HI everyone I Just wanted to make sure I am supporting everyoone and hearing about everyones expierences.. Let me know if anyone is on the dreadful 2ww.. mytest dat is 19th .. I am so getting ready to sneek a test in..lol.. ~Jena Praying for everyone!
jena ur better then me i couldnt wait
hie ladies i just wanred to know what is 2ww take care and loys of baby dust
Hi how are you? the 2ww = two week wait. you know after you fo iui/ivf. Yuou have to wait 2 weeks to find out if it worked. Are you doing treatment? Good luck ~Jena
Hi, I am only on day 10 and suppose too test the 19th. But i am so anxious, Although I talked to the nurse today and she said all the symptoms are normal im feeeling and no one really knows if there preg until the test day because all the symptoms are the same(that was discouraging) All this time I thought that the reason I was feeling Preg was from the trigger shot but From what the RN said , Its from the egg sac left insde and if I start my period it comes out and if I dont then I start building my own preg hormone. and so forth. Maybe me feel hopeless...but we will see. I almost am afraid to test now.*sad* ~Jena
Hie there jene i hope ur coping well 19 th is not very far away but i know how it feels seconds seem hours and days seem years, Whats this aboat bleeding sorry i did not understand? i am on trearment am doing my first ivf i tried 3 iuis but they failed, am on my firts medication which is synarela nose spray, i started on the 9 th of nov and its my7th day am suppose to use i sprays in each nostral twice a day= 4 , at 7am and at 7 pm But a weard thing happend i was suppose to start my pr on the 12 but i still have not, we did not try to get pregnant because we r doing ivf so ristricted from the clinic, but i was not told that they will be late they said they should come on time, and it cant be synarela becuse till 12 nov i was only 4 days through medication which is to early for side eeffects deos any one know? take care and lots of baby dust i will pray for u
I am on my 2ww. I go in on 11/21 for my blood test. Good luck to all!
Kristen, How are you feeling? I am praying for you. Keep us posted.. ~Jena
best of luck on the 19th...I hope you get "2" lines.
I test on the 27th.
I test the 19th too and I want to pull my hair out. I refuse to take hpt. I don't think I could handle it. Anyway, I was borderline OHSS, all that subsided but i am having a good deal of pain in my right ovary/side and lower back. Still on Prometrium and Estrace. Anyone else had these symptoms? Didn't have it first IVF and that one resulted in dd. Kinda scared...
Good luck to all
Isabelle, How are you feeling? I also am praying for 2 lines..*smiles* I will be keeping you guys posted. and please do the same. I will pray for you. ~JEna
mommabutton Hi Its great to be in the same boat as you.. *HUG* I am excited for you as well. Yeah I am having a lot of cramping (lower abdomen pain) and sharp stabbing today. so Be sure to log in and let us know about your resluts. do u go get a blood test or hpt?
Kristen, Only a few more days left.. how are you doing?
Brianandjena: I had my iui on 5-28 and the dr tested me on 6-10
tomorrow.. omg. I am so nervous. ~jena
Thank you so much! I am hoping for 2 lines as well..... well actually I bought a hpt its the EPT so it has a plus and a minus sign.... so we need a +... ~jena
[quote author=Brianandjena link=board=15;threadid=5003;start=0#43293 date=1195375413] Isabelle, How are you feeling? I also am praying for 2 lines..*smiles* I will be keeping you guys posted. and please do the same. I will pray for you. ~JEna [/quote]
I will be sending you bunches of baby dust for your test tommorrow...actually is baby snow...I live in alaska. Isabelle