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71 Replies
sarah27 - April 25

Hey Kim,

So are you going to have to wait this month to start ovulex? I'm going to sit this month out too. Its the end of the school year and with tests and everything I hardly have any time for myself at all. Dh wants me to get clomid for next time and I don't know if it will work.

I think I will try it and if I don't like it then I'll stop. I use to work at an animal reproduction lab where they did exeriments for ivf and iui. I was in charge of superovulating cows and giving them shots. I always hated it because some of the cows you could tell were badly affected by it. They were moody and sweaty and hated being there. I just keep thinking of them when I have to do this.

Anyway I want you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for the best.

Take care



Princess24 - April 26

Hey Sarah,

I really don't think I want to do ovulex I wasn't 100% on it and i have found a Natrupathic (sp?) Dr and also she is a midwife, so we are going to try that. Steve got fired from the health club for really no good reason, so $$$ will be thight for a lil bit, but he now can focus on his company, which so far he is doing very well :) Everything is going to work out and God will take care of us. :)

Good luck on the clomid let me know how it goes for you. I didn't want to do clomid because of the possible side effects. I really hope this natural Dr will work, if those drugs don't work then I will probably try the clomid.

You are in my prayers also and I hope soon this journey of infertility will be over for us.

Take Care,


sarah27 - April 27

So sorry about Steve. I hate it when things like that happen. What is your Natureopath going to make you try first? I know its scary to take drugs. I like clomid because its been around for thirty years and there is a generic brand thats cheaper. I went to the doc and will try it in June. It seems so long but I really need to get everything else done first. Summer will be so much easier for me.

I went to visit my old roommates from college this last weekend. The one has a three week old and I just got so depressed. I really want a baby so bad that a lot of people don't understand. I always think that I would have a two year old and a newborn right now if everything worked out right. Thanks for your prayers and I know it will work out. You just have to put your trust in the Lord.

Take care,


Princess24 - May 7

Hey Sarah,

Sorry I haven't been on in awhile I've been on the go and just a lot going on.

It's ok about Steve's job God has a purpose and a plan for everything and I know He will take care and provide for us and all wil work out.

The Natruopathic Dr. I haven't seen yet, but will be going very soon :) She does all natural drugs and has a natural approch to trying to concieve which I am 100% w/ that!!!! This is her website so you can check it out and she what she is all
The reason I don't like Clomid is I read soooo much about the side effects like double+ vision, it dries up your cervical mucus and it's not a natural drug and I prefer not to put a man made drug in my body if I don't have to you know? I am all about that kind of stuff, like eating organic and trying not to use chemicals, it is so much better for you. I got that book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" it is such a good book and gives you alot of info about your body and how it works, I would go check out sometime you be amazed what it has to say and some of the stories in there from other women are real good and some kind of shocking what they have to say about their Dr's.


I know how you feel about wanting a child and hoping that you would have or soon have #2 by now. It is so hard, but we just have to trust God and know that He will take care of us. Keep your head up and I hope that all will work out and soon you will get that BFP :) God bless and know that you are in my prayers.

Take Care,


sarah27 - May 8


Sorry I haven't written in awile. I'm getting ready to go to CA for a week. We're leaving tomorrow and I probably wont check email until next wednesday.

Thats great that you're excited for your Dr. I hope everything works out and that you can get started soon. I have heard of that book but never bought it. I think I'll try to find it on amazon. Everyone says its great. Thanks for the advice and I know that you'll get your bfp.

Take care and I'll write you next week,



sarah27 - May 16


Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I was with family this weekend and just about lost it from all the comments. When the kids were going swimming my brother-in-law said, "you're lucky you don't have kids to watch." That made me so mad. It was mother's day which is usually the day I am not out or doing anything because I can't even stand the commercials, (thank goodness for dvr) but, I was stuck in CA with relatives who all have children and most are younger than me. So it was difficult to see them get flowers or homemade things from their kids. I had to leave a few times to cry in the bathroom. I have been rude before with comments and it has made me feel better. My best friend will come up with good comebacks when we're alone together and we say the meanest things about other people and it always makes me feel better.

