ttc after m/c
358 Replies
Lila - August 27

Hey Liz

I think she said the website was "Stork Radio" but if not try googling fetal doppler and I think a ton will show up and that may be the best way to learn about what they can do and how and when they work.

As to AF I finally did start spotting and called the nurse and she said yes that is all that needed to happen so I am on my way in tomorrow for bloodwork. I was starting to feel better about all this till I got back some answers to a few question from Dr Jacobs and know I am completely depressed again. Why oh why can nothing be easy or go according to a plan with all this stuff. It is like there is some deity up there who just loves to come up with new and improved ways of testing us and our ability to deal with frustration. OK I am done venting. Talk to you all tomorrow after I go to the clinic and see what they have to say. I just keep reminding myself that they are an excellent clinic with great CDC statistics and I just have to have faith in them and their experience and expertise.



gavinsmommy - August 28

Hi my buddies,

Lila, I had a wonderful time last night. Dh and I were like teenagers again in the show. We saw the new movie out called Talledega Nights. I thought is was cute Dh was laughing his butt off at Will Farrell. The best part of the night was that my dh got to meet Michael Madsen and David Carradine. They were there at the theater signing autographs. Dh is a big fan of Michael Madsen, the funny part of it all was that he was just saying last week that he would love to meet him. Bingo he got what he wanted. I wish it could be that easy for all of us!!! What news did you get from the doc.? Is everything ok? I know it seems like someone is always toying with us, but we need to try and stay focused and positive. Please let us know how your appt. goes and good luck. I will be praying for you. I told you I was sening af your way.

Liz, I am so glad you are resting. It makes me feel relaxed everytime you say I am going to rest. That is what your body and lil beans need. I forgot, when did you say your next appt. was? I just wanted to let you know that you can also pick up the fetal heart monitors at Walgreens,Toys R Us and I think Target stores also carry them. I think you have to be somewhere around 19 weeks in order to to hear their lil hearts. I just wonder if you will have yourself a nervous wreck though. I am so glad you got a break from dinner, I love those days. It is rare that I get a chance for a night like that. Take advantage of anything that can make things go easier on you. We had some drizzling here today, but dh wanted to go fishing anyway. I was glad we did because my 5 year old daughter had a blast. She caught 25 fish on her Barbie fishing pole!! She was sad on the way home because she thought today was her last day of freedom. I was giggling so hard just listening to her tell her store of whoa!! You guys should here her talk, I think she has some acting in her bloodline.

I will talk to you girls later.

I am thinking of all of our other ladies and praying.

Mega hugs,prayers, healthy babies, extra sticky baby dust!!!!!


liz - August 28

Good morning ladies -

Lila -
I am sorry to hear you are feeling down. :(
I know the frustration you must be feeling right now and I am sorry for that. If I could take it all away from you I would. I hate to see anyone suffer through this process. Please let us know how your appt goes today. I will be crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer for you.

Helen -
I am happy to hear you had a nice date on Sat. Good for you. I bet you were in a whole new/old element of your own. I hear Talledega nights was pretty good. I think maybe I will have to see it but for me I will wait till it's out on dvd since I know there is no way I can get Frank away from house building for a night at the movies. lol

My next appt is on Friday. They will do another u/s and I will meet with the re for him to discuss multiple births with us before he will release me to ob. I am actually kind of sad to be leaving the re. I have really come to love all them dearly and hate to say bye. I know in ob you are just another pregnant women, at the re they understand what it took to get here and are more compasionate and understanding. Oh well I will get used to it.

I must run work is calling me!
Have a great day
Lots of hugs an sticky baby dust to all


gavinsmommy - August 29

Hi Buddies,

Liz, It was so nice to be out. I love my lil ones but you can lose track of who you are when you watch the Cartoon Network all day!!! LOL. Dh really enjoyed the time together also. It was kind of like when we first met the way he was acting. He has been trying really hard to keep my mind off of things. He has another surprise for me this Saturday. I don't know what he is up to but he said it is going to keep me even busier. I will let you guys know as soon as I find out. Yesterday I felt so nasty, I have had these sinus headaches on and off for a week now. The weather hear has been rainy and ugly. I think that is why I have had the problems with my sinuses. I was looking at the other threads and some of the ladies seem to be losing faith with the ovulex. I am kind of up in the air with it myself. Let us know how your u/s goes on Friday. I will be praying for you and your lil beans. How have you been feeling? I hope everything is going nicely. I know that you are tired but that is a good sign.

