3 Replies
Raisinette - March 11

Hi! I'm Sarah. My DH and I have been married a year and a half and have never used any contraception. (I am 29 and he is 38.)

DH was concerned that something was wrong with him and went to the doctor just to make sure. Well, the Dr. told us to go to a fertility clinic, which we did, but we felt like we've been bombarted with this. He just wanted a sperm analysis, but the fertility clinic will only let *me* make appointments and I have to have all the tests, etc. I did several tests, but refused the one with the dye. I know folks who've had adverse reactions to the dye.

It turns out that DH has low counts. So low that they tell us that IVF with ISCI is our only route. To be honest, I don't want to do IVF or any invasive procedure. I feel like a bit like a freak because we are good candiates for a sucessful IVF cycle. I just don't feel right about it.

Needless to say and as you all know, this has caused enormous stress for us.

Thanks for listening.


destinybaby - March 11

Hi Sara,

I just want to say my heart goes out to you. Dealing with any form of infertility is not easy. No one wants to believe that can't have a baby the most natural way possible, a night of romance and then... a little bun in the oven.

I truly understand, my problem is not my husband it ME and it kills me sometimes, however he is very supportive and that makes it a lot easier. So many women are going through this thing call infertility in whatever form. You are not alone. You will find a lot of support on this board as I have.

If everything ok on your part, then you should have a very successful cycle with IVF and at the end of it all you will have a beautiful baby.

Yes IVF is invasive, but it takes a lot more love and understanding to take on this journey. I must say that being a member of this forum made me feel more comfortable with dealing with my infertility issues and starting my journey with IVF.

You are not alone we are all here for you. I am so happy that I have this forum because none of my personal friends knows nothing about what I am going through and I really don't think they would truly understand anyway.

It will take some time, but you will kow when you are ready.



Raisinette - March 11

Thanks so much for the support!

Sometimes I feel like a weird-o because I don't want to do IVF. In all honesty, I'd rather adopt. I sometimes get strange reactions because adoption for so many people is a "last resort" sort of thing.


destinybaby - March 11

Hi Sara,

I can understand how you may feel about not wanting to do IVF, but my DH and I know that this is the only way to for us to have me carry our baby. It gets easier when you see how common it is. So many couples today are going this route. ;)

I suggest you read more about this and maybe you will get comfortable with the idea. Wanting to Adopt is not a bad idea if you feel that you cannot deal with the idea of IVF. It does not have to be a last resort it can just be your choice :)

The bottom line is you and your DH are happy with which ever way you choose to go.

I am just so happy that IVF success rate has gotten better over the years. I am actually excited about the idea of being pregnant this summer i will be doing my cycle in June (end).

If you are worried about what other people (friends or famil) would say, just don't share with them that you would be doing this. Just give them the great news when you are pregnant :D they don't need to know. and no one is going ask, "how did you get pregnant" they are just going to be happy for you.




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