1 Replies
lakshmi - October 20

Hello Doctor
I had hydrosalpinx and both of my fallopain tubes are removed (in april 06)and i am in my initial pre testing stage of ivf, i had my ultrasound today( second day of my menstrual period) and my uterus is fine and my ovaries shows 12 follicle one side and the other one has 10 follicle.but my doc said that i had some solid mas in my ovaries. what would be the reason for that mass?( in my previous ultrasound no mass were present ), he said it might also be due to post ovulation.Is it common to have a mass in ovaris.
thank you


B. Jacobs, M. D. - October 21

I really have no explanation. It would be unususal for a solid mass to grow rapidly in the ovary in a short period of time. Also remember that echo dense does not necessarily mean solid.
Good luck.



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