IVF anyone?
2699 Replies
vw79girl - October 5

Jamie, so glad your scan went well!

Jen, thanks for visiting the site. I have so much fun updating it.

I had a really good day today...
Benjamin went into a big boy crib this morning!!! He is doing well and maintaining his temperature. It is so nice to be able to put him in a sleeper with the feet and snuggle him in. Paul is on the brink of 4 lbs. Perhaps tomorrow he will hit it! He is so close...3 lbs. 15.3 oz. Benjamin is weighing in at 4 lbs. 11.1 oz. The both did well with their bottles tonight. Making progress with the feedings and really developing their own personalities. They are 5 weeks OLD TODAY!!!
hope everyone is having a good weekend!


JamieP - October 5

Great news Lisa. When do they let them come home? With me it was when they were at or over 4 lbs, everything was stable and they could take a feed in less than 1/2 an hour. I am thinking you must be close to that with Benjamin and Paul can not be far behind. Hope it is soon.



JasJulesMom - October 5

Jamie- So glad your scan went well.

Lisa- Maybe since the boys are doing so great they will be home before you thought. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Ronda, Reshema- We are so close now. How are you two feeling?


vw79girl - October 5

Jamie, Their coming home depends on their "events" (apnia and the d sats with the oxygen) Ben has a few Brady's which are the apnia and Paul has the dsats but they are few and far between now which is great!
also depends on their feeding and taking a whole bottle etc. they are doing okay with breastfeeding but it is still early. they are only 34 weeks today so in a couple of weeks they will be even better. Size is also an issue but not to worry with them I am told as Ben is almost 5 already and Ben is 4 today!

Debbie, thanks...keep them crossed...I want them both home soon!!!

and thank you Jen...hope you are hangin' in there.

I really dread going back to school tomorrow. I will miss my long afternoon visits with them but it will keep me busy and I will be able to see them right after school. :) and then again at night. I can't believe we have been separated for 5 weeks now. I am so thankful we can go to them every day and hold them and allow them to hear our voices and feel our touches. They are such little miracles.

Jules, we will catch one another sooner or later.

Lyly how are you girl?


Marina - October 6

Hi girls
Lisa-I'm glad your little early birds almost ready to fly home to mama and papa. :)
One of my clients had her baby at 18 weeks-very very sad,but they could keep her alive only for a few days.She is literally insaine-they didn't even think little girl could survive a few minutes,but she fought for a few days!They got their hopes up...but ... :'(
Debie,Ronda,Reshma-you are sooo close!I hope you guys feel well.
Jamie you made the first trimester!Congrats girl! :D
Jenny,if you feel like you have too much,I'll be more than happy to take one girl. 8)


Arabsrcool - October 6

Hi girls!

Just checking in. I am 34 weeks (as of Sunday) and soooo ready to have this little one. Pregnancy has gotten universally uncomfortable, not that I am not grateful to have gotten pg, but WHEW.......I am ready.

The last minute stress of getting the room ready (paint etc, walls are painted, trim needs 2nd coat, then we can set up the crib). then we have financial aspects hitting us in the face of.....diapers, childcare, eventually formula, blah, blah, blah. dh and I got into a huge fight this weekend, mainly over money, being tired and trying to get things done. It will blow over, but its a bit overwhelming right now. Then add the "get ready for winter list" on top of all of it.....it just seems too much! Ok, enough whining from me!


glad to hear you are feeling a little better. You might be surprised, one or more of your girls could be quite the tomboy and hang out mostly with your dh.


Sorry to hear your pup is having such a hard time. Bulldogs are prone to such problems because of their physical attributes (I remember alot of those type issues when I was growing up when my parents were raising bulldogs)......I hope you find a solution to the feeding problem and he makes a full recovery.


Your boys are cruising right along. I cannot believe they are 5 weeks old now. Sorry you have to go back to work, but it sounds like the boys will be home soon and you will be back off work.


