3 Replies
China - April 6

My neighbor’s son came down with the chicken pocks. Should I be concerned if my daughter visits? She’s 15 and great friends with my neighbors daughter. I already had the chicken pocks and so has my daughter.
I only had my second positive preganancy test on Monday. 1st U/S tomorrow.


tiggerpounce418 - April 6

My sister had Chicken Pox when she was a child, but got it again in her 20's. So, it's not really true that you can't get it twice. I'd keep your daughter from visiting until the child is better. Just as a precaution, you might also keep their daughter out of your house in the meantime, just in case she is carrying the germs (and not showing signs).


HeatherMac - April 7

First of all - CONGRATS on the pg test!! How wonderful!! I wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy.

Now, as for your question: my very best friend had chicken pox as a child, but got them again when she was pregnant and she was MISERABLE! I think there was some concern because you can get some kind of pneumonia, and I know there are other concerns for the baby as well, so you might do well to keep everyone separated until you can talk to your doctor. Your daughter can carry anything in and not get sick, but what she carries in can make you and baby sick.

Call your doctor...that should always be your first call. I had a friend who called her doctor every single day she was pregnant...with serious questions, and quite silly questions, but she called him every day. That's what they're there for...they know this stuff, you don't...they did the time in med school, so help make sure they're using their degrees. Besides, their mothers would thank you.

I would keep the chance of ANY kind of illness - chicken pox, lice, colds, flu, etcl. as far away from you as possible...even if you have to bar your kids from hanging out with friends who are sick. WAY EASIER said than done, yes, but you have to care for all your kids...those who are out and about, and those who are still tucked away safely inside.

Again, congratulations on the pregnancy and keep us posted!!



China - April 7

Thank you both. I will make sure to stay away from the germs ;).



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