quick question re: success rates.
1 Replies
Hi! I am wondering what my success rate would be with this cycle. And what the chances are of having one baby, twins, triplets or none. Here is my situation.
I am 31 yrs old. I had the egg retrieval on 8/13 and had 20 eggs, 13 of which were fertilized and growing. On 8/18 we transferred 3 good quality early blastocysts and also froze 3 morulas.
Our hx: We had a successful baby after our 1st IVF attempt 2 years ago at which time we transferred 2 expanding blastocysts. At that time we froze 6 blastocysts, which were transferred in 3 tries (2 each try), none of which was successful.
So now as I am "patiently" waiting for 8/31 (our pg test day) I am wracking my brain and the internet for stats.
Thanks Jenny
Success rates are very center related. The probability of successful pregnancy is likely different in the center you ar using, compared to ours. Please ask your RE what he/she thinks your probability of pregnancy is. Good luck.