How to Manage IBS-C

A chronic bowel situation can become more intense during pregnancy so it is good to know how best to address the symptoms. The following are considerations to deal with IBS-C that are effective and won't put your pregnancy or baby at risk.

1. The best way to manage IBS-C while pregnant is with dietary fiber. Increased fiber should create more frequent bowel movements and softer stools. Get fiber in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain foods.

2. Using laxatives during pregnancy can be detrimental. Before using any laxative, talk with the doctor. If one is needed, a fiber supplement bulk laxative is probably best.

3. Stress management is a good way to ease symptoms without harming the baby. Yoga, meditation, cognitive behavior therapy and hypnotherapy are all effective ways to deal with stress.

How to Manage IBS-D

The symptoms of IBS-D are not easy to deal with at any time and it gets even more complicated during pregnancy. The safest way to try to manage IBS-D symptoms is with dietary modifications, keeping in mind that optimal nutrition is important for the growing baby.

1. Eating wisely is critical. Since fatty foods can stimulate intestinal contractions, a low fat diet is important. Poorly digested sugars like lactose, fructose and sorbitol all contribute to bloating and diarrhea. If flatulence is increasing, cut back on gas producing foods.

2. Before taking any kind of medications, talk with the doctor to find out which are safe to take during pregnancy. Some over-the-counter drugs are contraindicated for pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Prescription drugs should be checked thoroughly.

3. As with IBS-C, stress management techniques are useful to help manage concerns and possible fears about any negative effects of IBS upon the baby.


Table of Contents
1. IBS & Pregnancy
2. Tips to control IBS
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