Countdown to IVF
2 Replies
Arabsrcool - January 28

Ok, I have 11 birth control pills left in the pack until I wait for AF, then the start cycle appt and monitor for stims......I am freaking out. This will be my first IVF and I am feeling like I am not sure this is a good idea. I really want another child, but wow, this IVF stuff is alot. I keep wondering if we are doing the right thing, if I can emotionally and physically handle everything....thoughts are just going round and round. I cannot sleep the closer it gets. Sorry to vent, but I think many people who post here can understand where I am coming from. My friends are great, but have no problem concieving and having babies, therefore have no concept of how I feel.


vligertwood - January 29

Its tough, all the waiting can drive you nuts. Deep breath and think about the goal. We have been getting ready it seems like forever. It seems like you're always waiting for the next step. My dh and I both have problems sleeping any night before I go in for us/bw. As far as the right thing, just think what your thoughts would be if you didn't try this as well. You've been on the emotional roller coaster this long and unfortunately that part doesn't seem to change. We're here if you need us. Lots of babydust to you.



Arabsrcool - January 29


Thanks for the support. I know if I backed out now, I would always wonder "what if".....its just nerves talking now. The waiting is terrible and I know from reading the other post the 2 ww is the worst. I just need to buckle down and do this. I had a glass of wine last night to help me sleep, it worked, however, once I start the "process" I won't be able to do that.

Ok, today is a better day. Thank you. Baby dust to you!




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