Just a newbie- here's my story
4 Replies
ambersparkle - June 23

Since I am a newbie (literally found this site today and was amazed that I felt connection just by reading other people's comments) I just thought I should share my story (not that it's incredibly interesting)

I have been married to the love of my life and soul mate for 2 years. I am 22 and have always wanted nothing more than to be a mommy and raise babies. I have worked with kids all my life (preschool teacher) and am used to the "Youre going to be such a great mom someday..." comments.

DH and I decided to just "see what would happen", so I quit taking birth control about a year ago for various reasons. HOwever, after BC my periods became incredibly irregular- about every 3 months- and I had no idea what was wrong. Countless people told me that my body just needed time to adjust so I have waited. Also, my periods were NEVER regular regular before BC. I have never been able to pin-point my period by the day. I have an EXTREME fear of doctors, yet I am also sort of a hypocondriac in a sense. If I see or hear of something and I can possibly see that I have had the symptoms I think I could have it... but talk myself out of it later.

Now we have really decided to start actively trying, ie-charting temps, throwing away the "alternate protection" and I did a lot of research and ordered ovulex (if even just to regulate my periods) and literally just took my first pill this morning.

I am really scared and worried that it won't work- that nothing will work...so, am I crazy? Does anyone else just starting out get scared??

Anyway, just wanted to share...Hope to make some good friends, learn a lot, and hopefully share a success story with all of you on this board!


sammy71 - June 24

I posted another message on the Ovulex VIII board and you will get lots of information from reading the posts related to this site and the Ovulex I - VII boards.

I've been taking Ovulex for 3.5 weeks and it's an emotional rollercoaster. I've been battling with infertility for 12 years and it's emotional. I've been through an adoption and now have a beautiful son and I also went through a divorce. Biggest piece of advice I can give you is to make sure and keep your DH the center of attention. The pursuit of the "Golden Baby" can ruin a perfect marriage. Take care and feel free to write me at [email protected] if you want to talk.

Take care. Sammy71


ALtilson - September 27

Well I heard about geritol from my sister-in-law. And It really works. I can't get pregnant because of the depo shot, It stopped my periods, even when I stopped taking It, but I started taking geritol and I just started coming on not regulary, but it's a start. So far It's making me happy.I'm trying for a little girl this time. I already have two boys.


designer girl - September 28

Hello Altilson,
I am also trying for a girl this time. I have two grown boys (beautiful I might ad) and now DH & I want a girl, but we will be happy either way :) I'de like to chat with ya & see our progress. I am also a member of the Birth Planning Center, they assist you in gender selection by giving you favorable tips & dates for conception of a certain gender. It's neat really. Hope to hear from you soon,
designer girl


stephejl - October 4

I am fairly young (only 22). I got pregnant with having missed a bc pill. I have a daughter that is going on 2, and have decided that I want another chilld. I have only tried for the last couple months naturally, and nothing has happened. I've thought I was pregnant, but come to find out- i'm not. I think the mind is such apowerful thing, that it created the symptoms of pregnancy, making me think I was pregnant. I want a baby, and am disapointed when it doesn't happen, but not yet in desperation, like alot of these other readings. I do think I have an obsession with it. I go to stores and buy gender nutral things, thinking that's it not going to be difficult, all you have to do is have sex 14 days after the 1st day of your cycle. As I read the other stories, my heart felt for them, and I am reminded of how blessed I am to have the daughter that I do have, and maybe I'm not that bad off. I was considering taking ovulex, and see if it would get me pregnant. My cycles are pretty normal- iget one every month, just not clockwork lately. It was 5 days early and very light compared to normal, and no cramping. I thought I was spotting and that I was pregnant, well- i took a hpt after I was supposed to have gotten my period, and Negative result is what I got. My partner held me, i think more dissapointed than i was, but maybe it stress too. The stress of wanting a baby so bad that it causes the norm of your body to get all wacked out. That's one reason why I wanted to try this ovulex. I spent the last 3 hours reading the stories of these women, and have heard no positive results thus far from any of these women. Hmmmm.... I think I have lots of time compared to some women here, but I dont want to wait 20 years of trying to find out it's not going to happen. Even the stories of fertility drugs dont seem to be a sure thing. Am I going about this all wrong? Is it worth trying- and put myself in a constant emotional rollercoaster?



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