My first baby is having surgery Monday
12 Replies
baby4us - May 15

My 13 year old border Collie - Angus.. is having surgery Monday.. I've got to get him to the vets really early.. and am not looking forward to it.

He is a very active 13 year old.. but he has been developing lumps.. which is pretty normal in older dogs.. btu I noticed a few months ago that he had two lumps near his anus and they have been growing.. YIKES... so the vet is removing them tomorrow and sending them off to be biopsied.

Whether they are cancerous or not.. I just can't think about it right now.. he is my baby.. my first baby!!!!!

It is going to be so tough... he is strong and healthy.. I am sure he will be fine.. but I can't stop myself from thinking that here I am about to bring my baby (girl??) into the world and experience the most wonderful, miraculous event... and might also be faced with the mortality of my best pal....

I just needed to get that off my chest,,, I am feeling very blue.. but I shouldn't expect the worst either... thanks for listening.......


fiso - May 15

Hi Baby4us, don't see the worst yet. Wait till you have th results of the biopsy to worry. Sometimes we see the worst out of a situation when later one we realize that there was no need to worry like we did!
Keep us posted on his recovery! Think positive.


HeatherMac - May 16

Ooooh...Baby4Us...I am really sorry. I know this is hard.

When I was 7 months pregnant, ON DH'S BIRTHDAY, we had to put our beloved kitty down. He was 14, he was our first baby, and I still cry to this day over him.

I would not suggest that kind of thing, so I will say prayers for his really need him now so make sure he understands that!!!

Keep us posted!!!



baby4us - May 16

Hi Fiso and Heathermac.. thank you for the kind and encouraging words.. I brought him home yesterday afternoon.. he was still groggy and had shaved patches here and there from surgery.. he looked like he'd been in a fight!

But he is so angry with us right now.. although I am sure he feels sore.. I still haven't decided whether to send the lumps from his bum off for a biopsy yet.. they are holding them for me... not sure if ignorance is bliss in this situation.. but anyway.. at least he is home safe and sound... but I have to keep him quiet for the next few days.. again thanks for your support... I was feeling so sad on Sunday night and had to write it down somewhere!!


baby4us - May 16

PS Heathermac... that is very sad about your kitty... you never do get over our furry family members!!


fiso - May 22

Hi Baby4us. How is your "first baby" doing since surgery? Still mad at you? I hope not.

How about you, feeling OK? The big day is coming up....!!

I'm doing fine, getting big. I just realized this weekend that my last pair of "normal" pants don't fit me any more. I bought them a couple sizes bigger than my regular size and they were great! But now, no more. It's a marathon in the mornign to find a top that fits too! I haven't bought any materniuty tops yet, I think this is time!



baby4us - May 23

Hi Fiso.. Ahh.. I remember those days... too big for your "regular" clothes and not quite ready to do the maternity clothing thing!!

I bought a couple of cheap pants (a few sizes larger than what I normally wear) in the early stages.. and wore those for quite a while.. they were great.. but it does seem like you wake up one morning and boom... you are big!!
You'll have fun maternity shopping.. there are so many great places to shop these days.. I wish I could send you all my clothes.. I had a lot given to me from friends.. but many of the clothes are winter clothes.. so wouldn't do you much good!

It is also more difficutl for you in the warmer weather to wear concealing clothes! How are you feeling otherwise?

I am doing great.. but I keep waffling between excitement that this will soon be over and I will soon be able to meet my baby.. and then I get REALLY scared.. am I a freak or what!!

My first baby.. Angus.. is doing much better.. finally.. it was 3 days of him not wanting to move much and flashing me really angry looks... I felt so horrible.. but he has been up and zooming around so he must be feeling better!! I am very much relieved.. now.. if I can just get comfortable at night for ONE good night's sleep before the baby comes..!!!



