IVF anyone?
2699 Replies
jenfrancis - June 11

Ok, i am tired of this site. >:( :-\
Its always down, and then I dont get emails telling me of replies when I have checked the box...
Well, I just try to check back every now and then.

We are all fine, triplets are fine. Swelling is lower, but still there. Ankles are huge.

Julie - So, let us know what that baby will be!!! I can not wait.

It seems like so much happening, Marina - You are getting close too. Those on the two week wait, I am praying for you.

Anyone a fan of the christmas story movie? My mom and sis are and they want me to go with them on a tour of the house July 5th. Dumb! I will go, since it will be our last outing before I fly out to Houston for good.

No more news.

LISA - fun! I am so excited you are feeling more movement.

I went to the Doc yesterday, had another U/S! YAY, Hubby was there to see them. They were all awake, moving, saw arms and legs, so cute. They did not print me any pics tho. :(


lyly14 - June 11

Hi girls - Just a quick post. My transfer is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:15 am. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I will let you all know how it went tomorrow. Talk to you all tomorrow.


vw79girl - June 11

Yay! Lyly. I will be thinking of you tonight and hope that everything goes well. Looking forward to hearing how many they put in. Please lay down and rest all afternoon afterwards and don't do anything strenuous for as long as possible.

Jen, why didn't they give you a picture darnit!


bethnyc - June 11

Lyly -- so exciting. I will be thinking about you at 10:15. I'm looking forward to checking back here tomorrow to hear how many they put in.

Like Lisa said, I too hope you are able to go home and rest for a few days after. This is your time.

JenFrancis - glad to hear that all 3 babies are doing well. That u/s must have been amazing to see. Maybe you can get pics next time. Is that something you have to ask for?

I hope everyone else is doing well.



lyly14 - June 12

I just finished scrubbing my house top to bottom and got all my dd's laundry done. I even dug out the crock pot. I am putting up dinner for the next 2 nights before I leave for the transfer in the morning. I don't want to have to lift a finger for at least the next 2-3 days. We will see how that goes. They are all so needy around here (lol). I will post tomorrow in the afternoon to let you know how many made it to the transfer!


Marina - June 12

Lyly,dear,good luck tomorrow.I totaly understand how you feel.I got all my stuff ready too-books,my lap top,magazines,movies-so I don't have to get up.I work all day tomorrow,so I had to get everything ready today.
Told my son-no sleepovers for this weekend,mama going to rest.Tomorrow I'll find out how mine snowflakes doing...


vw79girl - June 12

Marina and Lyly, you girls are smart. I did the same thing with cleaning and prepping everything as best I could before my transfer. Lay around and do as little as possible.
Baby dust to both of you! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ :)


JasJulesMom - June 12

Lyly- Hope things are going great for you. Can't wait to hear.

SO I am having A GIRL!!!! Very happy . I would have been either way. Once dh got over the shock of another daughter he was also excited. Scan went well. They said she is doing great and they ruled out all major problems. They want me to go back in three weeks for another scan.. Of course when I heard this I paniced but they told me it was just routine and I should have been scheduled for 21-22 weeks not 19. They just want clearer pictures of her heart, since it is so small at 19 weeks and gets so much bigger in 3 weeks.


lyly14 - June 12

Hi girls- Guess what! All 3 made it to the transfer. He said they all looked good and the transfer couldn't have gone better. So now I am home laying around! 13 day countdown!

Debbie- I am so happy for you. That kind of sucks that they scared you like that but at least you get another peak at your little one! dh was so good this time. I think he was much more at ease!


JasJulesMom - June 12

Lyly I am so happy they all made it through. Now the greadful waiting begins. Think good thoughts and rest. The 2ww will be over before you know it!!


Arabsrcool - June 12


That is wonderful news!!!! Yaaahooo, triplets here you come (just kidding, a singleton or twins would be nice)!!!!! Just kick back and relax and think baby thoughts.


Hurray!!! A girl! that is great. So they are making you go back for another scan? I go next week for my 3-D u/s where they are looking for birth defects and I'll be 18 weeks. I wonder if they will make me come back again????

Well, I figured out I don't fit under the bed anymore. My dd dropped a toy she had to have and I went in after it for her. I was stuck under the bed for a short period of time.....boy did I feel dumb. Hehe, just forget sometimes just how big my belly is getting and it doesn't smoosh!



Arabsrcool - June 12


That is wonderful news!!!! Yaaahooo, triplets here you come (just kidding, a singleton or twins would be nice)!!!!! Just kick back and relax and think baby thoughts.


Hurray!!! A girl! that is great. So they are making you go back for another scan? I go next week for my 3-D u/s where they are looking for birth defects and I'll be 18 weeks. I wonder if they will make me come back again????

Well, I figured out I don't fit under the bed anymore. My dd dropped a toy she had to have and I went in after it for her. I was stuck under the bed for a short period of time.....boy did I feel dumb. Hehe, just forget sometimes just how big my belly is getting and it doesn't smoosh!



JasJulesMom - June 12

Ronda- That was funny about the bed. May becuase it is a 3D vs 2D you will be good. Did you so first trimester screening? I am thinking about having 3D I think it would be cool.


Jules614 - June 12

Lyly - Congrads on your transfer - maybe you will have triplets with Jen 8)

I will do personals later - have to serve dinner to samantha.



vw79girl - June 12

Debbie~congrats on the baby girl on the way! I can't wait to find out what the twins are! My 3D isn't until the end of August. My office won't do it until 28 weeks.

Lyly, I am so happy all 3 made it through the thaw! Hoping you will have good news. Hope your 2ww goes quick!

Marina~ Thinking of you and hoping you have good luck tomorrow too!!!

Ronda, I am finding I don't fit in places I used to either. :(

Resh~thinking of you

Beth, hope you are hangin' in there!

Jules~ I will catch you on aol later!!!

well girls, I am laying on the couch and mostly on the left side. My left ankle is pretty swolen and puffy. No pain, just swolen. I went to the OB today and was told to pump the water and lay down and put the feet up as much as I can. No bed rest but just elevate and push the fluids. It's kind of frustrating. :( My right one is a little swolen but not quite as bad. We tried listening to the heartbeats today and we got to hear them a little but they kept moving all over the place so it made it tough. I guess that is good though. They were both very active. :) two weeks from today and I will see them again!

I am off to rest. talk to you all later!


vw79girl - June 13

Lyly's computer crashed but she texted me and wanted you to know she wishes you good luck and will be thinking of you!




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