IVF question
1 Replies
Alexa - December 16

Hi Dr. Smith

I am going to be 40 shortly..we are moving on to IVF my question is the office guidelines is to basically transfer about 3 embryos if by chance I am lucky enough to have 4 good quality embryos would it be wiser to transfer all 4 would that make my chances better, from my understanding at my age it would be unlikely for me to conceive multiples, although he did tell me that he had a 40yr old patient that decided to have only two embryos transfered and she ended up having twins..

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give



Dr Smith - December 18

Go with 4. At your age, about 3/4 of the eggs are genetically abnormal. The liklihood of twins is low and the liklihood of triplets making it past the first trimester is zero

We all have anectotal stories of the the patient that... Don't attach too much credence in the anecdotal stories.



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