Question about E2 levels and First IVF Cycle
1 Replies
DreamstoReality - August 5

We stopped my last cycle, but will be trying another one soon.

My E2 was creeping up slowly, although everything else was going along fine. Reason for the cancel cycle was concern for the quality of the eggies not being good if we tried to save the cycle.

Just like an option on what the E2 level is suppose to be during IVF medications per each stage...

My levels were:
Day6 - E2 : 196
Day7 - E2 : 206
Day 9 - E2 : 405

Prior to starting my IVF meds. I did BCP (birth control pills) for 20 days, stopped for 2 days and started IVF meds on day 3 (Menopur = 225 IU - 2xs daily (am & pm).

I suspected I was over suppressed therefore my E2 couldn't climb the way it needed.

[b]What do you think?[/b]

Even though my RE didn't say it, he said C2 will be without the BCP - treat it as a natural cycle next time.

I am 46 years of age, FSH and LH all in the normal range ... when I started my medications my FSH was only 6.8 (highest FSH level I've ever had was 12.8) This cycle we canceled was my first IVF cycling. I did hear that the first one may not go in accordance to what you wish, but C2 can be a better cycle.

[b]How do you feel about this? True or False?[/b]


B. Jacobs, M. D. - August 6

Sadly, the problem is that you are 46, not 26. Your chances of an embryo implanting, if you even get one is less than 6%. Your risk of miscarriag, if you even get a pregnancy is about 35%. As eggs age, they are more likely to have the wrong number of chromsomes. USE AN EGG DONOR, or do not waste any more money.
Good luck.



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