48 Replies
Kelly28 - January 21

Hello! HeatherMak I am sorry you are sad, I know the feeling all too well. There are better days than others, thats for sure. You have some big decisions ahead of you and its unfortunately not that simple for any of us on here - oh if it were! And to think how many 16 year old girls will get pregnant today - thats so hard to figure out.

I went to the NP on Friday and she is wonderful, she has PCOS and is pregnant right now - took her 11 years this round, they told her it wouldnt happen!! So I am now on Metamorphin and will take clomid once the period drugs make it come on. UGH! She said that the metamorphin will help my acne and that the Derm cant do much more for me - to give this 3 months and I will see a big change in my skin - its not horrible to anyone else but I hate it - makes me even more sad... I have done accutane and I actually loved it and will do it again once I have a baby (being positive here!). The only side affect I had was just really dry skin while I was on it. I guess we are all different. Seems that this Metamorphin is really hard on the stomach...but I will do what it takes :)

I will see how all of this goes. All of my other tests have come back good so I am really praying this can happen on these meds, if not, I will be just sick. And its so hard to be around all these people I know that are pregnant or just had a baby...I know that is selfish but its really tough.

Try to stay positive and know that the decision you make will be the right one :)

Thank you so much for your replies...


HeatherMak - January 22


Thank YOU for your reply! Really, thanks!!

It is hard when you see these young girls who don't want to be pregnant and could care less about the baby once it arrives. I posted just after Thanksgiving about a distant relative who just turned 18 and his 16 year old girlfriend were expecting...I really got flack for being so angry about it. But it did make me angry. The girl turned 17 earlier this month and the baby came early with tons of problems...because...shock of all shocks...she didn't have ANY prenatal counseling...NO doctor visits...she never took care of herself because she didn't want this baby. HELLO?? Grr. It's all I can do to keep my mouth shut and not ask them for the baby.

You know, the metformin really can do a number on your digestive system, so ask about Colestid. It's an antidiarrheal med that is not absorbed into the body and can help with all the "problems" from the Met. Also, if your insurance will cover it, try the brand Glucophage. Metformin is the generic of Glucophage and while there is no difference in the active ingredients, there IS a difference in what the use for the inactive binders...so if Metformin really treats you badly, see if you can take the Glucophage.

I noticed a difference about four months after I was on it that my acne was better, as was some pesky hair on my face. It's blonde, so no one noticed, but I sure noticed that it wasn't as bad. It really does make a world of difference when you get an accurate diagnosis!!

I think it's great that your NP went through your same troubles. It helps to have someone you can relate to. I'm sorry she went through that, but I'm glad she's pg!! You have a positive force there to help you when you get pg, too!

Thanks for the reply and keep me posted!!

I wish you all the baby dust in the world. You and every other woman on this board who is driven by the sheer natrual instinct to be a Mommy. May every woman deserving of this miracle receive it with great love.



Kelly28 - January 22

HeatherMak you are a wealth of knowledge! We are all lucky to have you on this site :) Thank you so much.

You know I read your entry about the relative having the baby and I knew exactly where you were coming from and did not think you were a bad person for it. I think some of us are just more honest about how sad and upsetting all of this can really be. And if we cant share our true opinions on this site than I dont think its worth coming on here. We are out here bcuz we have no one to talk to, no one understands - not our family or friends unless they are or have went thru it and while I have a few good friends who will listen to me - they are clueless and think I am overreacting I am sure. Thats my 2 cents worth.

Thanks again...I will keep you posted on my meds.


shann0664 - January 22

Yayyy my follie was 19mm today!!!!!!!!


wannababy - January 24

I need to know if I am being rediculous or if I am justified in my feelings......... It has been a rough, emotional, road trying to get pregnant, but just when I think my attitude is becoming more positive, I am surrounded by pregnant people.
I went to dinner on sat night and BOTH girls were pregnant, most of my friends are pregnant, my neighbors are pregnant, and to top it all off, one of my closest friends called me tonight to tell me she is pregnant too!!!! I just lost it! I cried for nearly and hour and my husband does not fully understand. Although my doctor seems to be optomistic, I am angry and frustrated. I do NOT even want to see or talk to my friends/neighbors. Am I being dramatic?


