Fertility News

Study Refutes Benefit Of "Sperm-Saving"


In a study to be presented Monday at a European fertility conference, Israeli scientists provide the strongest evidence yet that men with low sperm counts can significantly reduce sperm quality by holding back for longer than a day or two.


Study Finds How Embryo Sticks To Uterus

WASHINGTON (AP) -- In research that could lead both to new ways to treat infertility and new types of contraceptives, scientists have identified molecules that help embryos stick to the wall of the uterus.



CDC: About 25 Percent Of Fertility Treatments Successful

ATLANTA (AP) -- More than 25,000 women had babies after seeking help at fertility clinics in 2000, a success rate of about one in four, federal officials said.



Study Shows Most Healthy Couples Conceive Within Two Years

VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Most healthy couples who are worried because the woman is not pregnant after a year of trying will conceive during the second year, a new study shows.



Smoking Decreases Men's Chances Of Fatherhood By IVF And ICSI

Vienna, Austria (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology) -- Men who smoke reduce their chances of successfully fathering a child by either standard IVF techniques or by ICSI, according to research carried out in Germany.



An InteliHealth/Harvard Medical School Look At The News - Our Biological Clocks

Research has provided the most precise insight yet into when biological clocks start ticking loudly and it's sooner than once thought: age 27 for women and 35 for men.



Scientists Discover Gene In Human Egg That May Be Necessary For Female Fertility

BETHESDA, MD (NIH) -- Fertility researchers at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) have discovered a gene present in the human egg that may be essential for early embryo development.


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