Provera Question
1 Replies
Melissa01 - August 29

I have taken Provera to induce my period and have done so 3 times previously as well. The first time I got my period 3 days after the last pill. The second time it was 4 days after and the third it was 5 days after. This time I am on day 11 and have still not gotten my period. Any ideas why? I have taken Clomid for 2 cycles and both times my day 21 blood test showed I did not ovulate. Thanks!


B. Jacobs, M. D. - August 29

It is possible that on the most recent occassion you took Provera, you did not have adequate estrogen preparation of your endometrium. Clomid blocks estrogen effect at the cellular level. I have not prescribed it in over 15 years. Please see the information I have provided on our web site, <>.
Good luck.



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