HeatherMak - January 24


You are NOT being dramatic. Not not not. Anyone who tells you that you are being dramatic needs to walk a mile in your shoes, and then beaten with your shoes.

Anyone who tells you that has never...NEVER...never wanted a child so badly that they would sacrifice their own wellbeing for it. I pray they never know that pain...I'm sorry any woman on this board has ever known that pain.

You can reference a wonderful page on this site on Coping:


are lots of great links there that will give you a list of things to say to friends and family when they say insensitive things like, "You're being dramatic." Oddly, kiss my arse is missing from that list...

I'm sorry you're surrounded. I'm sorry you feel that pain. And, I'm sorry people aren't more understanding of your pain. But your pain and anger are MORE than justified so do NOT worry about feeling the way you do. It is more than acceptable, understandable and justified.

I hope you're feeling a little better.



wannababy - January 24

Thank you so much! It just feels better to talk to you people who really understand.


HeatherMak - January 24

Wannababy -

You're very welcome...anything I can do to help.

Shann -

How's our follie doing?? 19 is GREAT!! Any updates??



shann0664 - January 26

I did my ovidrel injection tues we bd'd wed an today!! It feels like a party is going on in there!! LOL we are gonna bd again in a little bit, but the ovidrel deff made me ovulate!! So i guess thats good, but I really didn't see any CM I think I had a little bit an my doctor said dont worry it might be up near my uterus because clomid drys you up a bit, So I am officially in my 2WW
Feb8th I go to the docs for a pg test!!!! Fingers crossed!!! Praying


shann0664 - January 27

Where is everyone??

<a href="http://lilypie.com"><img src="http://tt.lilypie.com/v7Rdm5.png" alt="Lilypie 21 - 37 day cycle Ticker" border="0" width="400" height="80" /></a>


alison29 - January 31

Hi Heathermak,
I just read the top line of your post and i was wondering what kind of side effects you are still having from accutane? I took it too about three years ago and it WAS HELL. But my acne seemed never ending had it since 14 was 26 for treatment. Anyway if you could let me know what you are feeling it might help me figure some things out about myself THANKS


HeatherMak - February 4


Sorry I'm just now getting back to you - VERY long week.

Hmm...well, I still suffer horrid pains in my knees and hips, and my skin is so dry that I have to keep Vaseline in my nose to prevent nose bleeds during the winter. As I write this, I have more cracks on my hands that bleed than I care to count. MMM. Nice, eh? That is the ONE thing that totally honks me off...if docs had known about PCOS when I took Accutane, I might not have had to take it. I could have treated the core problem, not just the acne. Problem is, until VERY recently, PCOS was not treated as a serious problem...I went to a couple of docs with a list of symptoms that I now know as PCOS and was given ANTIDEPRESSANTS!! TWICE that I can recall. Grr.

So, if i could, I would go back in time and NEVER take the Accutane. My skin is so dry I look sunburned...but I can't put ANY lotion on my face...none...not even the most gentle...because it causes an allergic reaction I never had before the Accutane. I cannot get enough lotion on the rest of my body to even make a difference in my dry skin.

No meds touch the pain in my knees and hips and spine. Nothing. I've been in physical therapy for the pain, but it never goes away. I've taken every joint medicine out there, but they don't help. The Accutane alters the oil production in your body, which affects not only oil production on the outer surface of your skin ALL OVER YOUR BODY but the inner workings of the joints as well.


So, what else can I help you with?? That's all I can think of at the moment. I'm tortured by winter because it sucks what moisture I do have left in my body totally out. I drink enough water to drown an elephant, but to no avail.

What are your symptoms??


alison29 - February 5

Hi HeatherMak,
Thanks for getting back with me. Well i have these awful headaches. I had them when i was on the stuff and off and on now. These days it could be because of neck and shoulder tension i am not sure though (and since alot of drs don't care we have to diagnose ourselves). I am not as dry as you i probably had the real oil production problem that accutane is supposed to be used for (not PCOS acne) I also live in Florida so this might help. But i have become a lotion addict now that i think about it. Dh thinks i am a little overkill. That sounds awful about the pain and dryness you have been in for so long i feel for you woman no one should have to go through that because of incompetent doctors wow :( . I had no idea it affected the workings of your joints etc. but that does explain the weird pains while in the legs i had. I have heard of drs shoving scrips for antidepressants at people for everything jeez! just stick a bandaid on the situation and get on to the next person...Since you asked about helping with other things i see that you had endometriosus too. I am having the surgery Feb. 15. My symptoms are of course Infertility (for FOREVER) i ovulate but nothing ever happens. I have always had pretty painful periods (3 advils and a heating pad to get through). What were your symptoms that made them want to do the laparoscopy for you? Thanks so much take care


