I need some advice...
20 Replies
Fortyfour - May 28

Hi ladies, Meridith, I dont think I would talk to your sis about you journey because it will just cause you more pain. We have enough of that .

I have 2 sis's that tolerate some of my conversations but only in small doses. Most of my friends do not want to hear about it. Without you guys I would have been in the nut ward.

I am sorry we all have to put up with peoples opinions that are not positive. Whenever my hubbies mom calls she says, I hope you are not still trying, you are to old to be a dad. He gets so upset it makes me want to cry. Why does she think its any of her buisness.

Most people around me think I am too old and do checks ever once in awhile to see what is going on. "Are you still wanting a baby they ask?"
I would love to say, oh no, I decided that this month I was too old to have one. I wonder what they would say.

I think I am at a perfect age and stage in my life to have a child. I wont have to work all the time and leave my kid in childcare like I did with my first. I can enjoy being a mom. I dont care if they dont get it anymore.


sblanton2 - May 28

Good for you Fourty four, as long as you know that you are in a good stage in your life to have a child to heck with everyone else. Once you conceive everyone will sing a different tune!!!!

Wishing you all the luck on your upcoming cycle,


meridithhasfaith - May 28

Sylvia- Thank you for your kind words. I am glad my last cycle can be an inspiration for you. Yes, it worked the first time for and so it can for you but like you said, even if it's not the 1st time, it WILL happen!

44- Thank you for the advice about my sister. about all of the stories, yours, mine, everyone here, almost,It amazes me that people feel they have a right to pass judgement on something so personal as having a baby. I agree with you 100% about being ready to be a parent. I think back to when I was 23,24..and think, god if I had a baby back then, it would have been SO hard and so much different than now. I had my fun back then and grew up and am now ready to nurture my child that's here and anyone else who might come along. I guess I'm just amazed by how many idiotic comments are directed toward people who want to have a baby.

lol I think I could go on for days, I deleted half of what I wrote already. I'm glad to see we are all dedicated to this and are not swayed by careless comments of family members and friends.

Take care, everyone


Debie - May 28

Dear ladies, I appreciete all your views and experiences and can totally relate. My aunt had the nerve to tell me in the face, to start making babies soon, coz as is she's got a name for my baby "Pension", becoz by the time I have a baby I will be on pension. I am very serious, I chose to ignore her and it doesn't bother me anymore, but when she said so at the begining of this year I'd cry all the time.

People can be very insensitive while they don't know the grief we have to go through trying to get and stay pregnant. And as for my in-laws, that's a very long story, they don't know we m/c 3 weekends ago, and we won't let them know when we get pregnant again, for reasons I have no energy to relate to today. They will have to find out themselves!!!

To all of you my sistas, keep the faith, stay around positive friends and family members and let's just enjoy the fact that we have each other.

Loads of BabyDust.


Karen123 - May 29

It's amazing to me how strong women have to be. Not only dealing with trying so hard in our own ways to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) but we have to deal with ignorant and hurtful comments as well. Well, at least we know there are just as many wonderful people out there routing us on and hoping for the best for us.

Meridith, when my sister made the old lady comment, I was so stunned, I didn't say a word. But about a week later when I saw her again and my mother asked what I was now doing, I said "well despite the fact that I'm an old lady, I'm doing everything I possibly can to have a baby." My sister was like....oh, ummm, I didn't mean REALLY old, just you know...well, it's just not for me. Not the apology I was hoping for but clearly she felt at least a little bit bad. Hey, progress, right? :)



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