need a friend
55 Replies
Arabsrcool - April 7


WOOOHOOOO!. That is so cool that we have the same due date. Isn't the heartbeat just the coolest thing to hear and see ever!!!!

I am so happy for you. WE will be going right to the delivery room together (hee hee I'm funny thinking that our babies will cooperate and be born on the due date)



vw79girl - April 8

If mine turns out to be a singleton, I may be in the delivery room the same time as you guys. They gave me a tentative date of Nov. 16-19th. They will be more sure at my next ultrasound. So you guys have both heard the heartbeat? I have only seen it so far. But it is there (for both) and beating strong. I can't wait to hear it. :)
I am on progesterone until week 10 and then if my levels are still good I guess I will not be on it anymore. Are either of you on the shots or suppositories?
Reshma~ I posted my news on the other board. Not sure if you saw it.
have a great day girls! :D


Arabsrcool - April 8


Think positive that both of your babies are going to make it. It sounds hopeful. How do you feel about twins?

I got to hear and see the heatbeat on my last u/s. When I heard dd's I cried, this time I giggled, it was so cool! My next u/s is scheduled for Monday 4/14.

I'm on progesterone suppositories 3x per day until week 12. I cannot wait to be done with them...are yours shots or suppositories? I also have to take baby aspirin and my pre-natal vitamin.



Marina - April 8

Lisa,is it your first PG? My best friend just had twins 4 months ago.It's pretty hard-let's say,double hard,but they are so happy and it takes a few months to get intoa rutine,and then it gets easier.
It's interesting,you guys a nice team-all the same date!
Take care!


vw79girl - April 8

Marina, yes, this is my first pregnancy. I have had 2 m/c in the past but literally found out I was pregnant and then it was over before I got through the 4th week and into the 5th. This was our last attempt at IVF. We had 3 prior. The first worked but I had a chemical pregnancy as my beta started low on testing day and then dropped all week to a final nonviable pregnancy. We also had tried 4 IUI's and on our own before that for 3 years. So it has taken us @ 5 years to get to where we are but we are so thankful to be almost half way through week 8 with things looking good.

Ronda~ just got a call from the doctor and he said what you did, to think positive and that they are doing well and that second one could go either way. We just have to wait it out. :) He is going with the 16th of Nov. as my due date as we go from the date of my egg retreival. I do 1 shot of progesterone 5 days a week, once a day and the suppositories twice a day the other two days to give me a rest from the shots. It has been working out well. My level was 49.9 the last we checked it and they like it to be over 20.

How do I feel about I am thankful if it happens and I know it will be A LOT of work but I have a friend who just went through it and she also said that once you get into a routine, things are okay. My dh is a good helper and will certainly need to continue to be. :) it is so great to have all of you to talk with. I look forward to checking this board throughout the day/night.


Arabsrcool - April 9


Hurray another due date on 11/16. Wow, are the progestertone shots in the bum? I guess I am greatful its just suppositories then!, it would be alot of work, but somehow fitting for all the things you had to do to get here. I will keep your twins in my prayers and hope they stay TWINS!!!!



vw79girl - April 9

Thanks so much Ronda :)
I will continue to pray for you as well. And everyone else too!!!

The shots are kind of in the hip/bum area. Dh is so good about putting a hot compress on there afterwards and massaging it. I am thankful today is a suppository day to give my hips a break. They get sore. Tylenol helps. Also helps to walk around afterwards. The dr. told me yesterday I would most likely be done with them by the end of week 10 depending on my bloodwork.


RB - April 12


I have noticed my pants getting a bit tighter around the waist but i have to admit, i dont really mind :D

I came across a neat trick on another thread though...if you take a rubberband and place it around your button, then loop it through the button hole and back over your button, you get a little more room without having to button your pants!!! I tried it and it works!!! :)



vw79girl - April 12

Haha, thanks for that tip with the pants Reshma, great idea huh. And I know what you mean. I don't mind that my pants are getting a bit tighter either. :) I can't beleve tomorrow is 9 weeks. Do you ever feel any cramping anymore? I had a little bit for a very short time. Nothing painful or long lasting. Just funky. But I guess that is to be expected. I have been pretty tired these past couple of days. How are you feeling?



jenfrancis - May 1

[quote author=hopenpray link=board=12;threadid=5624;start=0#48138 date=1206793012]
I am new to this forum, and I need someone to vent to. We have been ttc for 1& 1/2 years, and I don't like to vent to friends & family, b/c I know they feel helpless. I tried just not talking to anyone, but it is just too much to keep inside. I have PCOS, and I have been on clomid for 15 months, and Dr says it looks like I am ovulating each month. We just did our 3rd IUI yesterday, so I am waiting. Dr says we have to do 4 IUIs b/f he'll do HSG to check for blkgs. Is anyone in the same boat as me?
I wholeheartedly disagree with the dr too! That should be the first thing they check! That is what my dr did. That way they would know if it was me or my hubby, why waste time and money on IUI if your tubes are blocked! Wow, the HSG is only a $300 test!

Welcome to the panel! Happy to have you! Hope it works well for you.

Reshma - That is the best idea on saving money on maternity pants! Love that!


bdantonio - May 1

my tubes were checked beforei was given any fertility drugs or treatments


jenfrancis - May 2

I got my numbers back you guys! 3400 today! So happy!

I can relax now with the cramping and pains, I know its not a period.

I am so happy today. My sister has twins and I would love to have them too! She seems to actually have an easier time with her twin boys than I did with one daughter!
At least they play with each other, my daughter demanded so much time and attention, as an only child!

I would love for it to just end up healthy in the end! Each step is a hurdle, with how much it took to get here! I have my ultrasound on May 14th. So hope by then we can see heartbeats!!


amylove - May 8

I am new here too! My hubby and I are starting our first round of injections on Monday for iui and I am really nervous. We have tried to get pregnant for 4 1/2 years and I have had it up to my eyeballs with clomid! I had an ectopic pregnancy rupture last year so we are only working with one tube and ovary now and 8 months ago I was diagnosed with adenomyosis also... My reproductive endrocronologist says that if iyo doesn't work we will move quickly on to IBF and if we are not pregnant by the end of the year it most likely wont happen. I could use some support if anyone can give it...


jenfrancis - May 8

Amylove -

My dear, welcome to this panel! Good luck Monday. Think positive and keep your chin up, this is a journey and it's not easy.

How many IUI's are you trying before you move on to IVF? Because many people try that 3-4 times before IVF. So that does not make much sense. I would say by the end of the year if the IUI's dont work, you ought to move on to IVF and then give that another year. Because each cycle is 6-8 weeks.

Well, take care God Bless and I am rooting for you!


mo - May 9

This gave me great solace today....there's a sense of peace...


amylove - May 10

the reason why I have till the end of the year is because of my adenomyosis. It is a rare condition that causes abnormal bleeding and the uterine lining actually grows into the uterine wall and causes a lot of pain. The only cure is either getting pregnant to stop the bleeding and tissue growth into the uterine wall that causes the pain or a hyster. I am praying that pregnancy is the option that comes first! This disease usually affects women in their late 40's after their child bearing years but my docs think that my traumatic ectopic caused it... Thank you for your hope and prayers I am soooo nervous I have been on continous bc pills for 8 months without taking the placebo pills and today I took my last one so I am about to have my first cycle in a long time to get the ball rolling, wish me luck! I got pregnant once let's hope I can do it again...



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