misscarriage queston
6 Replies
callie 16 - April 8

I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and had a small ammount of pink discharge today after intercourse. My breasts which two days ago were very sore are not sore anymore. Could this be a sign of a misscarriage starting? Please let me know what you all think!!


Tiffany F. - April 9

Callie, I would'nt worry so much about pink discharge, Now when you see red, then that's when I would be concerned, I have had several miscarriages and I don't worry until I see red and sometimes that does'nt mean anything.

Have you miscarried before? Just think positive and pray everything should be ok, If you want to be safe, go to the Dr or to the emergency room if it will put your mnd at ease.

The can see a heartbeat at 6 weeks, I'm sure you'll be okay, keep us posted...Take Care


Lee - June 20

I misscarried late March of this year (10wks), a pregancy test came up positive today, 3mths latter, is it possible to still have hCG hormones in my body from the misscarriage to show a positive preg. result


mouselynne - November 24

hi callie
sorry to hear your concerns i am also 6 weeks pregnant and have been bleeding for over 2 days fresh red blood saw midwive yesterday and received a scan featal heartbeat present alpong with lots of clots showing. I am going nuts as told to rest no work and wait? If anyone has any advice please feel free to share not sure how long bleeding can go on for? Take care


lili246 - December 7

I had a brown discharge while pregnant in my first month and ended up being a m/c at my second month. I have hear that some women get their period while pregnant are you one of them? Has this happen before. Is the baby alright. You need to go and check just in case it ight be a m/c. I wish you the best and hope that everything is well with the baby.

best wishes keep me posted.



mouselynne - December 7

hi lili
thank you for replying a few days have passed since i posted unfortunately i lost my baby after 1o days of bleeding almost made the two months.
i was at work when i had a complete miscarraige i even managed to carry on without anyone knowing what was happening.
it's quite a lonely experience as this is my first i have a3yr old son so he keeps me sane!
please feel free to keep in touch its good to hear from others who have been through it and comforting to know that i am not insane


lili246 - December 7

I know how you might be feeling I had a d&c done in 11-2-06 because mu baby was dead and my bosy never react to the dead baby and I never m/c on my own. It was so wiered and can't understand it at this time but I know that my baby is on better hands with god and he/she will bless me soon, with that special baby dust he/she has. So when did this happen? So you m/c on your own? I am sorry for your loss I totally understand how you feel. We have also somthing in common I have a 2 year old boy and he is the reason that I am keeping myself strong. Hand in there and soon we will be bless again. So how long do you have to wait to start trying again?
I have to wait two normal periods I am still waiting for af#1.
If you need naything please e-mail me I am happy that I found you and someone that understands.

Take care




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