Anyone going through or have gone through gonal-f treatments?
166 Replies
That really sucks that so many health insurance companies don't offer fertility benefits. It makes things so difficult for a lot of couples. It's great that you are trying to stay positive and adapt a healthier lifestyle. Every little bit helps.
Lyly- Sorry to hear about dh's s/a. Has the Dr. given you any direction? I know what you mean about co-pays. They sure do add up. Make sure you keep receipts of everything medical and dental and at the end of the year if it adds up to a certain percentage of your income, you can use it as a deduction.
Amyjoy how are you feeling. when do you go for b/w and u/s. Hope you are doing well.
Hey amyjoy- so glad you are keeping in touch. It has been really great having everyone here to talk with. I hope you are doing well. I am so excited for you. Only 2 more days till your u/s. How are your hcg numbers doing?
They didn't really give us much direction other than for dh to go to the urologist for further testing. He said we can try IUI but I feel it is a waste of time. I remembered you mentioned your dh had some issue with his 1st s/a and when you did the first IUI. Did you dr. give you any reason for such a big fluctuation? My dh had low seminal fluid volume and low concentration of sperm per mil given the fact that he only had 1.1 of fluid total his count was extremely low (13.9 mil). I am wondering if he has some kind of blockage. And his morphology was bad too. It was only 6% (should have been 20%). I know the IUI worked for you but his count this time was really good. Did he have any morph issues or just count and motility?
Lyly- 2 of dh's samples were bad. Bad mobility and low count. I don't know why they were bad. We never really got an explanation and we never went to the urologist. We decided that if they continued this way we'd do ivf with ICSI. I know he cut ALL alcohol out and no hot tub. It could take as long as 3 months for sperm production to return to normal. I know some vitamins can help. I'm sorry I don't have more answers for you.
Amyjoy- Thanks for your input. Did they ever recommend a urologist? Dh is a heavy smoker, which effects morph, but as far as count he wears boxers, doesn't do hot tubs. So I don't know. I have an appt. with my RE on the 25th to discuss IVF with ICSI. If he only had count issues I might have tried the IUI but at this point I have been on meds for 5 months now. I don't want to keep putting my body through that if the chances are low. I was reading that with meds and IUI for male factor there is only a 8% chance for pg. IVF /ICSI has a 50 to 60 % success rate depending on the place. Can't wait to hear about your u/s.
My Dh is a smoker, too and I thought that would effect his overall s/a, but I guess not. No, they never suggested a urologist.
Amyjoy-how did the u/s go? Doesn't look like much at this stage, but before you know it you will see your beautiful baby(or babies). So much changes over the next few weeks. I hope everything went well!
JasJules-How are you doing? You excited that dh is coming home tomorrow? Hope all is well with you and the children.
So far I have 2 gestational saks, so it looks like TWINS! The nurse said to be cautious because sometimes one sak doesn't contain a baby or grow. So Saturday we are going to hear the heartbeat(s). So I guess we'll know a little more then.
Amyjoy-Congratulations! Wow Twins how cute. It is good to be cautious. I have heard stories about the vanishing twin, but at least you know it is not triplets or more!!! Whew that would have been difficult financially and physically. How many weeks will you be when you go in for the next u/s? 6 weeks? It is so funny how they look like little blobs on the u/s now, but within a few weeks they will start to look like tiny babies. It is so amazing to watch them develop. I wish you a happy and HEALTHY pregnancy. Keep my posted on how you and the little ones are doing!
Lyly- I will be 6 wks, 4 days. on Saturday.
Amyjoy- Congrats on the twins, how exciting. Hope you are doing well.
Lyly- I am good, waiting for dh to get home. His plane is delayed dur to crappy weather. A bit nervous, hope he gets home ok. The hurrican in tx and ok is really causing problems.
Jasjules- Hope dh got home ok. I am sure you will both be glad to see each other.
Thanks for asking lyly dh did get home ok.
Hello! I am new to any kind of message board so forgive me if I am doing anything wrong...A/way, I start my first shot of lupron tmrw and then I start Gonal F on Friday along with Menopur. I am tramatized by the entire process but I keep thinking about the end result to get my nerves through this!! Good luck to you all!!
Hi lucky Welcome to the forum. Are you doing a cycle of IVF? I just finished a failed cycle of gonal-f with timed intercourse, but am going to discuss moving on to IVF with ICSI with my RE this sat. The shots are really not that bad. I had difficulty giving myself the first shot and had to have someone else give it to me (tried to insert the needle slowly-big mistake!), but after I just did it quickly and barely felt it. Anyway, you will get through this whole process. This forum is a great way to talk about everything with people who know what you are going through. Good luck to you.