Congrats, you made it through the 1st trimester! I am so happy for you!


did you make a decision on the sperm issue?



lili246 - October 6

Yeah that is what I think a pen size is way to small so I couldn't believe it and was wondering..lol Wow you kids were pretty big which is good. Do you know how long they are now? It is amazing how fast they grow. So how are they doing?


vw79girl - October 7

hello girls,

My first day back to school was exhausting but everyone was happy to see me, especially the kids so that helped a lot. I thought about my babies all day long and couldn't wait to go and see them after school. Got there in time to feed Paul a bottle. He only took a little bit. Benjamin finished his first whole bottle tonight! very exciting for us. :) We had a little photo shoot tonight. Layed the boys side by side... and they just fell asleep. It was one of those moments I would like to just bottle for a rainy day.
I need to get to bed. I will catch up with personals this week.


Goofy5796 - October 7

Lisa- I looked at the boys website this morning! They are getting so big :) They are absolutely adorable and you can tell they love being together :)
Going back to work must be so hard, but it should help the time go by quicker to when they are both home with you!


JasJulesMom - October 8

Lisa- It must be so hard being away from them all day. Just keep in mind it won't be long before you get to stay home with them all day for an extended time.


vw79girl - October 8

It is really tough being away from them all day but my days are going by faster now that I am at school.

Benjamin seems to be progressing faster than our little Paul. Most likely he will come home first and Paul will follow. It's mostly the feeding. Ben is taking whole bottles!!! Paul tries but he tires easily and he just doesn't have the reserve yet but he will get there. It just makes me sad to see him struggle. They both have their little different things already that make them unique.

Some of my friends at school had a shower for me today which was a lot of fun. The boys got lots of books and clothes :) a few toys. I think they really have EVERYTHING they need!

I am glad you guys keep up with our website.
I enjoy doing it and sharing it. :)
Goofy...they totally LOVE being together and sleep so well afterwards.


JasJulesMom - October 8

Wow Lisa another shower. You must really have tons of stuff by now.

I am feeling really crappy the last couple of days. I think I am getting sick. DD was sick last week and I think she passed it on to me. My throat is sore and I feel extra worn down. Went to ob toda for my weekly exam. Nothing too exciting. The best news is I only gained 20 lbs so far and with only 2 weeks to go it cannot be that much more !!!

Hope everyone else is doing well, it should be a baby brigade around here soon. Everyone i soooooo close.


Meg - October 9

Hi Ladies,

I hope all of you are doing well. I wanted to let everyone know that November is prematurity awareness month and that Nov. 12 is prematurity awareness day. Many of us have either experienced premature babies or know someone who has had a preemie. If you go to the March of Dimes website there is a petition that you can sign to get more $$ for research for prematurity. I am grateful that our twins were born at a good weight, but they still have some things that we deal w/ from being preemies in my opinion. I know all those who have had preemies are especially thankful to the March of Dimes for all that they done to help premature babies.

Your boys are making such great strides. You must be so very happy :) BTW, I only scrapbook about 3 times a year. It took me almost 4 years to complete my son's 1st year of life. I plan to give each of them their completed scrapbooks at either their H.S. or college graduations, so it looks I have plenty of time to complete the other two! I wish you continued success w/ your beautiful baby boys.

Best of Luck to all the girls who are about ready to have their precious little babies :)

Take Care,


vw79girl - October 10

Benjamin is 5 lb. 3 oz. and...Paul is 4 lb. 6 oz. They are 40 days old today!
I visited them after school and bottlefed both of them. :)
They both had baths tonight. No pictures but I can tell you, it was a success. They both loved it and didn't cry or fuss one bit. It was so nice to put them in their pj's and snuggle them in for a feeding after they were all squeaky clean. They are really smiling a lot and developing their little personalities. Tomorrow completes my first week back to school. Needless to say I am exhausted. Thank god for three day weekends!

Hope you are all doing well. I am off to bed!


lyly14 - October 10

Hi girls- Quick update. I went in for blood and sono this morning for my first lining check. I was supposed to get my instructions via voicemail after 4:30pm. Well at 11:30am this morning my nurse called me and left a message that she needed to speak with me directly to give me my transfer instructions :o My transfer is the Monday! ;D I can't believe it. I was figuring it would be Wednesday. So now the fun begins....my shots (progesterone and lovenox). I just pray my 4 little embies are strong enought to all make the thaw and at least one sticks.


Goofy5796 - October 10

lyly14- Good luck Monday!! Keep us posted :)



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