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9 Replies
Fortyfour - December 16

Hi ladies, I had the meeting with the immunoligist and we recieived our plan. He said that with the next pg try we will do heparin or lovenox with egg transfer, folgard and baby asa starting now and we should be good to go. We will try again in Feb/March. I will see the Re in a few weeks to see what he thinks the plan should be. My body, mind and soul is finally feeling good so I want a couple of months feeling good before I screw with it all again. Take care all and baby dust to all.


baby4us - December 16

What exciting news 44... Enjoy the Christmas holidays... get some rest... and Feb/March will be here before you know it.

Glad to hear that things are progressing forward very nicely!

Baby Dust!


Karen123 - December 16

44, as you know there are SO MANY people routing for you!!! You will continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers and I hope SO MUCH to read happy news from you in the next few months. Karen


fiso - December 17

Hi Fourtyfour. You seem so chirpy! Thank you for sharing this info with us. It's good to read good news. Enjoy these couple months without the crazy hormones and the meds. Enjoy the holidays!


Fortyfour - December 18

Thank you ladies. I hope everyone has a restful Christmas and a great new year. I will be glad when a new year starts. Baby dust to all.


baby4us - December 20

Indeed. . Happy Holidays to everyone... get lots of rest and enjoy your loved ones!!


Debie - December 21

44 I'm glad to read about progress on your part. Things have been extremely busy before the break and I haven't had the time to read and respond to mail as much as I would love to. I take this opportunity to wish everyone a HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A BABY(S) IN THE NEW YEAR.


HeatherMac - December 23


I had great success with the Lovenox and Heparin. I actually started Lovenox the day after I found out I was pregnant and I used it until I was 36 weeks. My RE gave me the Lovenox as soon as my test came back positive. Then at 36 weeks, my OB had me switch to Heparin in case I went into labor early. Then night I delivered, I had to start back on the Lovenox for six more weeks. Typically, with thrombophilia (MTHFR and other assorted clotting issues), the biggest risk of throwing a clot is post-partum, so if you're on Lovenox during your pregnancy, you'll most likely continue after the baby is born. No big whoop. Remembering it is really the only challenge. Well, that and finding a good injection site that isn't already bruised.

I truly believe that it helped me maintain this pregnancy, and I was glad to have it. I'm sure it will do the same for you and I pray that you are reporting on your pregnancy very soon!!

My best wishes to you and your husband for a blessed holiday and a baby filled new year!!



TICKINGCLOCK - December 23


I have a good feeling about the New Year. Loads of baby dust to you in the upcoming months. Good things are coming our way and for god sakes its about time.

Keep us posted I am excitied for you..
Happy Holidays :)



Fortyfour - December 24

Thanks Tickingclock and Heathermac. I am not too worried about the meds. Only worry is another m/c and I will do anything to prevent that. Hubby and I keep having dreams about losing babies.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New year. Happy Holidays to all. Baby dust to all. Happy belly growing to all the are pg. Love you guys.



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