Thin womb lining
1 Replies
squiggles - November 29

Hi there,

I am hoping that you may be able to help me!

I have had one full IVF cycle, which failed, but resulted in seven frozen embryos, I then had 3 FET cycles abandoned due to poor womb lining, using HRT patches,
Evorel 100 (twice weekly) and climival 12mg daily,
Finally I was given Viagra, and made it to transfer,
However my last FET cycle was abandoned yet again, even though, we once again used Viagra.

Is there anything that you can suggest to get my womb lining up to the required measurement?


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - November 29

I am not familiar with the products you are using. For my FET patients, I first supress ovarian function with Lupron, then add, in a stair step up faashion, estradiol patches, and when the endometrium is at least 8 mm thick, in about 2 weeks, decrease the estrogen dose, and add progesterone. Two weeks later we do the embryo transfer. Using this protocol, I have not failed to find an adequate endometrium.
Good luck



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