Here are the facts:
I am 31 years old and in good health. I had a tubal ligation 10 years ago. I have two children 10 and 12 years old. 3 day FSH is 11.9 Antral follicle count is eight. I have had one IVF cycle cancelled due to poor response. One failed IVF cycle. One failed FET with one excellent and one good 5 day donor blastocyst.
I am considering a tubal reversal...is there any reason to beleive that this may not work for me? IVF has completely drained me mentally, physicaly, and financialy.
I seriously doubt that a tubal reversal will provide results you seek, if IVF did not. Good luck.
Why do you say that? Please elaborate... I had one chemical from a fresh cycle and one BFN from a frozen cycle.
If you did not respnd well to an IVF stimulation, you probably have poor ovarian function, even at your young age. You will almost certainly require aggressive stimulation with FSH products. You may as well do IVF as opposed to hoping for a single egg, if you ovulate, on your own at all. Also, if you have a tubal reversal, since your tubes will have been operated twice, they are damaged. You will be at greater risk for tubal pregancy. Good luck.
So... since I had a failed cycle, a cancelled cycle, FSH 11.9 (one time), and a antral follicle count of eight that means that a reversal has poor chances of working? I am aware that there are an increased incidence of tubal pregnancies. The increase incidence does not seem to be cause to not to proceed with a reversal in amny instances. I just cannot see spending tens of thousands of dollars on IVF that has proven to be unsuccessful thus far. Is it incorrect that the success of reversals is 60-80%?
Success rate of tubal reversal is dependent on the surgeon. I tis difficult to apply statistics from multiple sources and apply them to individuals. I must repeat, if you are not reliably producing eggs, you are unlikely to become pregnant, even if your tubes are open.
So, How do I find out if I am reliably producing eggs?
There are only 2 ways to KNOW you have ovulated. One is to observe follicl rupture with serial ultrasound exsaminations. The other, at the risk of sounding flippant, is to become pregnant. The fact that you have had a poor response, twice, to efforts at IVF stimulation implis your ovaries are not functioning normally.