174 Replies
doglover - August 11

Hi guys
Things are going better for little Jack overall, but I do think he qualifies as a higher maintenance baby! We have stretched most of our feedings out to every 2-3 hours although he does hourly feedings in the evening and really early in the morning. I had him weighed this past week, and he had gained 2 oz per day for the previous 2 weeks...so he is obviously not being underfed. The lactation consultant does not know what I should do about his appetite so I am hoping it will stabilize soon. She even weighed him after feeding on one breast, and he took in 3.2 oz in about 10 minutes. That satisfied him less than an hour.

At night, we are sleeping better. He will usually sleep 3-4 hours the first round and then it varies after that but typically much shorter spans. I do give him some formula before bedtime or I would never sleep. He still refuses to sleep in the crib or cosleeper...

During the day, he is napping better but only when he goes in the stroller or in the car. It is annoying, but at least he is sleeping more than 1-2 hours like he was before. He will usually sleep a total of 5-6 during the day.

In the evening, he has been getting cranky around 7pm...usually it seems to be because he is overly tired. He can cry really loud and be hard to console at this time. We try to be patient, but it can be hard!

I have been going to a new mommy's group for the past 3 weeks. It has been so good for me. We get together and have lots of fun. It is much better than staying confined to the house!!

Does anyone else's baby cluck and make a lot of noises when sleeping? I have a hard time knowing when Jack actually needs to be fed versus talking in his sleep. He twitches so much and for long periods of time...

Glad to hear how everyone is doing...have a good nite!


bdantonio - August 11

linzie angelina nver stops moving and she makes noises all night for the first few weeks i had to keep looking at her. I now just wait till its really really loud or shes crying. Also with the never ending hunger, breastmilk is alot thinner then formula and you may need to supplement. My sister in law had to with her first it just was never enough.


JulieC - August 11

Linzie - the first time we gave Ben a bottle of milk that I pumped it was about 3 - 3.5 ounces. He seemed satisfied at first but was hungry and hour later and I had to BF him. The next time we gave him a bottle of expressed breast milk we gave him 4 - 4.5 ounces and this time he was fine for 2-3 hours. He is kind of a lazy eater and gets sleepy when he eats. If I let him do this he almost always takes less and is hungry again soon. I would suggest feeding him off of both breasts to be sure he is getting at least 4 - 5 ounces and he might go longer. I know that the LC already suggested that you only feed off of one side so I don't want to mess you up. But since he is gaining weight well I don't think you need to worry about the foremilk and hindmilk issue. Do you have a le leche league group near you? I'm sure there are lots in Philly. I would go to one and talk to those ladies. They are really helpful. Also, are you and the LC sure that he is really hungry every time - they do sometimes "comfort suck" like a pacifier.

Hang in there - they say the fussy time starts to get better after 6 weeks. Ben is still fussy in the evening for a while and he does still make the grunting noises a lot when he sleeps but not clucking. Like Beth, I don't even worry about it anymore unless it gets really loud or strained or I hear him spitting up.



JulieC - August 11

[quote author=jamielee link=board=9;threadid=5637;start=120#52170 date=1218220333]
How did you gals get your picture up I can't figure it out!

I uploaded a picture to photobucket - a free site to store photos. When you do that they give you a link to the image and you copy and paste the link to your profile here.


jamielee - August 11

ok thanks


jamielee - August 11

I dont know what I'm doing wrong, I copied the link to my profile and its not showing up??


bdantonio - August 12

jamie u need to resize it looks like


lili246 - August 19

I wouldn't worry girl there are some babies that eat alot and others that don't.
With my first son he would eat like every hour it seem like it he was a hungry eater and he wouldn't take naps during the day he still never does it maybe only about 1 time per week so yeah he would be like that every since he was born he wanted to be eating all the time. He did gain weight he was very heavy and still is he is almost 4 years old and weights 55 lbs he doesn't look fat but he is very heavy.
The pediatrician said for baby Angel to feed him until he didn't want to that was because he wasn't getting full at the time of his feeeding and that was the reason he wanted to be eating every time. She said feed him until he doesn't want to eat anymore and they will last longer she said I did try it and did work. My lilttle one is 8 months old he weights about 25lbs he is not that fat like my son when he was his age. He takes about 6 oz I would say about every 4 hours.