Lila, how did your appt. go? I hope you are doing good. Please let us know how everything went.

Denise, how are you holding up? I hope all is well.

Trina, I hope you are staying strong even though I know it is one of the toughest things to go through. We all love and miss you. We will be waiting for you.

Slatka, how has everything been?

I know I worry when I don't hear from you guys even though I know you need a time of silence. I just want all of you to know that we are here for you.

If I have forgotten someone please forgive me, my mind has been mush lately.

Talk to all of you later, mega hugs,prayers, healthy babies,extra sticky baby dust!!!!!!


Lila - August 30

Hey Liz and helen hope you are both doing well. Liz I agree with Helen I think those two beans are like a get out jail free card in reagrds to manual labor on the house - just take it easy and listen to your body.

Helen glad the date was fun. You will have to see if you can fit more of those ineto your busy schedule. Can wait to hear what DH is planning for you - so nice he is still full of surprises. Good luck with the ovulex I hope it starts to work for you.

I have started my stim shots and they are going fine. I go back on Thurs AM to see what the bloodwork says and see how I am doing. Will keep in touch when I have more to share.

Is it just me or does this board (sort of everthing not just our thread) seem to have taken a quiter and little more negative turn lately? Everyone seemed far chattier and upbeat back in July. Don't know what it means but I am hoping we can all come out of this funk soon. I of course exclude present company in these remarks: Liz you are always upbeat and have so much to celebrate right now and Helen you really are one of the most positive people I have come across and are always right there with a nice encouraging word. Hope we start getting more positive news from everyone so maybe we can turn this mood around. Also hope some of our friends who have taken a break will come back and join us soon.


gavinsmommy - August 30

Hi my buddies,

Lila, I would love to squeeze in date night every weekend. It is amazing how much you can get caught up in life and forget who you use to be. Dh and I sat and talked the whole time until the movie started. We laughed at how much things have changed since we met. It was nice to go back and remeber how we first fell in love. I think everybody should have a date night!!!! I agree with you that it seems like this thread is really down. It is kind of like it is falling apart. I know everybody here though is going through some really tough times right now. I just pray that we can all stick together and that our lil ducklings come quacking back. I am praying everything goes well for you on Thursday. I am glad the stim. is going easy on you right now. Gosh knows we don't need someone messing with our hormones!!! Our poor dh and what they have to endure. I myself am testing on the opk and waiting for the go sign with the big O. I am praying everything goes nice and smoothly this month. I will be waiting to hear from you on how your testing goes, good luck and God Bless.

Liz, how have you been? Let us know how your lil beans are doing. I pray you are taking it easy.

I miss all of our other ladies, I pray that you make your way back to us.

I have to go and figure out what to make for dinner, ugh!!
Talk to you all later!

Love my buddies and I am sending big hugs, prayers, healthy babies and extra sticky baby dust!!!!!


gavinsmommy - August 30


How are you????? You are making me nervous. I know it has been only a couple of days but I am concerned. I am praying that you are just really tired or busy with your new home.

Take care and God Bless.



weazie - August 31

Hi ladies

I only have a few mins but finally got a chance to check in. I've been super busy at work and it is only going to get worse. Next week will be crazy as we lose all our students going back to school.

I haven't heard back from the RE so I called they aren't going to make a follow up appointment until I have my CD 23 bw done which will be this weekend. So I don't know anymore information yet. I am 5 dpo so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I may not need my next appointment.

Helen A date that was a wonderful idea. Sounds like you and dh really enjoyed yourself. Hopefully you two get a chance to have a night out once in awhile. I know that is hard though. Sorry about your sinus infection are you feeling better yet? Has your daughter started school. Here the kids start after labour day Monday not sure how it works were you live.

Lila Glad too hear your shots are going well. Let us know how your bloodwork goes today.

