Need help. Had US toay at 5wks 1 day
2 Replies
momma04 - May 9

Today I had my ultrasound and they found 3 gestational sacs. However, 1 of them is measuring on the small side. I should be 5 wks 1 day and according to them, they are measuring 4wks 3 days. They are continuing to monitor my numbers. They are doubling every 1.36 days. Anyone else been thru this?
2 sacs are measuring .5mm and 1 is measuring .3mm

They all three beside them say <5th%


bdantonio - May 9

I would not worry. They can be a little behind now and still catch up also mulitples usually do run smalled and its also not uncommon for one of them to be smalled then the others. How do you fel about having triplets though?


JasJulesMom - May 9

I would not worry mty RE told me an embryo can measure 1 week behind and still be a viable pregnancy!!

Good luck with triplets...sounds exciting



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