Hi Dr. Jacobs,
I just finished my ET on Wednesday and we were able to transfer 4 eight-celled embryos (which were ICSI'd), three of which had 5% fragmentation and the other had zero fragmentation. It was a Day 3 transfer. Based on this info., I was wondering if you could give me the percentage of success for this scenario?
By the way, I am 29 years-old with PCOS- currently taking 1500 mg of Metformin.
Thanks so much! Shannon
What you are asking isfor data which are very program specific. We rarely transfer day 3 embryos, and when we do, it is because they are do not look optimal. We primarily transfer blastocysts. If we do transfer early, it is because our lab director thinks the uterus is a better incubator than what he has. Good luck.