Liz Be sure to fill us in on your u/s tomorrow. I hope all is going well for you and the lil beans.

Sorry I haven't had much of a chance to post and I feel like I am rushing thru this calls. Just know you are in my thoughts and I wonder how my buddies are doing. I will make a point to check in more often even if it is just for a quick hello.

Hugs too All!!


liz - August 31

Hi Ladies -

I am fine. I didn't mean to scare anyone. A combination of reasons I have not been here. I am really busy with the house and trying to take it easy, it's not working so well. On Sunday my Step Mom's Father passed away very unexpected. I was feeling quite bummed after Monday reading that Jennifer from another thread had lost her baby at 10 weeks. I don't know why but like Lila said there seems to be such a down spiral here on the site. It makes me sad to see so many suffering so bady. First Trina and than Jennifer, it is just not fair. I know deep inside that it is not up to us and that he does have a plan for each of us but you know sometimes it is still hard to understand.
All this negativatly with losing babies has really got me scared. I not only feel their pain for their loses I am scared to death for my little beans. I think I have been convincing myself that something is wrong just so I am not surprised if something goes wrong. I know that is horrible but how else can you protect yourself emotionally? I am really having a hard time here. Tomorrow at 2 is my re appt and u/s. I am scared to death. I just don't want any bad news, physically and emotionally I just don't know how I could handle it.
I know I am one who always preaches keeping the faith and believe me I am trying. I am keeping the faith but I am also preparing myself for the worst if that makes sense. I pray everyday for healthy babies and a healthy pregnancy. I know it is out of my hands, which makes it even harder. I guess it is that controlling trait I have. :(

Anyway enough about me. I am sorry to have such a downer post. I just wanted to be fair and let you guys know what has been going on in my crazy little head.

Helen -
How are you feeling? How is your little girl?

Lila -
How about you? I read you were worried about somethings with af and your protocols. Are you feeling any better?

Denise -
Any new news?

Trina -
If you pop in to check on us - We miss you and we are all pulling for you. Take care of yourself.

I must run, work is piling up.
Hugs and sticky baby dust to all


gavinsmommy - August 31

Hi buddies,

Denise, I am so glad to hear from you!!!!! I am praying that you won't need that extra appt. either. I did have a wonderful time out. That is exactly what it was A TIME OUT! I needed it more for my emotions rather than an escape from my lil friends. LOL. I know what you mean about being so busy. I think all of us have been running ourselves ragged so we don't have time to stop and think and become weak in our emotions. I am glad you stopped back in. Please let us know how your testing goes.

Lila, please let us know how your bw turns out.

Liz, I understand fully the emotions you have running through your body. I was the exact same way with the twins. I thought once I had my bfp I would be overjoyed but I was so overcome by fear I didn't know what to do. I know we are all very strong in our faith and the fear that sets in is just our human side. It is because we do not have any control over our lives and bodies and that is a reality awakening experience. I know it is not easy but put your faith in the Lord, hand yourself over to him and ask him to spare you from anymore heartache from loosing your children. He is a loving Lord and I feel in my heart that you will carry these lil ones on into your aching arms. I find myself worrying for you, especially when we don't hear from you. I know you are busy and tired and I pray constantly that this is the reason for your abscence. I pray tomorrow that you have your u/s and you see to happy bouncing lil beans. You are not alone in your fears and concerns. We are here for you rooting you on in your pregnancy. Take a deep breath and let it all be turned over to the Lord. God Bless you in your concerns, that they be for nothing.

As for me my lil girl is doing much better since the priest gave me a prayer from St. Michael to say. He also asked me to tell the spirit to leave, that they were not welcome. So far things have been a lil calmer. My sinus headaches have cleared for now. I hope they stay away. My other daughter will be starting school on Sept. 6th because the school had some renovations to do.

I will talk to all of you later!!!

I love you guys, please stay strong!!!

Mega hugs,healthy babies,prayers,faith, and extra sticky baby dust!!!!