Don't worry some babies eat alot and others don't some sleep during the day and others don't. My first baby never had naps during the day and till now he doesn't and he would eat alot to. SO I wouldn't worry you are doing good.

Yeah most babies make noises and I agree with the other girls I won't pay attention until he starts crying for good. All is normal :)

How is everyone doing? Jenny how are you doing?

I had a week off from work and had lots of fun with the kids. The baby got used of having me there and now he is being fussy he is ok with I get home later at night but during the day my mom said that he misses me and gets cranky cause I am not there. I wish I could be with them 24/7 but have to work..ugh


bdantonio - August 21

llil i wish i could be with mine all the time to however there are them days where i am home and i cant wait till dh gets home to get a break. Even though i wouldnt be a at home mom i also know that i somethimes like my time away


lili246 - August 21

That is true being a home stay mom is alot of work I agree with you no doubt about that. Having more than one child is very hard and yes we sometimes need our break.


JulieC - September 9

How is everyone doing? It's been quiet lately.

Ben is doing well. He is getting really big. He was 13lb. 11oz. at his 2 month appointment (up from 7.10 at birth). He still is not sleeping through the night (ugh!) but he does nap well during the day most days. I've been letting him sleep during the evening a little and maybe I shouldn't so he will sleep better at night. I just thought if he was tired I shouldn't stop him - you know?

I talked to the pedi. about his grunting and straining that was keeping him up in the early am and she said that between 6-10 weeks this was normal. She also suggested that I give up dairy for a week or two to see if it makes a difference. This has been a real PAIN! I LOVE ice cream and cheese and lattes, etc. I've switched to soy for most of it but I miss dairy so I hope that it doesn't turn out to be the problem.

DH already wants another one but I am going to try to hold him off (literally!) for a year. Jenny - how is it going with the pregnancy?

Hope you are all doing well!


lili246 - September 9

How are you doing girl? I bet you are so tired with the little one and with your pregnancy. By this time all you might want to do is sleep and with your hands full it must be hard. Hope to hear from you soon.

I think it is normal none of my 2 kids never slept or sleep the whole night. My first one he would wake up alot at nights and he wouldn't take that much naps during the day.
My second one the little one right now he sleeps so well during the day he takes naps sometimes a full 3 hours which is great. He does wake up at nights but it's something fast and then goes back to sleep he is more a sleeper than the older one.
I know what you mean about dh wanting more kids. I do want another one but I am like you maybe within 2 years from now. I really like to enjoy my lil one and give him as much attention as possible.

Well girls hopw that all is doing good. My lil one has his doctor's appointment tomorrow for his 9month check up wow can't believe he will be 9 months tomorrow..

Take care


wolffie - September 10

hi ladies!

how is everyone doing?



lili246 - September 15

It's been quiet I bet all you ladies are busy with those lil ones :)
Hope all is well!!


wolffie - September 16

Hi Everyone!

It is so quiet on the board now. Has everyone gone back to work? I am still on leave until the end of November. I wish I could stay home with Tyler but it doesn't look like it will be possible right now.

Do any of you have any frozen embies left? I have two and am wondering when to use them. Does anyone know the success rates of frozen transfers? I only have two to thaw so I don't have high hopes but I am hoping to try again with another IVF cycle next summer around the time Tyler turns one.

Well, I hope everyone is doing well.

Lill, it looks like it might just be you and me! ;)



doglover - September 16

Hi guys!

Good to hear from you!! I have been busy with Jack. He turns 11 weeks tomorrow. I have to go back to work in a few weeks and am really sad about it. We are having such a good time together.

He is still obsessed with eating, but I have gotten used to it. At least he doesn't eat hourly anymore. More like 2-3 hours. I hope it improves soon. I try to delay feeding him, but he will start to throw a fit. What can I say-he just likes the boob! He will even give me a hint that he wants milk by looking at my eyes, then my boobs, then my eyes, then my boobs. Really, it is ridiculous. He does not need so much milk. I don't know how else to handle it.

At night, he is doing better. He will usually sleep at least 3 hours between feedings. He still flails around 5am-6am...not sure why. We put room darkening shades up to help.

As for naps, he is at least taking one from about 11-1. Otherwise, we try to take one later afternoon and sometimes early evening bc he does not typically get to bed until 8 or 9. I am determined to get him out of my bed between 12-16 weeks. Any recommendations on a smooth transition? I think he will give us a hard time. How do people feel about the cry it out method versus no cry??




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