I'm sorry for your miscarriages. I know that someday it will happen but its hard to wait. Fertile people never understand what it feels like to have them because they say it wasn't meant to be this time. But they haven't had to wait or have their dreams crushed by one doctor visit.

Thanks for listening and I will try not to stress. I pray for everyone that has to wait for a bfp. It will happen for us.

Take care,


Princess24 - May 16

Hey Sarah,

How was your trip to CA? I hope it was a good one!!

So how are you? I am doing pretty well, I haven't gone to the DR yet, but soon! I am going to try maybe 2 cycles w/ the book and see how that goes. I do need to go to the DR soon it's that time of year YIPEE!!! LOL :) but I wont go w/ natural drugs just yet like I said I want to try 2 cycles by doing the book. I really hope it will work, I know it would be cheaper and if it does work I wish I knew about that book a long time ago, all I can say it is all in God's hands :)

Well I gotta go and get ready for church.

Take Care,


sarah27 - May 16


I'm so excited for you. I hope it will work. Wouldn't that be just like mother nature, all you needed was the book. Tell me how it goes or if it makes your cramps not so bad. I can't wait to know, I wish it wouldn't take two whole months.

My vacation was OK. Af showed up and it was mothers day weekend which I have always hated. It reminds me of what I want but don't have.

I'm buying that book off of amazon next paycheck. I'll be just as excited for it as I am for Harry Potter.

Take care,



Princess24 - May 24


I'm sorry that I haven't been on in a lil bit things have been busy!

I am sorry that your vacation wasn't that great and that af showed up :( I know how you feel about Mothers Day I feel the same way I dread it every year!!!!

I am glad to hear that you are getting the book I really think you will like it, it gives you so much info and you find out so much how the body works. Let me know how you like it.

Take Care Always,


sarah27 - May 25


Don't worry, I'm real busy too. I haven't gotten the book but I think it will be mailed next week. Hope everything is going good and you get that bfp!

Sorry so short but I have an interview.

Take care



sarah27 - June 1


I haven't heard from you in awile and hope everything is going great. I finally got that book and I love it. I have been charting ever since I got it on charts that I have made. My book came with a cd rom on the program but I like hard copies better.

I probably won't be able to iui this month because I have been having some problems with bloodwork. I went in for a routine checkup on my thryoid and they found that I have high calcium in my blood. SO they think that I have hyperparathyroidism. I have to go in again and I'll be seeing an endrinologist. The good thing is I'm glad I'm not pregnant. I researched the disease and it has problems if you are pregnant on the baby.

I am looking forward to fixing the problem and keeping up charting. Hope you are fine and I miss talking to you. Don't worry I know how busy it can get.

Take care



Princess24 - June 6


I know, I know I have been very sad and haven't been on in awhile. You are right it has been busy and I have been non stop and things will be on fast fwd for a lil bit longer. My sister-in-law and my nieces we will be here in 2wks :) then the day after they leave we will be going to FL to move my Grandma's stuff up here, because she will be living up here permantly :) After being home from Fl for a wk will be leaving for MI for Steve's cousin's grad party, then it SHOULD be quiet until Sept. So between all this I am suppose to try to get pregnant, ya no stress, YA RIGHT!!!!

Thats awesome that you got the book and I am sooo happy that you like it!!!! I am almost finishhed, I am at the appendix part, then I will go back and read it again :) I booked marked some places that I want to go back to. It is such a good book and is helping me alot!!!!

I am sorry about not doing the IUI and the possible hyperparathyroidisim. You are right that it wouldn't be good if you were pregnant. I hope things will get better!!!! Keep your head up and trust that God has a plan for you!!!!!

I am so sorry that I haven't been on in awhile and I missed talking to you too, but you have been on my mind and in my prayers!!! I hope all is well and soon you will be able to achieve pregnancy.

Take Care Always,


sarah27 - June 13


Sorry that I haven't written. I'm also with relatives and trying to get my doc appointments. They said that I have high Calcium in my blood and then my parathyroid is low. I have no idea what they do to fix it. I am supposed to see the endocrinologist in a few days to see what options I have.

