possible bladder outlet obstruction
1 Replies
hopeful2006 - March 15

Dr, Smith:

Hello my name is Carrie and I am 11wks pg and went in for my genetic testing sonogram yesterday and everything was so wonderful.

we got to see the baby jumpin all around and actually got a pic of him/her waving at us. well all that was wonderful until the dr came in and told us he was worried because it looked like the baby's bladder was not emptying and there could possibly be a blockage with the urethra.

I want to know has anyone ever heard of this - dealt with this and what were the results.

Now dr said that we could go back on Friday and everything could be just fine - lil guy could just be slow to develop urethra function- but he also said it could cause damage to kidneys and other parts of baby or worst case scenario that the baby would not pee - there would not be enough amnio fluid and the baby would eventually die because of not enough amnio fluid.

I am racking my brain - surfin internet and asking anyone who has heard of this to help me - I am positive all will be ok - i have prayed on it and know that God will help us and keep our lil baby safe, but i also like to be knowledgeable of all that is happening to my baby.

Any help would be appreciated,



Dr Smith - March 15

Sorry, but this is completely outside my field of expertise. Please post your question on Dr Jacob's Infertility 101 Message Board. Perhaps he has some experience with fetal bladder obstruction. Are there any ostetrical Q&A boards out there? That would be the best place to post your question.



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