IVF anyone?
2699 Replies
Arabsrcool - August 22


what a precious girl!!. I'm glad she is finally here. You have started the line of births to come! Hurray!!!!


Yes I am getting quite large marge. I know how big I am with only one, I hope that you are even bigger than I am!

My balance has started being affected and I hate it when I drop something, that means I have to bend down to pick it up! I told my husband if my belly gets much bigger, he is going to have to start shaving my legs! Right now, I ate a big yummy lunch and Cara is pounding the crap out of me! However feeling her move is very reassuring! Glucose test is next week, YUCK!


I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that this is a viable pregnancy!



bethnyc - August 22

Congrats Julie --Enjoy your new bundle of joy. My best friend had her baby yesterday too.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Things here are good -- still on the Lupron and going in next week for bloods/scan to see if I can start the estrogen next week.

Transfer is still around September 20-25th. Just paid for the donor cycle (I'll be dreading receiving that Amex bill). But, hopefully it'll all be worth it.

Have a great weekend.



lyly14 - August 22

Hi girls thanks for all your well wishes but as I suspected it was BFN. I have an appt on the the 2nd of sept to discuss everything with my dr. and see the next step.

I am not much in the mood to write but i just wanted to update everyone I will do personals another time


Arabsrcool - August 22

:( lyly,

I am so sorry. Did you have any embies to freeze this time? You are in my thoughts.



bethnyc - August 22


I'm so sorry to hear the news. I can completely understand what you are going through. i just don't understand why these things keep happening to those who want something so badly.

I know you don't want to write (and I can't blame you), but know that we're here for you when you are ready.

I hope you can stay strong -- remember that there are other options and you can always try again. I know you don't want to think about that now, but I'm sure you will when you're ready.



vw79girl - August 23

Ronda...yes I am feeling like Large Marge too haha. Is your due date still around the 16th of Nov.? I'll send along the past two weeks of Belly shots and you can tell me if I am bigger than you. I must be!!!

Lyl, I am glad we spoke today. I thought about you all afternoon as I know the day of the BFN is the worst. But every day after that that gets closer to your appt. and finding out what is up. Hang in there. We are all here for you!


Marina - August 23

Lyly,sorry.We are in the same boat.Again.
Did I tell you guys about this wierd test we have to do with my DH?It's a DNA sperm fragmentation ASEY.
The wierd thing about it,that they have to come to your home for collection(bacause the lab is in Chicago,so they have to ship it on dry ice 1 hour after you done this(so you have to schedule this 2-3 day in advance)after 2-3 day abstance.But the problem is,nobody calls us back and returns the calls to set up the pick up time.It's nonsence.Why can't we just come to the lab,do the sperm and they ship it ?
I'm just so tired of this.


lyly14 - August 23

Marina- That must be very frustrating. I hope they call you back and you get that scheduled. They just have no idea what all this means to us. How one thing can hold up another. We don't have time to play waiting games!


Tanya1231 - August 23

I just wanted to drop in to let you all know that we had our donor FET on Thursday. We transferred one "excellent" and one "good" 5-day blast. So...now we wait. My beta is on Friday, fingers crossed!


vw79girl - August 23

Good Luck Tanya~
your beta on Friday? Is that 'cause you did blasts?


Tanya1231 - August 23

I guess that's why it is on Friday. It seems kinda soon to me too.


JamieP - August 24

Lyly I am really sorry to hear about your BFN. This whole process seems like so much to endure at times. I hope your doctor can come up with some answers for you on the 2nd.

I am finding it hard to get through all this waiting. I go back for an ultrasound on Thursday (where I will technically be 7 weeks) but that seems like forever away! I want this pregnancy to stick so badly but know that it could go either way. Also, I am at the point where I just want to know - is it viable or isn't it.



Jules614 - August 24

Kitlyn's birth story

It was determined that I was going to be induced on Thursday, 8/21/08 because the baby was big, My blood pressure was raising and they found 1+ protein in my urine. On 8/21 I arrived at the hospital at 6:45 a.m. where they set me up in a room and just monitored me for 2 hours to see if I was having any contractions on my own. I was 3 centimeters dilated when I was at the hospital. By 9 a.m. it was determined I was having no contractions and Kaitlyn had no intention of ever leaving me. So, they began the pitocin drip at 9 a.m. I started feeling light contractions within an hour. By 10:30 a.m. the contractions were gtting stronger. By about 11-11:30 a.m. the contractions were long and strong. I was in so much pain (different from my first where there was no inducing) I wanted the epi - but they did not want to give it to me until my cervix was broken down - by 2 I was ready to break down crying from so much pain (hubby actual video taped part of my delivery and my face says it all). They finally gave me the epi at about 3 p.m. because I was so tense I was not dilating plus I was demanding it. I as in a new world once the epi kicked in. I felt no pain from that point on. I knew when I was having contractions because Kaitlyn would stick her butt up all the way - by 5:54 p.m. I was 10 centimeters dilated and ready to puch. I gave 4 pushes and out came Kaitlyn at 6:04 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 20 inches long.

I thought things from there would be perfect but then by the second day a nurse observed that Kaitlyn's color was a little off and when they ran some tests, it seemed her oxygen level was below normal when she got worked up. They no longer would allow her in my room and people couldn't hold her until she had monitoring for several hours. They connected her to a machine that monitored her numbers. If they started to dip, they were going to have to put her in a special needs unitl for a couple days! Thankfully after good monitoring - it was felt that Kaitlyn was doing just fine and was just developing to working off her own body rather than mommies. We got to come home on August 23rd.



Jules614 - August 24

Lyly - I am so sorry to hear about your BFN. Sometimes life is not fair and you seem to be having a tough time with IVF. Have you considered a donor or are you going to try again? I am sending you lots of hugs!

Jamie - The waiting is the hardest part. I had very low numbers to begin with and then there was no heartbeat at my first appointment so trust me, I fell for you when it comes to the waiting.

Tanya - congrads on your donor transfer

Marina - I am sorry t hear about your frustration - have you heard anything since?

Beth - Glad you have an estimated transfer date. How are you feeling?

Jamie - Sleep what is that. Kaitlyn is up every 2 hours.

Everyone - Thanks for all your best wishes and support. My heart really goes out to Lyly and Marina.

Where do I go to change my ticker?



vw79girl - August 25

what a birth story!
I am glad you are both home and doing well.
currently I have my feet elevated as they look like Fred Flintstones. grrrrr. I will be wearing flip flops back to school most likely.

you get to make a fun new ticker now to do her age. I looked at them, they are really cute. :)


Jules614 - August 25

Hey Lisa - I am swollen right along with you as a result of the epi. They day it oculd be a couple weeks. My legs are bigger than I have ever seen them!




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