JennyBee - February 5

My name is Jenny. I was diagnosed with PCOS in August of 2005 and since then have been on Metphormin and went through 3 cycles of Clomid with only a .8 to show for my progesterone levels. As you can tell, I'm TTC and I can NOT afford the fertility clinic's fees. So, I'm trying Ovulex with some home of it working. I'm not going to get my hopes up too high. But I NEED at least a little hope. I have 2 pregnant sisters and my friends all have kids. Its so depressing and it always seems like people say they understand and that it will happen, but they realy don't understand.. they've never had the experience of infertility. They all got prego with out even wanting to. I know most of us all feel this way. I was just wondering, has anyone in here ever tried Ovulex?


nakineen - February 17

H im neen from nz. I just wanted to say thanks to all you awsome chicks for posting some reading for me on a day i was feeling sad.

I was diagonosed with PCOS a couple of months ago after trying to get pg (im getting used to these abb so may muck up a bit)! for 6 months.

AF was not regular since finishing the pill 12 months before (my dr said to wait a few months to get regular as this could be normal, but i had been on the pill for 10+ years because i had never been regular)!
anyway my hubbie and i had been tring for a baby partly because we felt it was time and partly because it could be a possible cure for my other condition, vulvar vestibulitis syndrome. After reading about you girls problems with acne and hair growth i feel so lucky not to have those problems, but vvs is no walk in the park. it means sex hurts-a lot making baby making difficult and causing huge stress and strain on my 1 1/2 year marriage(my hubbies moods are like jekel and hyde weather or not we have had sex lately). My condition is thought to have come from a procedure i had about 10 years ago after my first ever pap smear. i had abnormal cells (cin 2) and had to have them scraped out. 5 or so years later i had many things wrong and vvs started to delevop(though was undiagnosed for several years).

Before i had diagnoses i too thought that everyone thought i was a hypocondrac and my symtoms were mearly annoying to them. i often feel like there are only so many health prob one person can take,but at the same time know others are going through so much worse.

Last month I started on progestorone to bring on AF and then phenate(fertility drugs like clomid) to stimulate ovulation. progestorone made me bloated and mood swingy. Drugs didnt work follicale too small .
(im not happy that my dose was 1/2 of what the normal first dose is supposed to be, i suspect because my dr is trying to avoid a multiple, but i told her twins wld be great and my hubbie is desperate for a child soon, hes already 41 and has no children)
anyway im staring again on the pills and my phenate dose has been increased after i complained to the nurse!

all my friends are having babies too. and recently one that had ivf and one that had a miscariage on her first. It is depressing though i am happy for them.

THANKS for reading this and it just feels good to know others are in the same boat as me.

please reply!


jay_nelle - February 26

I have never been dx with PCOS but the DR'S think thats what is going on. Here is my long story. I am overweight (working on loosing some of that and exercising) I have irregular periods....I was so excited because I had two reular ones in a row and seemed to be going really well....I can tell this month its not going to be the same I have no signs of AF. I went to a OBGYN he gave me metformin (made me sick went off of it) I decided that loosing weight and decreasing my sugar and fat intake it way more effective then metformin (did a lot fo research) 37% metformin 58% eating right and exercising. Anyways I was also given a RX for Clomid 100mg days 5-9. The DR wanted to do all theese tests when I took my first round. Well sense then my insurance changed to Group Health (anyone familar)? well you are usualy just able to see their drs. and they do not cover infertility...so I have no idea how that will work...my insuracne becomes effective 3/1/07. I thought about asking for provera to get my AF (unless it starts on its own) and then take my clomid which I have 3 refills on and some sitting in my cabniet. I also have a Clear blue easy fertility monitor which I have bee nsuing this month...no O just stayed at high for like 8 days :-( I also know that you can't use your monitor when your on Clomid. What do you women use to see if you O'd on Clomid? Can anyone relate to my story? Good luck to you all!!!!




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