4 Replies
wanababy - April 9

[color=Orange][/color]I am new here nad my husband and I have been aggrressively ttc for 2 years, just our 3rd month with Med's and IUI. 1st and 2nd cycles of IUI were with Clomid and HCG. This cycle I am doing a mix of clomid and Menopur. Anyone done this and had success the first month?

If I am not pregnant this month then we will do a full 10 days of Menopur next cycle. I could use any encouragement or information available. I know the internet can be a double edged sword so i am trying to stay focused.


Red7 - April 10

Hi I got pregnant on my first cycle of this protocol, High doses of Femara on cycle day 2 and 3 than Menpour 150 iu on cycle day 8,9,10 and 11, took U/S on day 12 and 2 eggs were ready at 20mm and 18 mm,my RE told me to go home and do HCG trigger which I did that same morning.I did get pregnant first try but had a miscarriage, My problem is not enough progesterone, so now I am on Progesterone oil shots.Trying to get pregnant again. DO NOT GIVE UP!If your protocol does not work ask your RE for a different one.sometimes changing protocols can help.But it all comes down to one thing anyway, Thats God, he gives Life, My God Bless you with a child,My Best to you.


wanababy - April 10

That is great to hear and I am so confident this month. Perhaps just because it is a new protocal. This is 3rd IUI cycle but first on the injections.

Did you give your own trigger shot? I have been doing the injections for 3 days and it is a piece of cake but I am really having trouble with the anticipation of the trigger, since it is intramuscular. Also since we have been doing this we test my progesterone 7 DPO, and I have had 38 and above each month. Tomorrow at 10 am I go to the RE and get my Follies checked and he said if we have enough and they are mature, then plan on IUI Sunday morning. ;) I am really looking forward to it. Last month I was feeling real discouraged and expected a BFN but this month feels diferent but I guess that is why they call it a rollercoaster!!


Red7 - April 10

Wanababy good Luck tomorrow. Hope your follies are ready.I do give myself my own trigger shot. I do intramuscular in my thigh with a 25 gage 1 and a half inch needle, I shoot like a dart at a 90 degree angle ,does not hurt at all. you also can do upper arm with a 25 gage 1 inch needle that works to. I have done both.Your progesterone level is great on 7DPO.they tested me on CD 21 and it was only 7.3 which is Low and I was on Crinone at the time,normal progesterone Level should be 15-30. Stay positive the next 2 weeks that makes a BIG difference, That is the hardest part waiting to see if you are pregnant or not.Go to the movies or out to dinner with your husband have fun.I wish you all the Best of Luck and God Bless!


wanababy - April 11

[color=Teal][/color]Yea we live about 1 hour from my RE and we have a 10 am appt tomorrow and from there we are going to keep traveling to Reno and have a weekend there and on our way home we may stop for the IUI if doc says so.



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