5 Replies
Barbara - December 28

Hi there

I would like to know how many types of IVF are available?

I have been advised by my doctor that there are different types, whereas I though there was only one.

Can you explain please how a couple can have IVF on the NHS, and I can't and would have to pay?

As mentioned before I was advised by my doctor that I would have to have a special IVF treatment because my husband has low sperm count, should this make any difference?

Many thanks


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - December 28

IVF is a short way of saying"in vitro fertilization". The term "in Vitro" means in the laboratory. In circumstance where there is not a serious male factor problem, the embryologist puts sperm and eggs in a special dish in the incubator and allows them to spend the night together. Normal sperm will fertilize normal eggs. In the case of severe male factor problems, the embryologist literally injects individual sperm into eggs to try to fertilize the eggs. I do not know if I have answered your question, but there is really 1 meaning of IVF. Some times the sperm just need a lot of help.
Good luck.


Becky - April 13

I have a high prolactin and want to know if IVF is the best option


Barry Jacobs M. D. - April 13

Elevated prolactin, alone, is NOT an indocation for IVF. I do not know if you have other issues which make IVF your best option to achieve a pregnancy.
Good luck.


jenlo4 - April 17

I was wondering if i could get pregnant after having my tubed cut,tied,and burned. I know i cant have one the natural way but what about ivf. or any other way?


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - April 18

That is exactly what IVF is for. See a Reproductive Endocrinologist for help.
Good luck.



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