EMbryo Quality
37 Replies
Mbre - January 30

I stimmed 2 years ago made 5 follies( I have a low count, im 27) and 3 had eggs and 2 fertilized but only 1 made it and did a 3 day grade 1(grade 1, being the highest). BFN. I stimmed on my first ivf all wrong( my meds were ordered wrong)
lupron 10 u for 3 weeks to get rid of cyst
gonal f 75 units repornex 75 units for 2 days
gonal f 150 units repronex 150 units for 4 days. Then triggered hcg 5000 units

Second go round did natuarl ivf where i used my natural cycle (the one egg we make monthly) and it fertilized and made it to blast by made it to blast on day 6. (was given a Grade 2)BFN.
Second cycle was clomid only for 9 days made 1 follie then triggered with syrenal

Went to sirm had an aggressive protocol and received 17 eggs only 7 matured and all 7 fertilized. By day 3, I had 3 7-8 cells with little frag and the other 4 were slow growing 4-6 cells. I was supposed to have a transfer today and what do you no I get a call saying all of them arrested!

Now, If this would have been my first ivf cycle i would be floored. Because the doc said looks as if my eggs are chromosomally abnormal and i may never have a child!) But then i look at previous cycles where i did not stimm aggressively and i hade a perfect 3 day cells( but got a bfn)
And on my 2nd try with a natural cycle the 1 embryo made it to blast, just a little slower!

I am so bummed, but optomisitic that I will keep trying( I have 3 more attempts with my job, thank god for them, if i didnt have this insurance, i would just die, i would have died after it didnt woek out on the first try).
Might i add that on boths prior ivf, docs never said anything about eggs looking funny( as my new re said!) and also my transfer were nightmare and they all lasted 30+ minutes. And this i am told is a bad thing because it disrupts the uterus and may cause the egg not to implant. SO i am cliinging on to the fact that that is the reason my embryo did not attached and not because it was chromosomly abnormal like my doc says all of my eggs are abnormal. I just dont know what to feel how to think and what to do next? Doc said a more aggressive protocal with different meds. i dont know how i feel about that... what do you think?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - January 30

There is now good evidence that high estrogen levels can produce poor quality eggs. I do not know what would be an optomal stimulation for you, but prolonged Lupron desensitizes the overies. Natural cycle IVF is associated with very poor pregnancy rates. One of the most important parts of the entire IVF process is the embryo transfer.
Good luck.


Mbre - January 31

Thank you, i apprecaite your response, do you recommend anyone in nyc? I just dont think my re has my best interest in mind if he comes right out saying i make bad eggs, when clearly if he looked at my records which we did together, he can see i made eggs of better quality on lesser protocol, i no the more eggs the better but if u make 17 and they all are bad, why not make 7 and 3 or 4 be good? I would think of a lesser protocol to produce better quality eggs, he wants to increase my protocol! i am now seeking other opinons and hospitals. i just cant get hpow i went from making grade a eggs to now "looking funny",i think i had a bad cycle.



B. Jacobs, M. D. - January 31

I am not really sure who, specifically to recommend in NYC. There is a good program at Cornell. You might also ask a recommendation from Dr. Peter Horvath in Albany. We were partners on the faculty at Albany Medical College, but now he has a private practice. He knows the peopl in the city better than I do.
Good luck.


Mbre - February 1

Ok Dr. J,

You ar enot going to believe this, so after my re said my eggs were no good and i will always make abnormal eggs, he call me today and says that 1 of them made it to blast and it a grade 1( being highest) he wants to transfer him/her. I said how dare you call and tell me this after you just told me that i will never have my oen child. he said he still thinks i have bad eggs... Needless to say i did the transfer. Now if you read earlier my transfer are always apinful lasting 45+ min and so much pain where i have actuially gotten of the table and said forget this. well for this transfer my cervix was supposed t be dialated and i was supposed to be under anestesia but since he called me in the end of the day today we did the transfer under valium and while it was very uncomfortable, it only lasted 10 mins and it was bearable but still, i am not supposed to b in pain for the transfer but b/c of the "last minute embryo". i had to do it w/no anestesia.

My questions to you are 3.

1. This is not the first time my blast took 6 day to develop to a full blast. My lst ivf " the natural cycle" was the same was, it took 5.5 days for it to become a full blast and it was graded a b.... what does it mean or can it mean?

2. He said another one of my embryos was in morula stage today ( day 6) and he will not trasnfer that one. Why did he not transfer that one?

3. Can it be possible that all my embryo's are slow developing? will this can this or can this mean something bad?

4. He said they look perfect my blast but then he gave it a grade a/b, is that b/c it took 6 days and not 5 and therefore cannot get a perfect a grade?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 1

1. I do not know why your embryos developed more slowly. It may be inherent to the embryo, or it could have been condidtions in the lab. Human embryos are amazingly sensitive.