P.S. Jennifer I am truly sorry for your loss. May God Bless You and Guide you in this heart wrenching time.


liz - September 1

Good morning Ladies -

Helen -
Thank you for worrying about me. :) I know I am the same way when someone disappears for a couple of days that is normally here everyday. How about this I will check in even if I am busy even if it is just to say hi! That way I won't cause you any undo stress.

Sometimes I tell my dh that it is not always good knowing what you know. I have spoken to women who from the time they got their bfp never thought once of any of the things I/we think about on a daily basis. I am thankful for them that they never had the worries. I wish it was that easy for me. Somedays are harder then others for me and somedays are down right horrible. The past couple have been pretty bad and I am trying not to burden dh with the thoughts I am having. He has so much going on with the house and of course we are behind schedule already beccause of the rain we had and the rain we are getting this weekend. Last night was the first time that I actaully told him how scared I really am. He looked kinda shocked, probably because I wear my heart on my sleeve and if I am upset, worried, or angry the whole world knows it, I am not good at hiding my feelings. I told me knows he thinks about it all the time and is scared as well but had no idea how upset I was. How could he right? Anyway I feel a bit better knowing that I let him know my thoughts.

I am so happy to hear you little one is doing better. It has been a long journey for your family with this problem. That is truly great news.

You little/big girl is off in 4 more days. :'( How are the 2 of you holding up?

How is your little boy?

Did I read somewhere that you are getting ready to O? Sorry I can't seem to find it but I thought I had seen that somewhere.

Denise -
I am thinking about you this weekend with your bw. Please let us know how you make out. Do you have any idea when you will get the results? I was always fortunate to get them back the same day. My re has a lab right there and let me tell you that is a wonderful feeling to get the results back in a few hours. Keeps you alittle more sane, if that is possible.
I do pray that you won't need that appointment, but if you do you know you are moving ahead and that is an excellent feeling.

Lila -
How are you doing? Please let us know how you are doing. I know it should be getting close for you.

I will talk to you all a little later. My appointment is at 2 so I will check in after and let you know how I make out. Please pray for me and my little beans, I am very nervous.

Hugs and lots of love. Thank you for being such a wonderful support systems.


Lila - September 1

Liz I am so sorry to hear about all your worries. I really hope today's appointment will be able to give you some peace. Are you back with OB today or is the last RE appt? Either way hope it is a good one.

Helen - I am using you for inspiration and am having DH take me out on a date tonight. As we do not have kids you would think we would be able to do more of this I guess we are just lazy! Anyway as I would really like distractions from all the IVF stuff I TOLD him "honey I think it is so nice you invited me out on a date tonight for the movies, I would like to be picked up at 7:15 as I have a 9:45 curfew (shot time)." He looked at me like I was crazy and then the light slowly dawned. Men - where did we get them? I think you mentioned DH had another surprise for you on Friday so I hope you too have a fun time tonight. Especially if Liz is right and it is BD-time.

Weazie - I know you are the wait and test period which was the period I truly felt time took on a new dimension and moved at glacier speed. At least this will hopefully give you a direction to pursue. Also sounds like life outside of ttc is very busy so that also helps. I am with the others in keeping fingers crossed that you do not need the next appointment!

As for me I am on day 5 of stims. So far I really can not complain. Shots are all sub-q in the belly and just not that painful. The mixing is the hardest so I have given that task to DH in an effort to "make him feel more involved" (read I just hate the mixing). My baseline estradiol was 14 and 3 days later it was 135 so they kept my meds the exact same - I guess that is a good sign that they like how it is progressing. I test again tomorrow. Everything so far is B/W so I have no idea how many (or how few) are actually growing. Leaves my nerves a little raw.

I have only had one complete and total emotional breakdown so far. At the moment I am really only working with 2 clients as both jobs are huge. One of them I have been working with the client (who has also become a very good friend) for a year and due to the scope of her house it will go on for at least this next year or so as well. I met with her yesterday and found out she is pregnant with #3. I am very happy for her but also know how difficult this working relationship is now going to be for me. I meet with her for at least 2-3 times a week so I will see this pregnancy constantly and I am just not sure if I can hadle planning her nursery (I think I mentioned I am an interior designer) for her if this IVF fails. So with all that brewing in my head I made it through my meeting with her and then came home needlessly picked a fight with DH and then broke down crying for what seemed like forever. So I am trying to stay positive and cross that nursery bridge when and if I come to it. Thanks for listening. Talk to you all later.


liz - September 2

Good Evening Ladies -

I have to make this quick, I am very tired and need to get off my feet. I wanted to make sure I checked in and updated you all.

