IVF anyone?
2699 Replies
Jules614 - June 25

Lyly - you are in my thoughts as well.



vw79girl - June 25

Reshma, Hope you got some rest.

Beth, I am glad you have something to look forward to...I hope all goes well on the 8th

I did 3 IUI's and nothing :( but some people do have luck with them.

Jen, let us know how the nuchal translucency goes. I know what you mean about the bloodwork. With more than one, it always comes back funky.

Lyl, thinking of you and hoping good things will come to you hun.

Jules and Reshma, my little buggers always seem to move more at night. I felt a few flutters today, must be the cold water I am drinking lol.

I finished sketching out the mural in the nursery. It is a Peter Rabbit theme with all of his friends and lots of trees and foliage etc. It looks good so far, I am so anxious to paint it!!! :)

Ronda and Marina...how you girls doing?

Okay so...I had to go to BJ's to get some muffins etc. for my kids and they had the small Carvel Ice Cream cakes. If you like ice cream cake...the are delicious. Naturally I bought one and Greg and I each had a slice last night. mmmmmmm


Jules614 - June 25

Lisa - Loved the mural. Can't wait to see it with paint.

Kaitlyn was moving all night but now she is sleeping once again. I think I will go fix myself some fruit.



JasJulesMom - June 25

Lisa- You should try the Ice Cream cupcakes they sell at BJ's in the ice cream section. They are delicious, you have to eat more than one.

What chat are you guys using. I want to get signed up. HELP!!


RB - June 25

Lyly, thinking of you and waiting to hear the news.

Julie, i am so glad you felt Kaitlyn moving..what a relief!

Lisa...the mural is really amazing...you are so talented! Can't wait to see the finished product! :)

Jen, good luck with the nucal. How is the weight gain going? have you been able to eat 4000 calories a day yet?

Debbie, Ronda...how are you girls?

Beth and Marina...hope your are both in good spirits...sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

I am eating a bowl of fruit and it is raining cats and dogs here...i think Zara is asleep seeing that she was up all night!


Jules614 - June 25

RB - Funny Zana is asleep after being up all night. I just had a fruit bowl and is Kaitlyn kicking. I was just interviewing someone on the phone and she was poking me and everything.... so reassuring as opposed to yesterday when I was a nervous wreck from not feeling her.



Arabsrcool - June 25


glad you are feeling Kaitlyn move around now. Thats scary when you don't feel them. I get that way now and my Cara is still so little.


You are supposed to eat 4000 calories a day????


my thoughts are with you today.

Lisa and Reshema,

almost to the 1/2 way point!!! Hurray!.

I got to doc tomorrow for my monthly check up. I'm sure they won't do an u/s since I had my 3-D last week, but it will be nice to hear the heartbeat.



jenfrancis - June 25

8)Nope, Reshma - no luck on eating 4000 calories. I dont even keep track. I eat when I am hungry, or getting a headache.

Lyly- Hugs and prayers your way, either way!

Beth - i hope you have some follicles this cycle! Good luck!

Debbie, Julie, Lisa, Ronda & Marina - Hi ladies!

I will definitely post what ever they say about the testing today. Not sure what all they do, I will take any opportunity to look at my three peanuts! Take care!


Jules614 - June 25

Ronda - Good luck at your u/s. You will have to send pics.

Jen - Good luck at your testing today.



vw79girl - June 25

Jen, I'm with you...eat when I get hungry. and speaking of food:

I had boneless buffalo tenders which actually aren't in the sauce...sauce is on the side. The tenders though, so crispy. I think they bread them in corn flakes. A little Jambalya rice on the side as well. Club soda with a lemon and a lime per usual.

Hope your test went well Jen!

Lyly, have fun at Red's recital!

Ronda, I am sure they will let you hear the heartbeats tomorrow.

I go for my u/s tomorrow. Cannot wait to see the little buggers again! :)

Debbie, I will have to try those as I love cupcakes. It is MSN instant messenger that we use.

I am done for the day and leaving school. I have a shower tonight for a prego I work with at the restaurant. She is having a girl and due next month. Should be fun. A bunch of us put it together for her. :)


bethnyc - June 25

Lyly -- thinking of you.

Ronda - hope the u/s went well.

Reshma - I think you might have a night owl on your hands -- but, it must be so great to feel Zara moving around.

JenFrancis -- I'm doing a FET with egg donor, so not worried about egg donor.

Julie - I'm sorry you're so tired. I'm sure the warm weather doesn't help with that.

Debbie - ice cream cupcakes - sounds delightful.

Lisa - I have to check out the mural - it's on your spaces page?

Got to run to a meeting. Hope everyone is doing ok and having a great day.



vw79girl - June 25

Beth, not yet but putting it on now. It is only in pencil so it may be a little hard to see.

Jen, I had that test too, we can compare notes.


lyly14 - June 25

okay girls no surprise BFN! I am going to start BCP as soon as I get my period by how am i supposed to figure out if it is my period with all this bleeding? Anyway I have an appt with my RE to go over everything and make a plan to start the new IVF on July 7th. I will be on bcp for about 3 weeks and then start stims! So IVF #2 here I come.


Jules614 - June 25

Lyly - great attitude. I am sure your time will come. Sometims it takes a couple tries. I went thtough almost 2 yrs of fertility treatments before I got my BFP - but here I am and you will have your big day soon enough!
We are all here for you.



vw79girl - June 25

Lyly, sorry about the BFN but I am happy that you are jumping into another fresh cycle! I know what you mean about not being sure about your period with all the bleeding but the RE will be able to tell you about that I'm sure. Have fun at the recital and look ahead my friend. The best is yet to come.


Marina - June 25

Lyly,if you are bleeding,than it is your period if you are not PG.They can put you on a pill right now to save you a month waiting untill the next time.They can do it on 2nd or 3d day.But probably it's better if you meet with RE and discuss the results,and have this month to work out on what could be done different next time.
Sorry,hon.We'll be together again.



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