young age bad eggs
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jyossh - December 22

Hi Ive been trying to get pregnant since the age of 26.After a year I decided to see a Gyneacologist.She put me on some fertility pills for a year and then tried IUI twice.Moved on to IVF and tried it 3 times.Those 3 times I only managed to go upto egg retrival and no further..the reason being that my eggs which were only 3 or 4 everytime were very bad.Each time the Doc showed me pictures of eggs that were totally disintegrated after a day.Now Im 42 and have completely given up the thought of babies but everytime my period is late which by the way is horribly regular I still hope even though I know I can never get pregnant.
Why did I have this problem with my eggs at such a young age and has anything changed in the medical world that despite my age now can help me?



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