The u/s went very well. We have 2 little beans with 2 good heartheats. Baby A is 150bpm and Baby B is 143BPM.

We only have a slight issue right now and that is there is some blood clotting that was not there 10 days ago. Right now the re is thinking that it is probably from the little ones implentating further inside the uterus. For now we need to keep our fingers crossed that all will stay good. I go for another u/s in 2 weeks. 9/15.

I will check in tomorrow morning after I get a good nights sleep.

Please continue to keep me and the little beans in your prayers.


gavinsmommy - September 2

Hi buddies,

Liz, I totally understand what you are tlking about as far as hiding my emotions. When I am like that everyone knows. I am doing ok so far with my daughter heading off to school, probably because I know I have 4 more days. She on the other hand is kind of excited. She is also nervous. My son is doing good so far, his speech is improving. I hope all went well today for you. I have been praying non-stop through out the week for you. I did actually get a positive on my opk today. So hopefully everything that needs to meet up can , and then plant itself and grow. I will be waiting to hear from you on your u/s. So please let us know how everything goes.

Lila, things sound like they are heading in the right direction. I am so happy to hear that you are getting a night out to hopefully not think about anything for awhile. I understand what you are talking about with your client being pregnant. There are three women on my block here that are pregnant. It seems like where ever you turn there is someone pregnant. Its kind of like having an ingrown toe nail and you keep hitting it!!!!! LOL. My surprise is coming tomorrow dh said, so I will let you know what it is.

I hope all of our other buddies are doing good and staying strong.

Talk to you later.

Mega hugs, healthy babies, prayers, and extra sticky baby dust to all this month!!!!


gavinsmommy - September 2

Hi Liz,
I just got done writing and saw that you posted. God bless you and your 2 lil beans and keep you safe. I am so happy for you. I will continue to pray for you and the beans. Glad you are resting that is what you guys need.

God Bless you and I will talk to you tomorrow.



liz - September 2

Hello Ladies -

Helen -
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. A little over a week ago I was concerned because I have not had an ms. I even said to Frank that I wish I would get ms because I never had it with any of my other preg and they ending in mc, my warped mind thought that if I get ms it would be a sign of something better this time. Well guess what... spoke to soon. It started last night while watching a movie, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick and this morning I could barely get out of bed I felt so bad. For me its all good, but you know you have to be careful what you wish for. :)

Glad to you got the positve opk. I guess you have been bding your little hearts out. I will pray for this to be your month. You deserve it and it is definatly time. How have you been feeling otherwise with the Ovulex?

I am happy to hear your little boy is doing better with his speech. Have you been working with him on your own or does he see someone? Either way whatever you are doing seems to be working so keep it up.

Tonight is your surprise from dh. I am excited to hear what he has up his sleeve. Be sure to let us know, most of all be sure to have fun. ;)

Lila -
I was happy to hear you are moving forward with your cycle.
How is everything going with the shots? Did you decide to let dh give them to you? As you know that always worked best for me. Frank actually became so good at it he told me he was going back to school to be a nurse. LOL I can only imagine how that would turn out. The shots in the belly are really not as I thought it would be, it became second nature. When do you go for your next round of bw? Will you get your follcile count at that time. I saw you last round of bw results and they looked great. I know you are doing IVF and I was just doing ovulation stimulation. For me the idea was not to have the follicles grow to fast, is that how it is for you?

I know how hard it is but please try not to worry, things will be moving right along before you know it. Your little ovaries are working very hard right now to produce you numerous follicles. Patience is a vitue here and yes I know it is very hard to sit back and wait. :)

Please keep us updated. You are in my thoughts and prayers for a very postive month.

For me it is nap time again. :)
Many prayers, hugs and lots of sticky baby dust coming your way.



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