RH Negative
3 Replies
Crystal - March 30

I would like to know if you could give me some type of information on being RH Negative and miscarriages.

I have had 2 miscarriages and I was told today that I am RH Negative, can you help me to understand what this has to do with my having miscarriages.

Thank You so much


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - March 30

Being Rh negative does not cause you to have miscarriages. If the lost pregnancies were Rh positive, there is a risk of your making antibodies to the Rh factor. If that happens, your immune system could damage a future Rh positive pregnancy, in the late second trimester, or during the third trimester of pregnancy. If you are Rh negative, you should have been given Rhogam after your losses.
Good luck.


Guest - April 1

Dr. Jacobs,

I am Rh negative. I had a chemical pg last fall (beta never topped 80) and I miscarried at almost 6 weeks. I was not given Rhogam at that time.

Subsequently, I became pregnant the very next cycle (no period after the miscarriage). I had some light spotting (old blood) at 6w and was not given Rhogam at that time.

I did get a Rhogam shot at 27w.

When you said that if the lost pg was Rh+ the immune system could damage a future Rh+ pregnancy in the late 2nd or 3rd trimester, what "damage" were you referring to? Do you think I'm OK with not having had Rhogam until week 27 with light spotting in early pg and previous m/c with no Rhogam at those times?


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - April 2

If you are making antibodies to the Rh factor, and you have an Rh positive pregnancy, your immune system can start destroying the red blood cells of the pregnancy. Your OB should be carefully monitoring the antibodies you make, and the well being of the pregnancy.
Good luck.



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