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22 Replies
JJ - April 7

Hi Everyone,
I had my first IUI on Tuesday after my DH and I have been TTC for 2.5 yrs. We recently found out that DH had the issue which has lead us down the IUI path. The doctor has been very positive about the IUI being a great option for us, I guess I didn't realize how low the chances really are. In any case, I am just looking for support and am glad that I have found this site.


meridithhasfaith - April 7


Good luck with your IUI. Even though the chances may look low on paper, remember, women get pg that way every day. This could be your month!

Welcome to this site.



BabyBound - April 7

Welcome JJ, this is a great site for support and venting. I'm going through the same situation as you. My husband has mild sperm factor and our RE thinks IUI route is the best for us. After all my testing, I was set to start in March, but for some reason my period decided not to come...of course, I thought I was pg, but got a negative test and had to take drugs to get it started...NOW...I'm one my last day of clomid and will do an ultrasound on Monday. Hopefully, IUI next week as well.

So, now you are in the dreaded two week wait I've been hearing so much about. Did you take clomid prior to the IUI?? Good Luck and Baby Dust to you.


HeatherMac - April 7


I wish you the best in your efforts...and I wanted to respond to you because I know that IUI can work...regardless of the ink on the paper. These scientists are not God and they don't know everything...figures on the paper don't tell the whole story...miracles still happen each and every day.

We had lots of people try to poo-poo us on our journey, but we didn't let that deter us and we were very blessed with a successful IUI. But it took several tries...even if you had no fertility issues, it would take you and DH several months to be you might have to do the IUI a couple of times to be successful...then again, you might not.

Either way - and this is so important - don't lose hope. And come here for support as often as you can or need to. Some days will be better than others, and some days will be harder to get through than others...and in either situation, this website will prove to be a sanity can get so much from the wonderful women here and all their experiences. Do whatever you must to feed your hope...keep it alive...find hope peddlers to help you get through the low points...cuddle a puppy...go to church...stop and look at all the pretty flowers in the park...avoid people who will try to dash your hopes...stop and turn your face toward the sun for twelve uplifting movies...laugh at whatever you must to hold tightly to your hope and never let anyone take it from you.

Best wishes to you and loads and loads of baby dust to you and every wonderful woman on these boards!!



Darby206 - April 7

Don't get discouraged JJ! IUI can and does work!!

When we started down this road my DH had ZERO sperm. With some treatment, we got him up to 15 million, but with only 3% morphology. The Dr. was not confident about our chances with IUI. He indicated we would probably end up having to do IVF with ICSI. That was two months ago and I just had my second u/s today to see my TWINS! Yes, we are pg with twins after IUI. It can happen! Keep your chin up and we will pray our hearts out for you. Good luck and baby dust to you!


Fortyfour - April 8

Dont look at the paper work stat cause it will drive you bonkers. Heathermac is our miracle girl and knows what she is talking about. Darby and Daisy and Cassandra are also our inspiration. Good luck with the treatment. There is so much they can do now days. Keep in touch with us on your journey.


JJ - April 8

Thank you everyone, for your postive thoughts. I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you and I hope I can be of help as well.


cassandra - April 8

Good luck JJ on the 2WW. It does seem to take forever. TryinginNH is also on a 2WW with IVI.Good thoughts for you.When exactly do you test? cassandra


JJ - April 8

Hi Cassandra,
I will test on the 19th. Thanks for your support, and good luck to you as well. Positive thoughts and baby dust.


WantsBaby2 - April 10

Welsome to the site! My dh has quite a moderate problem with count and morphology. It is a shock I know. We go down this journey and hope and pray without really knowing what our outcome is. But faith can see you through. There has been a big baby boom on here lately and it has been there IS hope for all of us.

Try to stay positive! Good luck with your cycle and I will be sending tons of baby dust your way!



JJ - April 17

Hi everyone,
I have been trying to be patient during the 2ww, scheduled to test on Tuesday. Today when I woke up, I had the worst back pain of my entire life, not typical for me and a brown discharge. I guess that AF is on her way. Has anyone else experienced this back pain with IUI? I guess I am a little down, I believed that in my heart of hearts that this was going to work the first time contrary to statistics.

For those of you that have had success, what other medications were you taking when you conceived? How many IUI's did it take? My doctor said that in my age group about 50% conceive in 6 mos.

Also, I have been reading on this site where the doctors are not keen on Clomid. It seems that it is a common drug used, so why are they down on it? Thanks so much for all your support.


HeatherMac - April 17


I'm sorry you're having a bad day...but don't lose your hope!!

I was on Clomid several times and I have no idea why the doctors on this site are so down on it. Every woman I know across the world has been on Clomid with an IUI, so don't worry what they say. One of the doctors got pretty uppity with me about Clomid and how much more advanced his clinic is, which TOTALLY put me off...then I remembered that he is NOT my doctor and I thankfully don't go to his clinic so I didn't lose one wink of sleep over what he had to say. I love and trust my doctor and thank God for him every day.

How old are you?? I turned 36 in March and we were successful with IUI in late February. I was on 100mg of Clomid, which had just been upped from 50mg, and an HCG shot for the ovulation. It was not our first time, and I had been on Clomid off and on during our two year process several times. Oddly enough I found the "Serophene" much easier to take than the generic Clomid. I had to order it from Sam's Club, and it was about $75, but since my insurance didn't covery any of it anyway, I splurged. I can't explain why it treated me better, but I didn't have nearly as many of the side effects from the Serophene...except the all made me tired.

Before we were successful, my RE had said to me that he would like us to try four or five more IUIs...I was so brokenhearted...until he told me that people with no problems rarely get pregnant quickly. If we had no fertility issues and were trying on our own it would most likely take us 5 or 6 months to be successful...the IUI is no different.

So, don't lose hope...don't lose hope. Do whatever you must to keep your hope alive and kicking!! And, don't fret what anyone else tells you until you hear it from YOUR them whenever you have a question. That's what they do...they know all of this because they do this for a don't, so whenever you have a question, call and talk to the nurse at your doctor's office. Trust me, there are women who call them far more than you would ever dream of calling.

Have a GREAT day and know we're rooting for you!!




BabyBound - April 18

JJ, don't lose still can happen. The bleeding could be implantation bleeding. Have you taken an hpt yet? I've been having crampy bloating feeling on and off since my IUI on the 13th. I hoping we both can be successful on our 1st IUI.

Listen to Heathermac, she's given me the same advice. Keeping my fingers cross for you.


JJ - April 18

Thank you guys for your positive thoughts. I appreciate them. It was a beautiful day here in Columbus, I worked in the yard with DH today, we talked a little about what was happening. He is still encouraged about the process, so that helped me out a lot.

Thanks Heathermac and Babybound, you guys are great. Babybound, I am sending lots of baby dust your way. Heathermac, you are proof that the IUI can work, and I thank you both for your support.


JJ - April 18

I forgot to say this before, I am 30. My RE suggested that it could take 5-6 IUI procedures but you know, once a perfectionist always a perfectionist. :) Thanks again for your post.


tinkerbell - April 19

hey JJ, how did the test go? I am holding my breath for your news! good luck and lots of baby dust to you!


JJ - April 20

Hello all,
Unfortunately AF has paid a visit. I talked to RE today and am starting the process for IUI #2. I am feeling very optomistic about it and will go for the ultra sound next friday. Thank you all for your thoughts, baby dust to all.



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