Hi Ladies:

Good to see you all seem to be doing well. Poor Angus!!! Glad he is doing better. Its amazing how much animals become one of the family memembers. We have a 2 year old white boxer and he can make even your worst day better pets are good therapy he listens like he really understands too. (and the best part is he doesnt even send a bill) ha ha.. anyway coudnt imagine life with "Harley"..
Not much new on the baby front been trying the good old natural way for awhile took a break from the fertility doctors meds ect...
But 2 weeks ago I got the worst case of poison ivy ever.
Even ended up in the hospital because I had a reaction to a med they put me on. Needless to say I am now going into the 3rd week of scratching ... I went to the docs for different meds again today. Hope something works already.. I will never get preg at this rate!! I think all the pink stuff all over your body puts a damper on the mood.. LOL my husband has been a saint he certainly passes the in sickness and health test...
gotta laugh about it I always said if I didnt have bad luck I woulnt have any at all
hope it goes away soon by next week I wont have any skin left.. Talk to you later!!:)


baby4us - May 24

OH Gina that sounds awful.. I am a huge magnet for poison ivy as well.. a few years ago I got it on my face and my head swelled to the size of a mini van. I was so embarrassed.. I walked around with a scarf over my head for days until the steroids kicked in.. what a disaster.. so PLEASE keep your hands away from your face! I'd hate for that to happen to you!

I've got some poison ivy on my ankles right now.. was absent mindedly scratching them the other day.. I just hate wearing socks in the summer so I have to suffer through the infections!!

I hope you are feeling better... have you tried washing/scrubbing the infected area with laundry soap... they say the best thing is to dry the buggers out... and laundry soap is pretty effective.. plus gets the itch out. I usually do that during the day.. followed by a dose of rubbing alcohol and then I put calamine lotion on in the evening -- Oh so attractive! I know how you feel!

I hope it doesn't kill the mood too badly.. here's to lots of productive baby dances for you and DH!!!! Keep us posted!!


HeatherMac - May 24

I'm really sorry you ladies have such reaction to poison ivy...that sucks. I'm blessed to not be bothered with it, but I have a REALLY funny story about poison ivy that I have to share.

A few years ago a friend of mine decided she and her husband would go on one last camping trip before the baby arrived. She was REALLY pregnant and they had a great time...even with her preeclampsia. They got back and she had her regular doc appointment and they admitted her to the hospital to get her preeclampsia under control. Well, she started to itch quite badly from the poison ivy, but her preeclampsia was getting worse so she was in quite a state. The next day they decided the baby had to come now because her health was taking a dive, so they delivered the baby early. He was in fine health, and so was she...but she developed a terrible rash from the poison ivy...IN THE SHAPE OF HER HUSBAND'S HANDS...on each of her breasts!! Needless to say, her husband was TOTALLY redfaced the entire time they were having the meeting with the lactation consultant to discuss whether or not she could pump because of the poison ivy all over her breasts.

So, while the poison ivy rash is undoubtedly pretty bad, it could always be worse!! HAHAHA!!

Gina, I hope you're feeling better!!




The size of a mini van? I couldnt stop laughing... I know it wasnt much fun at the time but your post cracked me up. Oh and about the face already looked like i was punched in my left eye it swelled shut almost..
Heather mac
What a story your poor friends.. I could imagine how embarressed they were.
I made it through today will no scratching for once its the first time in over 2 weeks. think the doc got my meds right finally!!!:)
Have a great thursday ladies



baby4us - May 25

HeatherMac... what a great story.. How hilarious... but I can imagine he must have been mortified... er.. umm... those aren't MY hand prints.. but at least it sounds like they had some "fun" before baby arrived!!

Tickingclock... are you feeling better..?? Ok so maybe my head wasn't quite the size of a mini van.. but it was COMPLETELY swollen.. and you know.when you are swollen you look completely different.. I looked like an alien and I am sure I must have looked even freakier while trying to cover up with a fashionable scarf!!

So I alwasy keep my hands away from my face these days,... again last night I was absent mindedly scratching away at the bit of poison ivy I have on my ankles (from walking the dogs without long pants and/or socks on!!).. and right away got up to wash my hands so I wouldn't infect my face!

Glad to hear your meds are working... But def. try the laundry soap and rubbing alcohol too...


fiso - May 25

Tickinglclock, glad to hear from you. I can understand that your mind is not in the baby making mood right now, it's more, if I could rip my skin off my body, I would!!! just had poison ivy once and it's a horrible feeling.
Baby dust to you



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