2. You will have to ask your RE why he did not transfer the morula.

3. Please see my first response.

4. I do not know how your embryos were graded. The system our embryologist uses differentiates between the part that become the fetus and the part that becomes the placenta and membranes. It sounds as though you did have 1 really good embryo.

Good luck.


Mbre - February 5

Hi Dr. J

Had a xonsult with dr. sher, the director of my reproductive facilities. He mentioned that my tsh? is 3.9, that i may have an immunologic reason as to embryo not implanting.... I am going for testing? Is this somethng that should have been done 1st before ivf, especially if they see it is above normal?

Also he reviewed my case as far as my bad eggs and stimms and previous protocols. he recommends me not on lupron for so long b/c as you stated dexentisined my ovaries, he also said my esradial was to high in my last cycle which like you stated produced bad eggs. He want to use garnilex( right?) and somrthing instead of menopur, not repronex but something else. he says i need the antagonal protocol and promises i will be preggo next cycle.mmmmmm wllc but it sure is reassuring after my sirm told me, "u need donor eggs'. i will into menopause earlier as seem to be in agreance with all re, but how can one doc say "i need higher meds(sirm re) and the other say i need lower(sher)?

WHat is this tsh is that 3.9 high? My sister has a thyroid issue but not my ma. doc said may havea trait? what can it cauase and how can it be fixed?

Thanks dr j. i always always double ask you becuase i want a second opinion and almost all thime i bring up what you say, and almost all the time they agreee, then i say why didnt you tell me and they sy every place has dif protocols......


B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 6

High TSH is caused by poor thyroid function. Poor thyroid function is a very common problem, and it is rarely caused by an immune problem. You may just need thyroid hormone replacement, like the vast majority of people who have low thyroid function.
Good luck.


Mbre - February 8

Hi Dr. J

I took a beat today but will not get results until a 2nd beta is performed. today i am 7dp6dt. Any way i tested with hpt today, becasue i was feeling a little lightheaded...... it came back positive... can it be hcg? i triggered on 1/23, 15 days ago. I kno it says +, but i never been pregnant before and as u can c this cycle was to be a bust.. I want to believe the hpt. but i will not let my heart blieve it until a good beta... but can it be true or is it hcg?........I willtest in the morning with better urine, today i tested after drinking about 2 cups of water...


B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 8

The hCG you took prior to egg retrieval is gone now. You do have a pregnancy. Hopefully, it is a good one.
I think congratulations may be in order.


Mbre - February 8

Dr, J,

OMG thats news to hear! I did test this morning again and yes it is +. I will keep you updated as to what goes on, since thus far you have been there every step of the way. Like you said now we just have to see if its a good pregnancy.

One ?, Dr. Sher said 3.9 for tsh is high.......,and it can affect infertility, well if i am pregnant will my tsh affect the outcome of my pregnancy or on the other hand can it mean that my levels are ok enough to get pregnant?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 8

I do not know when your TSH level was drawn,m but the placenta makes TSH. Actually it is not a high TSH that impairs fertility, it is hypthyroidism that causes TSH to rise. HYpothyroidusm can effct all your body's functions.
Good luck.


Mbre - February 11

HI Dr. J

1...my first was 7dp6dt - 50, today 11dp6dt - 321.... Is this sufficient.

2. I do not go back until my first u/s March 3rd, what am i to do until then! How do i know if my betas are doubling between now and then.
Also what will the first u/s tell at 6 weeks, on March 3rd? How will i know if im miscarriying before then? Im so nervous


B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 12

As long ad the hCG level at least doubles every 48 hours for the first 6 to 8 weeks, you are probably OK. An ultrasound at 6 weeks after egg retrieval should demonstrate a fetal pole and fetal heart.
Good luck.


Mbre - February 13

Dr. J

I have a question, it is probably silly but i need to know.

OK, After IVF, and you get your BFP , at this point when your confirmed pregnant through your increasing betas, are you the same as someone who got pregnant naturally. I guess what i mean to say is, is if somone gets pregnant naturally are they still at the same risk of chromosomall abnormalities and miscarriages and no heartbeat being seen, just as somone thats does ivf.

I have 6 friends, all whom are pregnant either on the 2nd 3rd or 4th time(naturally) and none of them once out of the 11 kids between them ever had a miscarriage. And here i am after my BFP(via IVF) every day checking for blood or any sign of cramps, and not to mention i am going creazy not knowing if i will get a heart beat at 6 weeks. When I asked them did they worry about not getting a heartbeat they all look at me crazy( none of them no i have infertility issues, these are just freinds i went to college with)

I guess in the ivf world every step and any possibility of a problem counts and we constantly worry over it because we know its not exactly easy for us to even get to the point of a bfp.



B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 13

Once a pregnancy is established, it is a pregnancy. How you got there becomes irrelevant. There is always a risk of miscarriage. A number of factors enter into the risk for miscarriage, including maternal age.
Good luck.


Mbre - February 14

Thank you so much I feel a little better. I have a stenonic cervix will that pose a problem?



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