IVF anyone?
2699 Replies
vw79girl - June 13

Lyly's computer crashed but she texted me and wanted you to know she wishes you good luck and will be thinking of you!



bethnyc - June 13

Lyly -- amazing news. I'm so happy for you -- you deserve this and all good things.

Please rest - take it easy and try to stay calm and stressfree these next 13 days. I know that it feels like an eternity, but it will go by fast.

Debbie - congrats on the girl. Also, great news.

I will write more tomorrow -- need to spend some time with dh before bed.



Marina - June 13

Thanks guys...My transfer also at 10 tomorrow,I didn't find out about the embryos-they called me in the morning before they thawed them,so we'll see right there.
Debbie-congrats!You and Julie-pink team!
Lisa,isn't swelling comes from too much water?I know they recommend not to drink too much if you have swelling...


Jules614 - June 13

Debbie - congrats n the girl

Marina - Best of luck tomorrow.



vw79girl - June 13

lyl, I see you on, how you doing?


lyly14 - June 13

Hi girls- so my laptop crashed yesterday out of the blue! Figures when I was trying to stay in bed and rest. I was so bored last night since there was nothing on tv i wanted to watch. I have another computer but it is 3 levels down from my bedroom so I didn't want to come down here to go on yesterday. I just drove dd to school and I am about to go rest but I just wanted to get on and see how everyone was doing before I go.

Marina- I can't believe your transfer is practically at the same time mine was yesterday. I am so excited for you. I was impatient and didn't want any suprises so I called the lab before we left to see if my embies made it. Since they didn't call me to cancel I knew at least one made it but since I only had 3 left and were putting all 3 in I wanted to know how many I had to work with. But I remember you saying that you had lots of embies so not having any to put in would be unlikely. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. 2ww here we come. I am glad I have at least you to go through this with.

Beth- Your time is coming, I just know it. Look at all I have been through just to get to my FET. I have been waiting since Feb.

And yes girls for those of you with swelling- It is good to drink fluids. It helps to flush out your system and keep your kidneys functioning. They say to limit sodium but not all together. Feet up when you can and even try to elevate them with pillows when you lay down!

Well that is all for now. Hopefully I will be able to get on later to see how you are all doing and how Marina's transfer went!



JasJulesMom - June 13

Good Morning All. Hope everyone is doing well. I am so glad it is Friday.

Marina- I am thinking about you. My prayers are with you this morning.

Lyly- Hope you are taking it easy and resting. You are already one day closer to your dream. Did you say your birthday was Saturday? My best friend's B-Day is Saturday. She was hoping I would have ds on her b-day and he was born 11:51 PM on 6/13. He almost made it.

Beth- How are you feeling?

Reshema, Jen- How are you ladies. I guess this site has been frustrating everyone.

Julie- I guess we will soon find out what it is like to have two DD. I think it might be crazy. My son was so much less demanding than dd. My dh is already talking about fighting the boys off, now he is worried he has to to protect. HAHAHAHA. Pretty funny.

Ronda- When you go for you u/s are you going to find out the sex?

Lisa- Hope you are feeling better. It must be awful, Maybe you should stay out of the sun for a while. I know you love the beach.


vw79girl - June 13

Girls, the swelling has gone down a lot. Almost back to normal. All of the water and putting my feet up/laying down has really helped. Debbie...lol, the beach was actually the best thing for me. It wasn't even overly hot, just nice and breezy and relaxing. It was the coming home that stunk as it was 20 deg. hotter here. Keeping me away from the beach...lol that's like asking me not to breathe. ;)

Lyly, Rest this weekend!

Marina, hope everything goes well for you today. Thinking of you!


Jules614 - June 13

Marina - How did it go?

JasJulesMom - I hear you that girls are more demanding. Samantha likes to try and tell me what to do.

Lisa - Glad your swelling has went down and hopefully you went to bed early...

Lyly - How are you feeling? Optimistic????



jenfrancis - June 13

Hi ladies,
Finally had some time to get on, and the site was up!

I am fine all 3 munchkins are ok. Been kind of straightening up around the house. trying to throw out what I dont need.

Lyly and i chatted yesterday. I am so happy all three made it, thats 3 chances, for one healthy baby. We shall see. They are all great quality.... Triplets anyone.

Beth hope you are feeling better from those shingles.

Yay Debbie A baby Girl! Awe!!
Marina - Hope it all works swimmingly for your transfer. WE are all in the 2 ww right along with you and lyly. So you are not alone!

Now the count downs are on, Marina, Lyly, and waiting to see what Lisa is having.

I stepped on a nail and wanted a tetanus shot, the urgent care did not want to give me one. I dont have an OBGYN, they told me to call an ob and ask if thats ok. I just said forget it, the urgent care clinic should know if I can have a tentanus shot or not.

Foot is healed now and I can walk on it just fine.


JasJulesMom - June 13

Wow Jen you keep getting yourself into trouble. LOL. It is going to be a long pregnancy for dh LOL

I know we all seem to be moving so quickly ( even though sometimes it feels like an eternity)

Jen is right Lyly and Marina and Beth hopefully soon. We are all in this with you.


jenfrancis - June 13

Debbie -

Are you going to change your ticker?


JasJulesMom - June 13

I love the flowers so I think I will leave it. I think they are so representative of the life growing inside me. I did put the It's a girl on this morning.


jenfrancis - June 13

Yeah, thats super cute and actually it is very feminine and precious!

Well guess I got about 8-9 weeks till I can see what mine are.



vw79girl - June 13

should i change my ticker lol. does this mean I am having rabbits? haha


jenfrancis - June 13

Haha Lisa! Shame on you! But one looks pink....and one brown....

So does that mean you are having a boy and a girl???
Hmmm, we shall see!



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