood pressure monitored and under control


fiso - April 24

Congrats! It's such a precious moment, to see that little blinking spot! And what a relief to be released from the IVF doc. It's a big step!!!
Stay healthy and watch your blood pressure.



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