The book is great and I read it in about two days. Some of the things I already knew because I took my temp for two years. I was really interested in cervical mucus and keeping track of cervix position. Even though I'm still doing opks for my iui I hope I can pinpoint exactly when I'll ovulate. I alos liked the pictures to show exactly what they meant.

I hope your having a good time and that your not stressing out. I know that my relatives are very stressful sometimes. Are you going to track on Fertility Friend website? I heard that was a good site. I am going to try to keep it on paper for awile and then see about the site.

Take care



Princess24 - June 20


Man, I have been non stop!!! I am soooo sorry that I haven't written in awhile. I have alot going on and alot to think about!!! I don't have any family yet they come this Thursday :) then the day after they leave we wil be flying down to Fl to move my g-ma up here, we will be back for a week and then off to MI.

So I finished the book (took long enough) and I think I might have hypothyroidisim :( I had my thyroid checked not to long ago and they said my thyroid is fine, but after reading the book I have alot of syptoms for a low functioning thyroid. My temps are always very low :( and then pretty much the other things mentioned in the book. I have also looked up other syptoms and another one was being very tired which I am alot of the time. I am gonna go back to the dr and ask them to do a blood test. My Pastor's wife has that and she said to ask for a t-3 and t-4 blood test.

Okay to what I really want to fill you in on........................

We might be adopting :) a girl (17) that works in the cafe at the gym is pregnant and is giving the baby up for adoption. She loves the baby and she knows she wont be able to provide for the baby the way the baby deserves and needs. I approched her and she was real open to us adopting, but does think it might be a lil weird because we know each other. She told her mom that we want to adopt, so her mom wants to meet w/ Steve and I and ask us some ?'s We are going to bring our Pastor w/ us so we have like a mediator ( not saying anything will go wrong, but I think it makes sense to have him present) So, that is what is going on there crazy huh? So I could be a mom in 3 months I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT! I don't want to get my hopes up, but it sometimes is hard not to. We have a long ways to go still so I need to stay level headed until we know for sure. If it is God's will it will happen. :) Oh yeah she is having a girl. So what do think? All I can say is WOW!!!

Well I hope to hear from you soon and I hope all is well w/ you.

Take Care,


sarah27 - June 21


That is so exciting!! I am really happy for you if it works out. Even if it doesn't you at least tried and will have experince for the next time. Dh and I took adoption classes for six weeks and we decided to try iui and then adoption would be our next option. Are you going to bring anything when you meet? My class really emphasized scrapbooks or a letter with you and your hubbys life and the journey that it's been so far. It's great that your pastor will be there, its nice to have someone involved that is more in the middle.

I know that it will happen for you one way or the other. I will really pray for you this week and hope that you'll be blessed soon.

As for me, I am seeing a specialist next week and will talk about my options for my hyperparathyroidism. The only option I know of is to have surgery and the sooner the better. I probably won't get to try iui until september or august if I'm lucky. I will let you know when I hear again.

I hope you enjoy yourself with your family and will be able to relax. I know it would be weird for you if she works at the gym but maybe she wants an open adoption. I'm so excited that I don't even want to talk about anything else! I can't wait to tell my dh.

Take care and God bless,



Princess24 - June 21

Hey Sarah,

We are doing an independent adoption so the only thing we need to do is get a lawyer and have a home study. Yes, she wants to have an open adoption which I am fine w/ that I just think it is weird, because we know each other and evryone would know that I adopted her kid. you know?I know all will work out if it is meant to be. If it'll happen it'll happen. Everyone is telling me once we adopt I am gonna get pregnant and all I say to that is GOOD :) But who knows cause if I have hypothyroidism it will be hard for me to get pregnant. I'll let you know when I get the blood work done.

So you have high functioning thyroid? I hope all will work out and they can get you taken care of. I hope all will go well and just trust God that He will take care of you and he has something planned for you two :) Keep me updated on whats going on with you and I will do the same here for you!

I can't wait my sister-in-law and the girls will be here tomorrow :) I haven't seen the girls since Aug I CAN'T WAIT!!!! :)

Well I am gonna go to bed I have alot to do tomorrow before the girls get here. YEAH!!!! :)

Take Care



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